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Antabuse advice

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    Antabuse advice

    Thanks, all. I think good advice. I'll be so busy on trial that I won't have much time to drink. And when my coworkers are, I will just do my best to put up a solid front.


      Antabuse advice

      miki;630932 wrote: I look at it two ways: one, I really do believe that if I go on the drug, I will stay the hell away from booze. But, the stakes are high: if I slip up, I'm going to end up at the hospital during trial, which is certain job termination.
      Miki, when I read the sentence above, it seemed like a contradiction: "I will stay away from booze, but IF I slip up..." You won't slip up, IF you stay away from booze... I think sometimes the way we word things shows our subliminal message!

      Because of your uncertainty, I would vote with the people who have said to wait until after the trial is over to start the antabuse.

      What if you took something like xanax to help with anxiety during the trial? (Only when Really needed!) It might take away some of the need to medicate with alcohol, too. But if you do drink, you could try to moderate... (Easy for me to say!!) You could try the old trick of drink one, then drink a glass of water, drink one - etc. Surely, you would be so Full, you won't be Able to get drunk??!

      Or even look at it like you're "temporarily" not drinking during that trial. And you can drink when it's over - but you may be so proud of yourself for not drinking, you may want to stick with it!

      Either way, good luck with the trial. Hope it goes well.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Antabuse advice


        First off, I am glad you found this website. It can always be a great tool for it is whatever you need at that time. Its a place where you can be anonymous, but always know you are around others who share in some of the same issues, and who truly understand. Its also a place where you can get great advice, or share advice with others. I've had tears run down my face many times while either typing out my own problems, listening to others problems, or having a "lightbulb" moment where something struck me so profound it made me see everything so clear.

        I have been reading your posts this morning, getting a sense of who you are. Your like me in ways, my drinking completely destroyed my marriage (cheated TONS of times drunk) and I always destroyed and hurt the ones I truly love and alienated myself from them, by keeping my dirty secret.

        I think you should just go for it, and take the plunge with the antabuse. Its going to change your life for sure, but I think you are ready for it. This trial coming up sounds like the perfect opportunity to be on top of your game, and prove to yourself and others just what a capable incredible lawyer Miki can be. You said your the type of person who would stay away once you take the pill. You are a smart person, I doubt you would drink on this serious medication.

        I think your holding yourself back by not taking it. I hope I have not overstepped any boundaries. If you read any of my posts, you will see I am considering antabuse myself, but yesterday at a doctors visit my doctor gave me some herbal stuff that she thinks will work for me. Im going to at least try, but if it does not work for me, I will be joining in with my antabuse taking friends on here.

        Just my two cents, written from the heart.


