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What are AA meetings like?

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    What are AA meetings like?

    I was thinking of attending one. There are quite a few groups that meet in my area. I was wondering what they are like? Do others find them beneficial? Will I have to introduce myself and talk the first time I go in or can I just listen initially? Do people show up at meetings intoxicated? (not sure if I could handle that right now)


    What are AA meetings like?

    I went to a few in different towns about 10 years ago. They were all very different.. some small with


      What are AA meetings like?

      Aww the AA question. I'm smiling because I asked myself for years if I was a drunk. My answer in my mind was was "hell no", I don't go to the meetings.

      Well today I go, and for the most part enjoy the meetings. Some weeks 3 to 4 meetings some weeks none. What I get is the fellowship with people that are like me on a face to face basis. Although, I credit MWO with being the guiding light in my journey, the AA fellowship may be my crew. I'm not an AA zealot and don't subscribe to all the teachings that are presented, I do however find a significant self confidence in knowing that there are alot of good folks out there that have the same afflictions that I have and when an AA old-timer extends a hand for a shake or a hug it truly warms my heart.

      They will tell a newcomer to AA to "take what you need and leave what you don't". For me, it's simply another tool in the toolbox to help me build or better said rebuild a life that was in shambles.

      Hope this helps


      If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ~ Will Rogers ~


        What are AA meetings like?

        ok. if you never thot you had a problem would you even have to rise to the occasion,it is all up to you gyco


          What are AA meetings like?


          There is a weekly AA thread under the Monthly Abstinance Forum on this site. You might find the people who post there can help you. I doubt many of them look in the Starting Out Forum!
          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


            What are AA meetings like?

            I looked in the Staring Out Forum and I go to AA.

            Like others before me stated, AA meetings have their own life.

            You must find the ones that fit you.

            I love AA. It helps me a lot.

            But some of the meetings are not good.

            Some are incredible.

            Just like posting here...Some thread are good and others are not.

            Oh, and don't worry about being shy. It is okay. You can just say "I am here to listen, I'll pass" or whatever. AAers will simply say, "I'm glad you are here," and they are. They care. Just like those on MWO. We all care.

            AF April 9, 2016


              What are AA meetings like?


              You can listen to podcasts of AA speakers for free if you log into itunes and go to podcasts and then do a search for Alcoholics Anonymous. I have found the speakers to be very, very good and very funny too. They are all different and you can't help relate to a few of them.

              Good luck in your journey.


                What are AA meetings like?

                Must admit AA wasn't for me but it works for many people. This website has given me more determination and inspiration than an AA meeting but its what ever works for you.

                Good luck in your journey.



                  What are AA meetings like?

                  go if it works for you then thats good think of this you have nothing to only speak when you feel comfortable.I wish you the best daireban
                  try never stop trying and when your beaten remember your friends they may not have faces they may not have voices but they are there and they care so get up and try again ,,,never stop:goodjob:


                    What are AA meetings like?

                    Welcom JS81 . . .

                    :welcome: JS81

                    "There are quite a few groups that meet in my area", sounds like a higher power is trying to tell you something.

                    In response to your question, the meetings help large numbers of ppl. There are some however that don't think AA is the right fit for them.

                    According to someone very close to me who attends alot of AA meetings each week, there is unfortunately the odd person who arrives 'partially' intoxicated. The group still supports and tries to help wherever they can.

                    Any Positive Beginning in the right direction is always good. Perhaps you should try a meeting or so and let us know how you feel.

                    Best of the best to you JS and everyone . . .


                      What are AA meetings like?

                      Hi JS and welcome to MWO. I too attend AA meetings and find them very helpful to staying sober. This is an echo of what's already been said, but at all of the meetings I have attended so far, nobody pressures anybody to speak. They will welcome you and that is sincere! As Cinders mentioned, each different group of people have a different "group personality" and if you decide to check out a meeting, you might want to check out more than one to find what group is the best fit for you.

                      I really benefit from the face to face support. It is comforting to talk to people who have been sober for many years, and who have built a meaningful and happy life without alcohol in it, and without "missing" alcohol all the time.

                      Best of strength to you in your recovery!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        What are AA meetings like?

                        JS81 im wondering if you went to a meeting yet .if so let me know how you get on and how you progress which ever path you travel,find strength,DAIREBAN
                        try never stop trying and when your beaten remember your friends they may not have faces they may not have voices but they are there and they care so get up and try again ,,,never stop:goodjob:

