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ODAT Tuesday

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    ODAT Tuesday

    Hi all

    Everyone must be hyper busy or slept in for me to start the thread at lunchtime.

    Been baby sitting this morning (although didn't see the babies who were in their cots asleep) and now off to do the final preparations on the holiday cottage before they all hit tomorrow morning.

    AF last night which feels good after three nights modding (Sunday was our 23rd wedding anniversary so broke one of my rules not to drink on Sundays).

    Luv to all to come

    ODAT Tuesday

    Morning! Thanks Mum for getting it going. Its early on the other side of the pond. My alcohol class (first of 12) wasn't as bad as expected last night, if a bit trite. It did bring home how much worse the drinking and driving situation could have been given the other stories in the room. So I found some gratitude if nothing else.

    Day 17 AF for me and feeling good!! Have a great Tuesday everybody.


      ODAT Tuesday

      Good morning Mum and Scrub and all there is to come! I have no real plans today, but I've packed my mornings with so many "treats" it's just fun to get up now. I have a great cup of tea, and some oatmeal in a bit. Today is my "weight" day so I get to exercise and pump up my body and feel the burn which is a great weight loss tool. After lunch I'm meeting with my mom for a bit, and working on my garden in the afternoon (I work 6am to 2pm which gives me a couple hours off every day before dinner). We live in a time of such peace and luxury compared to people who lived before. I can't imagine where it's all heading to. Have fun everyone.


        ODAT Tuesday

        Hi everyone

        My teens are on summer holidays for 12 weeks so my use of the computer is now limited. Just popping in to say hello. Taking it ODAT as usual.



          ODAT Tuesday

          Hi MM, 23 years!!! Congratulations, in this day and age that's a rare thing!

          Rusty, how come they are off for sooooooo long? Is that usual in your part of the world? Here in UK school hols don't start til the 3rd week of July and then last 6 weeks (although the universities get longer). I think 6 weeks is plenty! Hope you still manage to drop by.
          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


            ODAT Tuesday

            Hi ODATers,
            AF yesterday and actually slept well! Hope to stay AF the rest of this week.

            Happy Anniversary Mad Mummy! It will be 10 years for us this year, but not till Sept.

            More later! Good to see you all.


              ODAT Tuesday

              Hi guys,

              AF yesterday - can't drink on the new anti-depressants (well, I can but it affects me a whole lot differently and I'm not interested in that).

              Feeling a bit better today, still really tired - just hoping these meds start to kick in soon.

              Hope everyone has a good day!
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

