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New and unsure where to start! Help!!
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
I am a mom to three great kids. Marriage not so great! I drink on average every other day one bottle of wine. Not interested in counseling or AA. Afraid that in the event of a divorce this will be held against me. I would really like to to quite on my on own. I know I can since I have for every pregnancy. Not sure why I can't without being prego. Sure could use some help and advise.:new:Tags: None
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Dear Mom,
It is a "trouble" I know.
It is troubling as you spoke of "liking to quit".
I encourage you, in your on way, at your own pace, to go to the threads here that you are drawn to. Maybe there should be a "for mothers only" thread.
I don't have children, I admire that so. I admire you so for taking time out of your day to seek, to explore your wayout. There are many other's here that know what it is like to "be a mom" and still, have this struggle.
It brings distress, I understand.
Being here and finding support, brings comfort.
It will never be "held against you" here, I assure you.
Offering you support and the hope we all seek in our way.
Be of good courage and please, spend your valuable time as able to tend to your needs by seeking the different posts~:notes:Theme2be
" Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Hi Mom and welcome
I am also a mum of 3 young boys and I drank every other day but my tipple was beer and lots of it.
You have made the first step by posting on here, I joined this site in March this year and I have just completed 30 day A/F (Alchol free) I am on day 32 and I am hopping to moderate my drinking. If it was'nt for this site my hubby would of walked out by now, im sure of it.
This is a lovely site and everyone is your friend, no-one judges you here, why dont you have a look around on all the threads .
Set yourself a day on when you are going to quit the drink and then keep yourself very very busy and dont forget to read here and post here.
We are all in the same boat and we all help and support each other
Love ronnie:dancin:enguin:
starting over
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Hi MominT
Welcome! You have come to the right place. I like mom2, am a mom of 3 boys and have drank wine (a bottle each time) 5 nights a week with beer on top at the weekend. I separated in 2005 and divorced fianlly after 2 court cases in 2007. I know exactly what you mean re info being used against you, I worried deeply that my drinking would effect custody. I drank even more at this time to take the pain away...Now my x and I get on well the boys see their Dad regularly and I have come out of that black hole, but was still drinking to excess with no excuse. Finally stumbled on this site hooked up with several like minded people and have so far never looked back. Try the AF 4 day thread and 30 day thread there are some really motivational special people posting on there. The power of daily connecting with people who 'get it' is amazing.
One day at a time, hang tough, keep n touch
Taz x
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Welcome Mom.
I only have one daughter, she's 14 and more than a handful.
Have you read the book "My Way Out" yet? I found it really inspiring and it helped me get a plan together.
Sending you loads of support."The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
:welcome:hi momintrouble
So many mums on this site, red wine and vodka seem to be the popular choice of poison. You are definitely not alone. Read and post here and with a bit of will power you can do it!
best wishes as you begin your journey.If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Welcome, Mom!
Hi, there! You have found a great place to be, for folks like us. I firmly recommend the MWO book. I have read mine three times so far. RJ has made a hypnotic cd especially for moms, which I haven't sent for, as I am not a mom. But I do depend on the regular set of hypno cds and imagine that the one just for moms would be just as good. You can do this, you know! Take it a little at a time, and spend as much time here as you need. There are lots of holks here who really know and really understand. It is such a relief to have this support system! Good luck. Lots of us have done it on our own, with RJ's help and the help of this site. You CAN do this! Let us know how it goes. We're pulling for you!
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
I am a mom as well - two girls! The kids are a great motivation for quitting AL. My dad is an alcoholic, my sister is an alcoholic and my mom is a heavy drinker (although I don't think she is an alcoholic - she can seem to moderate pretty easily if she wants to). I just want to break the cycle. Today is day 18 I think....... For me it seems to get easier as more time goes on - it is like I don't want to break my AF streak!
Just read and post when you want to . You will get a lot of support and motivation here. I also like the drink tracker tool on this site - I like filling in my "0" at the end of each dayIt keeps me motivated - I am a geek and like seeing them all lined up!
Good luck to you - PM me if you want to chat or have questions! (((HUGS)))AF since - 5/24/09
edit - except 4 glasses on 6/16/09
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Mom, i am a mom of 10 year old twins. up until a few months ago they refused to get in a car with me. i left my husband (who knows we may reconcile) anyway, people here really understand. keep posting and talking. its the best thing for you
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Hi there. I too am a Mom (of two girls). I had five AF days in a row, and felt really good about myself. Then (of course) something stupid happened...both kids needing extra help w/ homework, papers signed, having friend troube....whatever it was, it sent me back to my old friend the bottle. Felt terrible the next day, but did manage to remain Af free that day. Then, last night...just trying to "moderate" ended up polishing off almost a whole bottle. It's such a habit, and each day I say to myself...just not today.... Each day I try to have a better and more positive day. I need to find better ways of dealing w/ stress.
Welcome to the site; I've found it incredibly helpful. No one ever judges, and there are wonderful ideas.
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Hi mom!
Im a mum too but I have just one little one who's 3!
Your clearly a very loving parent the way you talk about your little ones, and im sure they are the centre of your universe! Although I'm sure you feel they are the most important reason to quit, don't forget that 'you' are the reason you should want to quit, you are important too!
Similarly I didn't drink while pregnant too because of the little life in me I couldn't hurt. I think my successful recovery is to do with recognising that I am important as 'Manisha' as well as 'mum'.
I can't say I like the idea of AA either! I'm 24 and have a silly image in my head of smelly winos attending AA meetings but I think the idea of AA is that you turn to a 'support group' rather than 'alcohol'. If you think AA wouldn't work for you, there is alot of great info on this site with alternatives!
Love to you and best wishes,
Manisha xoxoTo see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wildflower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Hi and welcome! I'm a mom too .. My girls are 16 and 20. I'm not into wine though .. my problem was the hard stuff, sipping morning to night. Never got "drunk", but it got to the point where I needed it to function, and, when I realized that, it scared me silly.
You are definitely not alone here. It's a struggle, with lots of steps forward and backward for most of us, but with that comes learning what works for you, trying new things, learning a lot about everything, and making your way out. Read through the threads. I especially like the Starting Out forum and the General Discussion one, but there are lots of others too... lots of stories, struggles, and triumphs. Lots to read!
Wanting to is the first step .. you're here ... Yey! Nice to meet you!AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Another mom!
I'm a mom too - kids are 9 and 6 and why they stress me out so is a mystery to me. Know what you mean about the records - were it not for the fact that I am not living in the US at the moment there is no way I would have seeked a prescription from a doctor. I am in day 1 at the moment - and there are only 11 more hours until day 2. Frightfully, though, there are only 3 hours until the kids get home. Yikes.
Hang in there, there are so many of us around.
- TulipeSuccess is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
AF since May 6, 2010
New and unsure where to start! Help!!
Hi There,
I'm new, joined 2 days ago. Your mail is the first I'm replying to. I'm also a Mom, 2 boys. I'm still married, and not planning a divorce.
However, I think I have a problem with alcohol, and the more I read and research, the more sure I become.
How do I make sure?