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ODAT Thursday 11/6

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    ODAT Thursday 11/6

    Just thought, I hope it is the 11th June - please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Day started bad, Foster kid has lost bus pass which cost ?130 and he's only had about ?35 worth of it so far So have to apply for replacement which costs ??? plus in the meantime have to pay cash for his bus fares even more ????s AAGGHH

    Son is auditoning for school production and is having serious hissy fit 'cos he never gets good parts in school things (might be an English thing but it seems that from day 1 at age 5 at school the teachers work out the ones who will be the stars and the others!). He does outside Drama Club and was in Christmas Pantomime where people came and paid, real money, to watch for two weeks in January - but still the gut feeling is that he won't get the lead. Sometimes life lessons are hard aren't they?

    I need to load car with plastic and cardboard recycling and drive it to the dump - it's not a job I enjoy but I must do it...

    Speak to you all later


    ODAT Thursday 11/6

    Hi MM and all to come. I have been away for a few days, but doing ok. I go back to work on monday, after being off for 6 weeks, I'm a bit apprehensive but will be glad to get back to normal (whatever that is). I have an appointment with a CBT this afternoon.
    Hope you all have a good day.


      ODAT Thursday 11/6


      Morning mad mummy and all to come.

      Life lessons are hard. That's why they are also called challenges. I'm waiting for the recess bell myself. speaking of lessons, without trying to sound like a prison guard, gonna give some $ recoupment responsibility to foster one like "work-it-off" chores?

      I had a dental expense yesterday (and it was just routine) but I don't have the work it off option. I already do that :H Funny how I didn't apply that thought to booze money.

      Have a wonderful day and tell a stranger they look nice. i commented on a woman's pearls in the nursing home yesterday and she just beamed.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT Thursday 11/6

        Hi Greeneyes! It's easy to forget that the smallest gesture can make or break someone else's day! I will endevour to pass on some happiness today.

        MM, Yes, it's the same at our school. I honestly don't know why they bother raising all the kids hopes and expectations by having auditions cos they have already decided the lead parts to be exactly the same as last year. Oh and don't forget the special speaking part for the kid who has been a pain in the arse for the entire school year in a PC attempt to show him that life is not all that bad. All the well behaved kids get to be non-speaking trees or sheep etc and can't understand why the naughty one with absolutely no acting ability gets a prize part....which they inevitably muck up! Oh the deep deep joy of primary school!

        Paula, what's CBT?

        Have a great AF day ODATERS, tomorrow will be a better day if you do!
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          ODAT Thursday 11/6

          Thanks Guys, yeah Greenie it's a bit of an alien concept as none of his family have worked for the past 2 generations! But yeah the reissue fee of ?25 will come out of his piggy bank! It's the same way we treat our own kids so is fair.

          Blue Sky, you have made me feel so much better I thought it was just our Primary School that did those stupid things and you are absolutely right.



            ODAT Thursday 11/6

            Hi everyone

            Just a quick check in. MM that happens in schools everywhere, one of life's lessons and I guess they do eventually take it in their stride.

            Am just back from the re-cycling centre, meals on wheels and library. Feel I have had a constructive morning so far.

            Off shopping now for a bag for a wedding I am going to. Can find every colour but white!!!

            Have a good day everyone.



              ODAT Thursday 11/6

              Hey guys,

              I am doing okay, have an appt with my therapist this morning and my doctor this afternoon. I did end up drinking beer last night so I'm not pleased with myself - especially knowing that I shouldn't be on the cymbalta. Oh well, live and learn, can't do anything about it now. All I can do is try to have a good day.

              Hope you all meet your goals today.

              Love and hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT Thursday 11/6

                I'm in for today again. Wasn't successful yesterday. At work today - af much easier that way. 'At work' where they pay me that is, as opposed to 'at work' at my housewife job.

                MM - I'll happily do your recycling if you fold my laundry and put it away
                Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


                  ODAT Thursday 11/6

                  Hi evryone I saw my CBT therapist, (cognitive behaviour therapist, Blue Sky). I feel it is quite beneficial. Instead of looking into problems that occured in the past, and which affect us in the present, you are told to focus on how your thoughts affect you now, and how to cope in the present. Hope this makes sense!. I also went to an AA meeting tonight. I actually managed to speak, usually I'm too self conscious so that's an improvement. Hope everyone has had a good day.

