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200mg baclofen still drinking!

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    200mg baclofen still drinking!

    23 years ago I took my first drink.
    I have never been without one since.

    Sounds grim, but the way I am starting to look it is, my life has gone to the dogs yet I am still here. Although how long that situation lasts is anyones guess, but, while I am here I can use my experience of the mechanics of panic, depression, addiction, and to a large degree, what sort of physiological happenings occur, to maybe offer some guidance to those just starting out on the road to destruction.

    I currently am taking anything up to 220mg of baclofen over the period of a waking day, coupled with the odd bout of chlorodiazapoxide (I think thats how its spelt), zopiclone, beta blockers, prozac and a little thiamine as well as 25 to 40 UK units of the devils brew.

    After various hospitalisations, and quite a few residential detoxes, it amazes me how, body and mind can work so hard against each other. The body is this amazing adaptive mechanism out for its own survival, while the mind plays a huge role in trying to destroy the very thing that keeps it alive.

    I cant wait to read through all of the threads I see before me.

    Just as a footnote, after many years constant use of SSRI's in one form or another, I firmly believe that it should be a jail term for any doctor that prescribes them for more than 3 -6 month in anyones lifetime.:new:

    200mg baclofen still drinking!

    A huge welcome to you MH!
    Wow, you are going through the mill right now..
    This place is marvellous for inspiration and support, its great you are are here.
    I am in the process of coming off prozac after a year. I would be interested to hear your experiences with SSRIs.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      200mg baclofen still drinking!

      Cheers! (no pun).

      I started taking prozac in about 1998 for panic attacks that I have suffered from from about the age of 10.
      I jokingly refer to 1998 as the year I traded in my 'drop top' hummer of a brain, for a Fiat punto with comfortable seats and a leather dashboard. Things are not as grim as they first may sound though, I take it you are getting a lot of close support with the prozac?


        200mg baclofen still drinking!

        Not really, I tapered for 6 weeks, then stopped 3 weeks ago, now I am getting the brain zaps and exhaustion. Not badly though...just weird after so long although I know its got a long half life.
        Interestingly enough, I cried yesterday for the first time in ages, I think with the prozac, i got a bit numb?
        Are you saying they slowed you down too?
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          200mg baclofen still drinking!

          The degree that emotion and intellect is suppressed by prozac is frightening. But hey, if you are on prozac, do you care?

          This is why you must be careful to have the support when starting on a course of SSRI's, and also, possibly because of the kind of 'shock!' that you get when you do stop them, and feel you actually are still capable of the extremes of emotion. Everyone likes a good old weepy film - I feel that having a good old blubber at the tv, or anything else, Is good for the soul.. helps to balance the stresses of everyday living.

          One of the worst aspects that I found, being a male, in his prime, so to speak, was the most confusing sexual disfunction! I tried to explain it to the doc, but he just scratched his head. - frustrating realy.. on a few levels!


            200mg baclofen still drinking!

            Thats very true! I didnt care!

            I blubbed yesterday at Jeremy Kyle and that is definitely not me!!

            Docs dont really care about the side effects I dont think, they just want you out of the office. I am thankful that they didnt affect me too much in that way.
            Are you still on them?
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              200mg baclofen still drinking!

              Can I just say firstly, that the very mention of Jeremy Kyle is enough to make me cry! (I dont like the way he talks to people) - But no, I am not on them at this point in time - but that might change - after so long on them, I went through bouts of weening off.... and then back on again, or even a couple of times, just throwing them away and deciding to get on with it. Either way I knew what to expect.. so this time, Bang! I just stopped and damn the consequences.

              It can be difficult unless you know why you are feeling the way you are - and I am not saying it gets easier. But I feel that I am better able to cope with my brain in top gear. My reason for taking them was panic. I have since learned that there are far more effective ways of dealing with panic, with less side effects.

              You are pushing it a bit though anrent you? (chortle) stopping smoking around the same time? very brave! - well done with the nicotine tho.

              If you dont mind my northern curiosity, why SSRI's?


                200mg baclofen still drinking!

                Yes, I agree, Jezza Kyle is not a nice man.

                Thanks for the congrats, however I am a serial quitter - alcohol, smokes, nicotine chewing gum and pain killers, now the prozac...and for my next trick.... :-)
                SSRIs were for severe depression. I had some personal problems and with the drink on top it tipped me over the edge....
                So, whats with you and the Baclofen? Is it not working for you? Seems like a really high dose?
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  200mg baclofen still drinking!

                  Thank God you have Hair!! Been on SSRI's for over 1993 and Zoloft just was approved. It was a dream come true for many years! Have been around on a few others, but to no avail. Great help, kept my dosages low, but not the answer....I have to say they have been a great support


                    200mg baclofen still drinking!

                    Myhair; wow you are sure taking alot of meds. does the doctor know all that you are taking. one of the pills you are taking is a benzo so you need to be really careful with that (very addictive). anyway, i just started on balcofen.


                      200mg baclofen still drinking!

                      yep - funny tho - the benzo I hate,...I have 14 tablets on my desk, I see them daily, I just hate them. so there they will sit until i have gone another 2 days without sleep. then I may take half of one!

                      Baclofen works well, just dont relapse, its the hardest fight you will ever have


                        200mg baclofen still drinking!

                        My Hair Hurts,

                        I am taking Baclofen and I can see one could easily continue to drink on it if you choose to. It is not Antabuse. :-)

                        However, I am desperate to quit drinking and it truly does help with those awful cravings for me. It makes doable what in the past was not.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          200mg baclofen still drinking!

                          I am so watching this..

                          I want to, want to stop drinking, but the cravings are such a bugger.

                          I have done well on ante buse.. but here I am again, after 90 days, relaping. I would like to try baclofan.
                          I am not in denial.. it is just those bloody cravings..


                            200mg baclofen still drinking!

                            nobody believed me when I said that I was boozing on antabuse.. but I was, and it had no effect whatsover. baclofen is easy enough to get hold of but again, support is the key it does appear to work - just dont (as I did) '...just see if I can get away with one drink...'
                            I could kick myself!. although at the min there is little point as my motor skills are that shot right now, I'd propbably miss!


                              200mg baclofen still drinking!

                              wahey! another one of my special panic attacks left me in hospital overnight - a few diazepam later and hey presto! I leave ER rather red faced. - But, the net result is a hangover. This is a good thing, drink water for a day and take baclofen till it comes out of my ears -this could be me back on the wagon.

