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200mg baclofen still drinking!

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    200mg baclofen still drinking!

    In my OPINION

    Chlordiazepoxide is indicated for the short term (2?4 weeks) treatment of anxiety which is severe and disabling or subjecting the person to unacceptable distress. It is also indicated as a treatment for the management of acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome

    I'm not so sure taking chlordiazepoxide, baclofen, and zopiclone together is wise. they seem to all be a depressant of some sort, and along with the BP med....hmmmm id get a second opinion.

    You can try Campral, Chantix, Naltrexone, or Topamax. Antabuse is the only one i know for sure will make you sick if you drink when taking it. The others just inhibit cravings to some extent...

    I'd definately add 5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan(5-HTP) or L-Tryptophan-it is an amino acid that is also a precursor to making SEROTONIN(mood) which turns into MELATONIN(sleep), Glycine, L-Phenyalanine, L-Tyrosine, SAM-e, GABBA, Magnesium, Folic Acid, and a really good multi-vitamin (especially all B vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin E) These are all precursors to building Serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. They aid in mood stabilization, memory, balance, sleep, general overall feeling of wellness and even energy.

    YOU WILL HAVE TO LOOK UP THE RECOMMEDED DOSAGES...I have been researching these alternatives and stumbled on this site while looking to help my boyfriend stay sober...

    As for the other drugs you are taking...there is a better way...
    thiamine is fine

    Beta Blockers are fine-they keep the blood pressure under control, especially with alcohol w/d induced hypertension.

    Baclofen is fine it looks to serve as a benzo or anti anxiety medication. You definately should not take benzos while drinking. It can be dangerous. You think alcohol is hard to kick, benzos have been known to be the most difficult, as well as life threatening.

    Zopiclone(Lunesta) is also fine if it is still working. Depending on how long you have been taking it, you may develop a resistence to the same dose. You can become dependent on this drug.





      200mg baclofen still drinking!

      Hey MH, how are you doing?
      I hope you check in soon and let us know.

      Hi Sweetas, welcome.
      Thats a lot of research you have done there. Thanks for posting it.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        200mg baclofen still drinking!

        Sweets, while I understand your motivation, which is commendable, your research is flawed.
        Antabuse had zero effect on me, and I have a number of friends that will testify that they also had the same 'non' experience.

        Beta Blockers are not fine on the whole, while they may help to calm in the short term, there are far wider reaching consequences of their use.

        Baclofen is nothing more than a muscle relaxant. If a sufferer, feels a craving, then a quick intake of baclofen puts them in the frame of mind... ' ah what the heck, I can't be bothered..'

        It seems that the first resort is drugs.... it is not. (an exception to that, is, phenytoin. generally used to treat epilepsy, does have a 'chemical rebalancing' effect)

        There is very strong evidence that something as simple as omega-3 can help a person get a foothold on the situation.

        You mention serotonin, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, prevent excess serotonin being re absorbed by the transmitting synapse in the old grey matter. thus giving the serotonin that little extra pico second to get to where it is being sent.. the next synapse.

        Encouraging more serotonin production, in my experience, is only counter productive (and who wants to produce a counter?)

        Chlordiazepoxide as an anxiety treatment is bound for failure, as the withdrawal is worse than the cause (I have the t-shirt)

        Compound vit -B is a good start also, as is folic acid.

        Your parting comment about what to avoid gets my vote 200%.

        My only footnote would be, if you are researching this on behalf of another, then you have only scratched the surface of how they feel, physically and mentally. Until you have been through it yourself, you will never understand, no matter how hard you try.

        I wish you well in your quest, as I am sure we all do, and if there is ever any advice/guidance/support etc. then this is the place. Let us know how you get on. - - - BIG HUGS


          200mg baclofen still drinking!

          Oh, and, Startingover..... well done with the nicotine, keep it up.

          And I am fine, since my last major event, things have calmed greatly and I am now working hard again.
          Still no SSRI's! thank god!


            200mg baclofen still drinking!

            Dammit! more SSRI's! ----there goes my sex life.


              200mg baclofen still drinking!

              MMH :welcome:to the first path of sobriety.. I know the ER feeling. Not only do the nurses look at you like they have no idea what you're talking about while you think about all the meds you're on, but you're also just laying there wondering "why".. I'm not familiar with all the meds you're taking except prozac. I am taking Lexapro and Wellbutrin. The Lexapro seems like a joke when you're still drinking, but the Wellbutrin is working with me for a while.. Again nice to meet you, You're among friends!!

              :wings:Love, Peace, and Happiness!


                200mg baclofen still drinking!

                Chlordiazepoxide is used for alcohol withdrawals. It's a sedative and usually Drs are very reluctant to give it out unsupervised. This is because it's habit forming and if you drink on it it can supress your breathing = death, or cause falls. I have however heard of people drinking on it - they can only do that because they've built up such a tolerance to the alcohol, meds etc. If you do go back to detox you will need a very high dose of librium as a result - unless you can taper off before then.

                It's not clever and very dangerous. I'm not going to questions the Antabuse claims. One thing I have been told is that some people say they've taken it when actually they haven't - purely because they know they will drink anyway.

                I stopped taking SSRIs after 5 years since I realised that because of my alcohol intake they weren't working any more. Not sure about the chemistry but basically if you are taking an antidepressant then drinking heavily on top (depressant), then there just isn't any point. When I first took Prozac it really helped, but as my drinking increased (still only at weekends though and the odd student night out) it just cancelled out the medication. So I stopped, didn't make any difference!


                  200mg baclofen still drinking!

                  Sorry if my post seems a bit hard.

                  Just trying to state the facts! I'm going to look into the Antabuse thing. All I know is I tried it, had a horrid reaction after a week, collapsed in a sort of seizure/fit and the Dr was convinced I'd had a drink.

                  I really hadn't had a drink for 2-3 weeks.

                  I'd ordered it on the internet so Dr was not impressed and wouldn't conclude an allergic reaction. Just sent me home!


                    200mg baclofen still drinking!

                    I've looked this up now! Turns out some people may or can actually drink through the affects of Antabuse, although some also say they are taking it when they clearly aren't to perpetuate their drinking or stay in denial.


                      200mg baclofen still drinking!

                      My hair hurts;632868 wrote: 23 years ago I took my first drink.
                      I have never been without one since.

                      Sounds grim, but the way I am starting to look it is, my life has gone to the dogs yet I am still here. Although how long that situation lasts is anyones guess, but, while I am here I can use my experience of the mechanics of panic, depression, addiction, and to a large degree, what sort of physiological happenings occur, to maybe offer some guidance to those just starting out on the road to destruction.

                      I currently am taking anything up to 220mg of baclofen over the period of a waking day, coupled with the odd bout of chlorodiazapoxide (I think thats how its spelt), zopiclone, beta blockers, prozac and a little thiamine as well as 25 to 40 UK units of the devils brew.

                      After various hospitalisations, and quite a few residential detoxes, it amazes me how, body and mind can work so hard against each other. The body is this amazing adaptive mechanism out for its own survival, while the mind plays a huge role in trying to destroy the very thing that keeps it alive.

                      I cant wait to read through all of the threads I see before me.

                      Just as a footnote, after many years constant use of SSRI's in one form or another, I firmly believe that it should be a jail term for any doctor that prescribes them for more than 3 -6 month in anyones lifetime.:new:
                      I recently got off Lexapro after being on it for over a year, and I suddenly seem to be coming "out of the fog." I agree; any more than a certain period on those things and they seem to do the opposite.

                      chlorodiazapoxide is librium, which is basically valium. I recently got off that as well. Since stopping the lexapro (nasty withdrawals from that) and librium, then cutting down on my drinking, life suddenly seems to be opening up for me again.

                      I drank 20 tall boy beers a day for the last six months, a little less than that for the last 18 months. I am now down to almost 1/2 of that. Each day, I drink a little bit less and within a week I hope to be completely free of alcohol.

                      It will be the first time in over a year that I will be pill free and alcohol free.

                      One note: I don't know if this is coincidence or what, but my heavy drinking over the last year and one half almost seemed to coincide with taking lexapro.

                      Not taking lexpro anymore, I seem to feel more ambitious about not drinking and feeling so forlorn.

                      I'm no MD, but I feel that getting off lexapro might have been one of the best things I've ever done. BTW, I was prescribed lexapro for anxiety and not depression. It certainly helped the anxiety, but I feel that it made me numb and not care about much of anything. Feeling so numb about everything made me think, "what the heck, why not drink when I want; I don't care what anyone thinks..."

                      My opinions only. Take them with a grain of salt.
                      I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


                        200mg baclofen still drinking!

                        UKBlonde -Antabuse - see told ya!!! lol... as far as I remember, its meant to stop your liver processing the booze, thereby leaving you body helpless to deal with the alcohol, so the only thing it can do is make you throw up to get rid of it. -Tolerance built up over years is probably right, I am 160lbs and 5'5, and an ex gymnast. but have been drinking for over 20 years, so I guess my tolerance is quite high.

                        Sosad61 be strong my friend, you will get there, you obviously understand the nature of things - keep going - the road is long, and the pace is hard, but it leads to a better place.


                          200mg baclofen still drinking!

                          I too, could drink on Antabuse very carefully. On a fairly high dose (200mg per day) for a very small person (163 cm, about 5'3", 45kg, 100lb) I could drink 1-3 drinks slowly and carefully until I experienced discomfort that scared me into stopping (severe flushing and shortness of breath). On a low dose, 50mg per day, I could drink a fair amount... although considerably less than my outrageously "normal" amount.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            200mg baclofen still drinking!

                            Beatle - I think that one of the things that goes wrong, is the expectation that 'drugs' will fix you - once we realise that they dont always work, then we spiral into a booze fueled depression, feeling let down that the 'solution' did not work - I stand by my guns... the booze is 90% physiological, 5% physical, and 4% stupidity. I dont know where that last 1% went.

