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A different approach

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    A different approach

    Hi, thought I would mention this:

    (PS I am on day 6AF, after 4 years of drinking)

    I have read many threads on this site and have seen mentioned a wide assortment of chemicals, supplements, treatments and therapies to help quit drinking. So I thought I would add another one to the mix, seeing as I haven't noticed it anywhere.

    I am a scientist at heart thus a healthy sceptic. My sister on the other hand is somewhat of a modern hippy, there isn't a chant or breathing technique she doesn't know. When she introduces a new form of natural remedy/therapy to me I approach it with an open mind. (Usually I find it bunk). She has a friend who is a Kineaseologist. (NOT to be confused with Kinesiology, also known as human kinetics, the science of human movement.) I did some searches on the net and found the spelling commonly mixed up.

    First of I thought Peter (not real name!) was a bit of a kook. Very nice guy but on a different orbit. My life fell apart a while back ( ) and I went to see him not for my drinking problem but for the fact I had become so irritable at everything around me (especially my self). I was still a bit sceptical but I thought I had nothing to lose anymore, sitting on the bottom of the barrel as I was. I went in with a completely open mind. I came out feeling OK, only to realise a day or two later I was feeling MUCH better, in fact, great. I carried on drinking heavily for another month until I finally had enough, came here 6 days ago, and have been Alcohol Free for all 6.

    I firmly believe that in most cases (I am no expert on therapy or alcohol (except drinking it!), so this is just my opinion) that we drink to forget / numb / remember / avoid etc something, wether it is sub-concious or concious. In my case I could trace the start of heavy drinking when I entered a career that made a lot of money but made me utterly miserable. I finally got out of that career 4 months ago. I have felt a huge relief since, and looking back it almost seems that I was in a fog for 4 years. I think seeing Peter, realising what I was doing to myself, getting rid of the main reason for drinking, and especially bumping into this site have all contributed to my small success of 6AF days. I never thought it would be possible, that I would soon be in a vodka soaked coffin. But here I am, early days I know but I feel great and very positive about the future (Even though I am broke, unemployed, homeless and my wife has left me - but apart from that life is fantastic!).

    My take on Kineaseology: When the body undergoes a trauma/stress (and according to Peter it starts when we are in the womb and our mother undergoes stress) our muscles tense up and that action gets stored in the muscles. All our lives long that process is repeated every time we endure a trauma/stress and it is stored. Muscle memory if you like. A Kineaseologist can trace back through muscle testing and get rid of these stored traumas - all of which have an emotional connection / memory. I must add it is totally non-invasive, and based on science and not artyfartyness. I lay (fully clothed) on a professional therapy bed and all he touched during the whole session was my arm, my head and occasionaly a pressure point somewhere on my body. There are no drugs involved - only advice to eat well, sleep well and excersise. There was no incense, chanting or drumming ;-)

    Dictionary: Kineaseology is a balance mechanism initially. Stemming from chiropractic principles, it is used to normalise muscle groups so that the body organs can undergo a healing process. There are strong connections between the muscles and the organs. Pressure points all over the body are also used in the healing. Prior to specific treatment tests are carried out using muscle strength to indicate a strength or weakness in the organs. Adjustments are made and the muscles are retested, usually showing an improvement. Regular kineaseology is a powerful tool in natural health.

    I mention this because if there is a sub-concious reason for your drinking and you haven't had success with other types of therapy, give this a try. I am not saying it should replace anything but can be complimentary. I took me an hour, cost about $20 and according to Peter you should need 1-4 sessions, but that's it.

    If you read up you will see people have had a lot of benefits from Kineaseology, from sports injuries to back problems to painful periods etc.

    Are there any Kineaseologists here? Has anyone ever had it done? I would love to hear some feedback.

    Live as if you were living a second time, and as though you had acted wrongly the first time. - Viktor E. Frankl

    A different approach

    I'm very interested to hear more about this!
    I am sitting here trying to wrack my brain to remember which book it was that I first read about "muscle memory" -- possibly "The Journey" by Brandon Bays?!!?
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      A different approach

      Hey DeeBee a fellow Sarfafrican! Where you? I am in the Western Cape.

      I just remembered that I saw a kineaseologist about 4 years ago, just when the trouble began! I did a favour for her and she repayed me by doing a free session. I wasn't too impressed back then, but I was a bit too self-assured then, and also I didn't think I needed it, I was just accepting a freebie and didn't go because I thought I needed help. Or perhaps we just didn't click as happens sometimes between therapist / therapee. The guy I saw recently was a very calm and explained what he was doing the whole time. As soon as I have a bit more cash I am definitely going again. He charges R250 a session, and this time I will have the guts to spill the alcohol infused beans about my (ex) drinking habit.

      I would love to hear experiences about this. As I said earlier it might not necessarily help for drinking, but it does no harm to go for a body 'tune-up' to clear the cobwebs out, for the benefit of whatever reason. It is also apparently great for couples, a session or two on your / his / her own and then a session or two together. I really want my (maybe soon to be ex) wife and I to go together, wether we stay together or not. We have two amazing children and we need to have the best possible relationship for them , whatever form it takes in the future.

      Live as if you were living a second time, and as though you had acted wrongly the first time. - Viktor E. Frankl


        A different approach

        Hi from sunny (but chilly) Durbs!!

        I think, like with anything in life really, if we aren't open to it then we'll never benefit from it. For me, this is very exciting because I am now OPEN to all sort of suggestions.

        The book that I refered to earlier I highly recommend. The Journey is a process that you go through to deal with past pain/hurt which is stored inside of you.
        If you imagine an onion with all it's layers, the Journey takes you through those layers until you reach your pure centre. It's a process which should be done with someone experienced. I believe Brandon Bays came out to SA last year, but I missed her.

        Here is a link to the website About The Journey
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          A different approach

          Hi Kiranese
          Thanks for taking the time to write a very interesting post- I am off to look for more info...
          Best wishes to you


            A different approach

            I thank you for this generous post with this interesting information.

            In what seems like another life I was in Massage Therapy in California. I have experienced and witnessed what takes place with the energies and emotions that are hidden in the body system.

            I am , as well, going to stay tuned
            and do some research and would love to connect to some one close by.

            Appreciating your valued words~

            " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

