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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday


    Smile on face - check
    Positive attitude - check
    Lots of AF drinks handy - check
    Toolbox handy - check
    Weekend plan in place - check

    Ready... set.... GO!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Friday


    And starting the day from a place of gratitude and not deprivation...that stuck me huge this morning for some reason. Happy Friday everyone!


      ODAT - Friday

      Nice thought scrubbly. A place of gratitude. Many people live and overcome big issues; a lot bigger than I have in my life. I'll just be happy for Friday and plan a fun weekend... 5th anniversary dinner tomorrow night, woowoo... (anniversary is actually a week from today).


        ODAT - Friday

        Scrugg- Gratitude is a wonderful place to be...

        No matter one's situation! I don't know for SURE, but I think that we all have something to be grateful for -- and, I admit, I must remind myself!!

        I happened to watch Dr. Phil yesterday (don't usually) - but it was all about "addicts"... mainly Hard Core addicts (as in heroin, etc.).

        I couldn't help but think... there but for the Grace of God...

        While this addiction is not good... imagine Other addictions! HOLY cow. This one young woman was... totally over the top, found someone to give her something at 4 AM before the show...

        I don't mean that as a criticism. It's that those (possibly!) heavier drugs are SO much... worse.

        I thank God I didn't get there!

        It was like our worst addiction - multiplied by 1000. Can't even imagine. She was whisked away to a rehab place (against her will)...

        Again, thank you God. Because had I gone that route (and that may have only been about who I hung around with!)...

        Oh gads.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - Friday

          PS - Greenie - love your attitude! Sorry I brought it down... to Reality.

          Y'know I LOVE all the positive stuff - but... sometimes it doesn't seem that real.

          It's real for YOU, but not so much for others. Just saaAYYyiiin.
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            ODAT - Friday

            Savvy, it IS be real for you and others. That choice is always there. That's why I am here after just days away from a year AF. To encourage you to see the positive stuff, think the positive stuff, do the positive stuff. Keep trying savvy, it is so very real.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Friday

              Greenie, You're my HERO !!!
              greeneyes;633715 wrote: Savvy, it IS be real for you and others. That choice is always there. That's why I am here after just days away from a year AF. To encourage you to see the positive stuff, think the positive stuff, do the positive stuff. Keep trying savvy, it is so very real.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                ODAT - Friday

                Hi ODATs

                For all those who took part yesterday in our little discussion about kids parts in school productions -
                MIKEY GOT THE PART!!!!

                He is so pleased - I'm really grateful as he leaves for Secondary School in September so can't wait to go and watch.

                Have a great weekend.



                  ODAT - Friday

                  Mine too Greeny!

                  Today I will be AF - that is my solemn vow to myself.
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT - Friday

                    Mad Mummy, cross posted - congratulations to Mikey!!!!

                    that's awesome!
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      ODAT - Friday

                      Thanks Uni - great to have you back!


                        ODAT - Friday

                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          ODAT - Friday

                          I mean by that.. I went through Grief.

                          And (for those of you have done or are doing.... very ugh.)

                          Sorry to be such a downer here. Just where I am.

                          I'm getting beter, sort of.

                          Not really - in some regards. and that is way more Important than some who just can't get it about their job, their husband?, or whatever...

                          It's very relative, I guess. And my HURT is probably nothing compared to those who can barely eat, etc.

                          Gawd. I wish I Understood such things... And I try. But.. can't.
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            ODAT - Friday

                            I prob shdn't post anymore... y'all are all about rainbows and butterflies. I'm just not there... yet.
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              ODAT - Friday

                              Hi all ODAT'rs

                              So glad your son got the part MM. Teenagers lurking so just a quick check in.


