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Wine and PMS

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    Wine and PMS

    It has been very refreshing for me to read all these posts. I thought I was the only one downing a bottle of wine every night. However, not many of you have said anything about drinking to calm PMS. I have severe PMS and that is really how it all started. If I don't drink at night, I'm so cranky I can hardly stand it. My poor family pays the price. However, as soon as I get my wine, I'm HAPPY and completely able to finish the evening in a great mood. My PMS is so bad that my son's "chewing" noises are enough to make me want to scream! Thus I drink and it all goes away. That has spilled into non-PMS days now. I drink during those days because I'm BORED. TV sucks these days and I tell you some of the most boring shows mysteriously become interesting after a few glasses of wine. I used to catch myself drinking slightly more than a bottle at night during PMS, now at least I drink slightly less than a bottle (I leave about 4 ounces in the bottle). So it's a start! I've ordered the book and can't wait to read it. I know the wine is responsible for my not being able to lose weight very easily. Which I desperately want to do! Anyway, keep writing and let me know if anyone else struggles with the PMS/Alcohol connection like I do.:thanks:

    Wine and PMS

    Angel, have you gone into the research forum at the bottom to go through the posts there? I'm not positive that I have posted specifically about PMS/Alcohol, but I think that I have. You could look at the anxiety posts also. If you don't find anything, let me know and I'll do some research.:l


      Wine and PMS

      Angel3786 wrote: It has been very refreshing for me to read all these posts. I thought I was the only one downing a bottle of wine every night. However, not many of you have said anything about drinking to calm PMS. I have severe PMS and that is really how it all started. If I don't drink at night, I'm so cranky I can hardly stand it. My poor family pays the price. However, as soon as I get my wine, I'm HAPPY and completely able to finish the evening in a great mood. My PMS is so bad that my son's "chewing" noises are enough to make me want to scream! Thus I drink and it all goes away. That has spilled into non-PMS days now. I drink during those days because I'm BORED. TV sucks these days and I tell you some of the most boring shows mysteriously become interesting after a few glasses of wine. I used to catch myself drinking slightly more than a bottle at night during PMS, now at least I drink slightly less than a bottle (I leave about 4 ounces in the bottle). So it's a start! I've ordered the book and can't wait to read it. I know the wine is responsible for my not being able to lose weight very easily. Which I desperately want to do! Anyway, keep writing and let me know if anyone else struggles with the PMS/Alcohol connection like I do.:thanks:
      My name is Ariel and I've been trying to quit for a year, on and off, I can relate to drinking heavily during PMS and through my period!..........I would drink for days so I wouldn't have to feel any of the symptoms,and would have to pay the consequences after the drinking episodes!..but as I'm learning while getting sober this is mother natures way!.... All female's go through it, most without alcohol!...It sucks but it part of life! : )


        Wine and PMS

        Hi Angel!
        I think about a month ago someone started a thread about this very subject and I couldnt believe how many women responded and said YES, that they were sure their craving for alcohol grew stronger when PMS. I for one can definitely say this is true for me. I think it is a combination of like you, wanting to take the edge of the "lovely mood" and two I think the sugar in the wine is more satisfying as well, because Im not one to eat a bunch of sweets or chocolote around my period, but rather get MORE pleasure from more wine. Now I have learned to watch myself around that time and really be careful. Seems like most times I really overdo it with the drinking can almost always be connected to that time of the month. I seem to be able to moderate really well the rest of the time with the all the supplments and Topamax. Aint PMS lovely??

        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

