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Trying yet struggling

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    Trying yet struggling

    I seemed to be doing good, bought the supplements, read the book. Been using the drink tracker, had a good couple of weeks.
    Then I fell down. I had a business trip this week, and ended up drinking at the airport, then on the plane, I landed last night and went straight to a bar instead of going home to see my wife. I feel ashamed and pathetic. I guess I gotta pick myself up and try again.

    Trying yet struggling

    Hi, Just. I am new and learning that this is a process, rarely a straight line. I am trying to learn from what happens, minimize damage, and embrace clarity and hope when I find them. I am sure that people who have found their way out will respond with what has helped them; I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in this.
    may we be well


      Trying yet struggling

      Hi Justin and :welcome: back. Reach out your hand and we will all help you back up. You had a great couple of weeks. Can you go back to the plan you used then, or maybe tweek it a little bit? A lot of us, if not all, have been in your shoes and experienced what you are experiencing now. Think back to those great couple of weeks and how you felt. Write down all that you are feeling now as another tool to go back to. You are amongst great people here. Trying again is a great attitude! Here's to being back on track for you


        Trying yet struggling

        Hi there Justin, welcome!
        Stop feeling ashamed but start looking at it like a learning curve. You know that business trips are going to be a trigger so next time prepare yourself.
        I expect the previous two weeks were great, you were feeling like your old self and then started thinking it would be ok to have one?
        It happens lots, so pick yourself up and start over. If you make some plans, do some prep (are you taking the supps?) and give it another go.
        Here for you...
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Trying yet struggling

          Welcome Justin;

          i am a traveling drinker too. i spent alot of time in the airport over the last couple days and somehow managed to get through ok. We all fall down but the trick is getting right back up and getting back in the game.


            Trying yet struggling

            Hi justinc,

            First of all, don't beat yourself up, it doesn't do any good. Don't waste your precious time feeling badly about what happened. It's history, you can't change it.
            You've done the best thing you can do for yourself by being honest and jumping right back on board here.
            We all need to remember to stay focused on our goals. Never forget what brought you here in the first place, it humbles you and makes it a little easier to say NO to the alcohol demon. In the beginning, I repeated my chant to myself "No, you don't do that anymore" every time I had a drinking thought. It helped a lot.

            Hang in there, get some more AF time under your belt, you will feel stronger
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Trying yet struggling

              Hey Justin! Welcome to the club. If it was easy we wouldn't be here, right?

              That's pretty typical of "triggers". Once you start quitting, a part of your brain gets into desperate teenager mode (aka put the cat in the bathtub mode). It's very sneaky and takes advantage of any weakness.

              When a trigger happens, even if you slip, you need to do the mental work to block that trigger in the future. You need to say: Next time I'm in the airport, I'm going to get a burger/sandwich/magazine, and not a drink. Next time I'm on the plane I'll have ice water, or juice, instead of a drink. It takes some work to get them to stick. But it's do-able.

              Good luck!


                Trying yet struggling

      ;633963 wrote: ...a part of your brain gets into desperate teenager mode (aka put the cat in the bathtub mode
                Great metaphor, Boss Man!

                Justin, no worries, as the others said, you're back in the game and that's the most important thing. I think if our success at anything depended on being absolutely perfect, we'd all be losers. It's not about perfection.
                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                  Trying yet struggling

                  Thanks everyone for all for the kind words and support. I will continue onward with my plan, get back to my supplements. I have another trip in a couple of weeks, and I am starting to realize I have a hard time at airports. I am just amazed/ scared at how easily I can fall down.. Thank you for the thoughtful responses.


                    Trying yet struggling

                    Airports are terrible for me too. I did some drinking yesterday on my way home. so many bars. so much opportunity. it is a great idea that you are going to try and get a handle on it before your next trip.


                      Trying yet struggling

                      Hi Justin, nice to meet you

                      Don't feel sad! Or ashamed or guilty, try to focus on how well you have been doing and with such a good atitude you will be grand.

                      Best wishes and thoughts

                      Manisha xoxo
                      To see a world in a grain of sand
                      And a heaven in a wildflower.
                      Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                      And eternity in an hour.


                        Trying yet struggling

                        Hi Justin! Like others have said, don't be feeling ashamed. Steps forward and backward are all part of making your way through. It's a learning process for sure.

                        Keep on fighting, trying new things, and old things that worked before.

                        And instead of feeling ashamed, feel proud ... proud that you want to stop drinking. "Wanting to" means you care .. about you, your family, life in general ... and that's a great thing.

                        Keep on posting!
                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

