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Help...I can't do this any more

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    Help...I can't do this any more

    My BF cheated on me. He is rubbing in my face now. I can't take it any more! I need help! Any advice?

    Help...I can't do this any more

    Oh honey. I don't know that I have much good advice, but I have :l, good thoughts, and wishes for you to take good care, think things through before you make any big decisions, and be sure you do what is right for you.

    Do you live with BF? Are there kiddos involved? :l Another one cuz you need it.


      Help...I can't do this any more

      Choppers you deserve so much better than that! :h It's SO wrong! If I had a picture of a big boot up an arse, I would attach it here!

      PM me or we can chat if you want.


      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


        Help...I can't do this any more

        WHAT !
        Not only did he cheat on you, but far from redeeming himself he's actually taunting you with it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Sorry, girlfriend, we don't know each other, but kick that sorry- arsed prick out of your life !
        Jesus ! You deserve better than that. We all do.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Help...I can't do this any more

          Here here Bridget!!!!


            Help...I can't do this any more

            Just know that you will get support here. I am so sorry you are going through this.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Help...I can't do this any more

              Here Here again Bridget!!!!!
              You dont need people like that in your life, you deserve much better than that, you are a good person so why let him treat you like that, get rid of him!!!!
              Let him be the one to be sorry not you!!!!
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                Help...I can't do this any more

                I agree with bye bye. He doesn't deserve you if he does that. Keep your self respect and dump his cheating arse. You'll survive without him and have a chance of meeting someone decent. Feel for you. I know it hurts. Gotta be strong though. He'll only do it again and again. Sorry, but that's what I've learned in my 56 yrs. Love ya
                Starting over again


                  Help...I can't do this any more

                  Choppers, what do you need? There is lots of support for you here. Come back and talk about what's happening.


                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    Help...I can't do this any more

                    Chopper :l

                    The bloke is a b*stard.
                    Firstly put some deap heat in his underpants
                    Secondly respond to every advert you see in his name. He will be inundated with junk mail, phone calls and rubbish. (rubbish breeds rubbish)
                    Fourthly Show him the door. You can do soooo much better than him. You seem to be a lovely caring person, you dont need someone like him in your new life.
                    Dump the prick
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Help...I can't do this any more

                      *hugs* ... Hope you're doing OK. You deserve to be happy. Everyone does. Don't let anyone take that away from you.
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        Help...I can't do this any more

                        Choppers mom. :upset: I know how painful that is. Estranged one was (probably still is but it doesn't matter) a cheater. You deserve to be loved and respected. However this works out or doesn't work out, you've got to make your core belief that you are a good person and you are worthy of love and respect. (read that sentence again and write it down). That in itself is a bit of work. I wonder if it could be that people who we think are mistreating us are actually there to help us heal and reset our core beliefs. That may sound "out there", but if this has happened more than once or with more than one BF, it may make you wonder. You do what your heart tells you is right. I tend to think along those lines, but I am also winding up the divorce and I am fully armed. PM me if you want some reading suggestions. And please, drinking WILL make this worse so stay strong!!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          Help...I can't do this any more

                          Chops, I agree with Zen and pretty much everyone else here. Lots of good thoughts and advice. You are a very good, sensitive, caring person. You deserve love, honesty and respect. Find someone who can give that to you and don't settle for less!:l

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Help...I can't do this any more

                            Chops; That stinks. I have alot of bad things to say about him but I will keep it clean. Get rid of the dont deserve that. While i love the idea of probably wont make you feel any better.


                              Help...I can't do this any more

                              Advise from "been there"

                              Take it from someone who wishes they would have done things SO much differently....if he is your bf...I assume boyfriend...and is cheating on you.....kick his sorry ass to the curb! You are worth so much better than that and if he's cheatin now....well, lets just say...a tiger's stripes never change. Save yourself the grief and do it now before you waste more of your life on this CREEP!
                              Finally Free

