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Help...I can't do this any more

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    Help...I can't do this any more

    Thank you all so much for the support! Yes, we do live together so I will be the one leaving! Thought I could work it out with the boyfriend, but realize that won't happen. In my mind, once a cheater always a cheater!

    Sorry I vanished last night, I just decided to go to bed. It felt great to sleep!

    I love the support I have here from all of my MWO friends! I will keep you all posted. Now that I have had some sleep, and I am thinking logically, I will proceed to move on.

    This is so scary and painful, but I am leaving with my dignigty, pride and head held high

    :l:l:l Hugs to all!

    p/s I did have 2 glasses of wine last night. I didn't get drunk, so that is good. I have actually been dealing with this awhile but just needed to vent last night. While I haven't been AF this last couple weeks, I have definitely been drunk free. It is much easier to handle all this with a clear head!


      Help...I can't do this any more

      Glad to hear you are OK!
      Hope you are able to move on quickly.

      Stay strong, peace & blessings.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Help...I can't do this any more


        Sending you best wishes. Glad to hear you are handling this sober...don't let him get you back on the bottle, he's already proved by his actions that he is not worthy of you.

        Take Care
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          Help...I can't do this any more

          Hi Chopper. You are such a lovely lady; I am so sorry you have been treated with such sad cruelty. It will probably take a while to get your bearings in all this but I trust you will find a way to live well. While people often say that it is the best “revenge”, I think if one really lives well, revenge becomes irrelevant. Take care of your sweet heart. Love, Ladybird.
          may we be well


            Help...I can't do this any more

            I hate cheaters. I tend to be vengeful like I will keep my advice to myself cause I think it probably is not very mature or productive. HA HA HA Just know we are all here for you and you are doing great. I would probably have one to many and burn all his shit (see what I mean) Keep your head high!!!!
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              Help...I can't do this any more

              I'm so sorry Chops. I'd like to get my New England Patriot's linebackers to kick his lousy cheating butt. You deserve so much better and you will have it. Yeah, my passive-aggressive mind gets a stewing with vengeful thoughts "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" Shakespeare. Smart man he was.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Help...I can't do this any more

                Thank you again everyone! I, too, have a very vengeful side. Don't thnk for one second I haven't already thought of a million things to do :H However, I know that I am better than that and I can take the higher road. Now, it's a matter of keeping my son at bay (he's 20). He doesn't like his mama hurt! I told him to just leave it be, and I know he will listen

                Sea, Shakespeare was smart. I have thought of that saying a million times on a daily basis.

                Thank you all again. I love you all! :l


                  Help...I can't do this any more

                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    Help...I can't do this any more

                    Just in case you change your mind and want to take the low road...
                    Steal all his shoes.......not ALL of them.......just the left one.......
                    Sorry I wish I was more mature and diplomatic, but I'm just not......
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Help...I can't do this any more

                      Register him on a gay hotline.....
                      Sorry, I really am going now.......
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Help...I can't do this any more


                        Don't take it anymore....period.

                        Every word spoken from all these brilliant, wise and considerate ladies is full of LOYAL and RESPECTfilled reminders of what you deserve to recieve.

                        I feel your hurt and I know this anguish. I am so sorry because it is painfull, but, on another level whatever it is that would keep you beholden to someone that treats you with this mean spirited disregard is a means of control and manipulation for this individual's lack of character.

                        You are strong, you are invincible, YOU ARE...!!

                        Holding you up in thought and spirit, also~

                        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                          Help...I can't do this any more

                          Oh, my dear Choppersmom,

                          I am so sorry for this. What a crummy thing for you to have to deal with. I am so proud of you for handling it the way you are... it would be all too easy to jump down the bottle, and I think you are amazing for not letting that happen. A glass or two of wine is fine. Relax, enjoy a cuddle with your dogs, and know that we all are here rooting for you.

                          I want you to know that your posts have been so very helpful to me. Ever since I first joined here, you have been right there, supporting me. In fact I think you are one of the very first to write to me! You are a strong, thoughtful, lovely and wise woman, and you deserve the very best guy out there. Take care of yourself, my dear, and if all else fails, let your son go and beat the bum. :H

                          I enjoyed reading all the creative ways you could punish the bum... especially the Icy Hot in the shorts, responding to ads in his name, stealing the left shoes, and signing him up on the gay hotline..... really great ideas! A sense of humor is a wonderful thing, and can pull us through tough times with a bit of a smile!

                          You are in my thoughts, Choppersmom, and I am sending you all the strength I can.:hug:


                            Help...I can't do this any more

                            Maybe this is an opportunity to establish new routines which meet your needs instead of others. Are you feeling okay about finding a new place? I saw something on TV about very reasonable rents just to keep homes occupied while they're for sale. Best wishes - doing well is truly the best revenge!


                              Help...I can't do this any more

                              Hi Choppers.

                              I was a "first responder" since I happened to be online at the same time as you posted your plight....

                              I didn't have much advice to offer then, I had too many questions. I still don't know that I have any answers for you, but I just wanted you to know that I have continued to read as the story has unfolded further, I'm still interested in how you are doing, there are still hugs and good vibes coming to you from the Rocky Mountains today, and I hope you are taking good care dearie!!



                                Help...I can't do this any more

                                It sounds like you are handling this in a very classy way and taking care of yourself by not drowning your sorrows with drink. Kudos to you. It is definitely his loss.

