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Help...I can't do this any more

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    Help...I can't do this any more

    I read in a magazine once that the girlfriend moved out so she sewed little shrimp in the bottom of the know in the hem of it. You can imagine the smell after a few days right? AND he could never figure out where exactly the horrid smell was coming from because it was HIDDEN. He ended up moving out to get away from the smell. LMAO.... I hope these idea at least give you a smile!!!! You could superglue his penis to his stomach
    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


      Help...I can't do this any more

      I sent a friend a book of spells for the spurned when she had a man calamity. She is happy now and still talks about the spells.........I'm also a great advocate of chilli's/deep heat in the crotch area etc, and yes, I hope this at least raises an eyebrow if not a smile chops.......

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        Help...I can't do this any more

        Brit, I read that same article. It was in Cosmo. I actually did it. Don't know what became of it though. Never heard from the ba----d agn. LOL
        Starting over again


          Help...I can't do this any more

          I agree with The Zensters advise on this one..........
          Turn it around and leave him the wounded one. Then walk away with your head held high.
          We are broadcast systems whether we want to be or not so make sure the signal that you are sending is one from an "empowered woman" not a wounded victim. Don't let him have the satisfaction of knowing how badly he hurt you.
          Then when you have caught your breath, go out and find yourself a man who is worthy of a GOOD woman, like you. Some one who can be a trustworthy loyal partner. Believe me, they do exist. If I can find and fall in love with one I am sure you can too. Don't waste anymore time on someone who has proven he's NOT what you're looking for.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Help...I can't do this any more

   that you have made your decision, stick with it and dont back down. Again, experience speaking and the longer it goes on, the more painful it gets! HUGS!
            Finally Free


              Help...I can't do this any more

              Last...I knew it was in Cosmo..but wasn't gonna reveal my source..LOL
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                Help...I can't do this any more

                Wow...such great ideas! Now, I know why women are the more powerful and dominant, even if statistics say otherwise! Guess this why we only have one brain! :H I can't thank you all enough for your support! I am going to leave with my head held high. After reading all the responses, I know now that this is my path in life. I was meant to go through this. Thankfully, no young kiddos involved. Well, he has a 10-year old, but he needs to talk to him. My son is in his 20's and full of fight right now. Maybe I will unleash my son?? :H Or, add my son with Sea's Patriots and my Steelers! :H

                You are all such lovely, wonderful people, and I am so thankful for each and every one of you! Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend! Onward and upward! :l

                P/S I think I read that shrimp article. I don't have any drapes. Where do I sew it into? The right shoes?


                  Help...I can't do this any more

                  Another Steeler fan!

                  Hey, Choppersmom, didn't I say we are two peas in a pod?

                  Hold that head up high, girl, and let us know how it goes. Sending you strong thoughts!


                    Help...I can't do this any more

                    But the BEST living WELL.........
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19

