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Feeling Miserable

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    Feeling Miserable


    I've been lurking here on and off for quite awhile. I've been struggling with this drinking thing for a VERY long time. My 40th birthday is coming up soon, and I've been drinking too much since my early 20's.

    It was recreational back then. In my 30's, I've become much more serious about work, life pressures, etc. and have become what's probably a functional alcoholic. I first started worrying about my drinking when I found myself secretly sipping during the day at work. Since I owned the company, I couldn't get fired for that! I somehow managed to keep it together well enough to run the company and even sell it off to an international competitor of mine.

    I thought that selling the company would reduce my stress, but I've managed to make everything else in my life stressful too, and still use stress as an excuse to drink and get through the day.

    I can go a day or two pretty easily without drinking, but then I more than make up for it the next day, and it's killing me. I'm missing out on so much, and I feel miserable with myself the next day. And yet I continue to do it.

    I have a lot to lose-- I have a good position with the company I sold out to. I make decent money, especially in this economy. I have the love of a wonderful man who wants to marry me (although I don't think he's really aware of the extent of my drinking. I hide it pretty well.)

    I hate this horrible feeling of self-loathing and day-after brain fog. I've gained 30 pounds, and I just don't feel good in general.

    I don't want to moderate any more. I've tried it, and I'm one of those people who can't handle it.

    I just want to be DONE. I want to BE a non-drinker. But how do I do it? I can get a day or two under my belt, but then I screw it up. I did go 3 months AF several years ago, and felt fabulous.

    How can I get through the first days, the first week, and however long it takes to get to the point where I'm not obsessed with it?

    I'm sorry this was so long. Thank you for any help you can offer.

    Feeling Miserable

    Hi Not Thirsty,

    Just saw your post, and wanted to say "Hello" and let you know you found a great place to come to for advice and support and understanding from others who really do understand the battles you face with alcohol.

    I wish I had a simple answer for you, but I think you have taken a great first step in coming here, admitting you have a problem, and are starting the journey to fight this problem.

    You might want to start by reading the book. That seems to work well for some people. Be sure to stick around on the website, post often, read often. I hope you are one of the lucky ones who finds sobriety easily!




      Feeling Miserable

      Hi NotThirsty and Welcome :welcome: You have made the first step of admitting the problem and are now trying to do something about that :goodjob: Like Overit suggested, read the MWO book. It is a fantastic read and full of information. Do you think talking to your fiance would be an extra source of support and comfort?

      Stay close, read and post. This place is a wonderful place to be for support. We are all here to help you on your journey. Take care and I look forward to getting to know you.


        Feeling Miserable

        Welcome to MWO !!! I look forward to getting to know you. I love you chosen name and it says alot about your attitude (very positive). You will be fine..........I can feel it in my soul. PM me any time if I can help. We are all very much alike and yet each one of us has to find our own way out. For me it took MEDS to get me alcohol free. There are many different meds and natural supplements. The MWO book is the best place to start so I recommend that you download that and start there....Good luck and I KNOW you can do this I just KNOW you CAN !!!!
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Feeling Miserable

          NT, welcome to MWO. I know when I first came here, thinking 7 days, one whole week AF, WHAT, that seems near impossible. 7 days AF, is a very reachable, obtainable goal. I would suggest you read RJ's book first. Then you need to set-up a plan. You can not go into sobriety just hoping to quit, because if you will fail. Arm yourself....get some supplements, post a ton and read here for support. No one should be alone. WHY? We all know what you are going through, we have all been where you are today. We were all scared once, we were all drunk once, we all wanted sobriety once and a lot of us now have it. We have it, because we have each other. This program is wonderful because it can be altered to fit your lifestyle. I post on a couple of threads each day, I take topamax, I take the supplements. If I am having a really bad day, I have made strong bonds with a few members here that I YELL out for help. It keeps me away from that liquor store door. It is hard work, but you can do it. And it sure sounds like you are ready. Welcome!!!!!
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            Feeling Miserable

            Welcome Not Thirsty,

            As the others said, it is hard work but it is doable. If you really want it, you can have it, but you have to do the work!
            After you've read the book, sit down and make a plan for yourself, something customized for you to help you meet your goals. We are individuals with individual needs and you know yourself best.

            Wishing you peace & happiness on your journey. We will all be here for you, stay in touch.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Feeling Miserable

              I just wanted to welcome you aboard. You have already been given great advice and the support that you will receive here is immeasurable. I can so relate to how you feel. Just hold onto that memory of how good you felt.:welcome:
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Feeling Miserable

                Welcome, Not Thirsty! :welcome:

                Here's a link to a thread on this site that might help you maintain your motivation to quit and stay quit:


                And here?s a link to some tips for staying quit:


                There's no magic bullet, and like Lavande says, it takes work. But it CAN be done!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Feeling Miserable

                  Hi NT,
                  My goodness you DO sound like me.....well except for the love of a wonderful man part....
                  I am reading 'My Way Out' the book really slowly, because I don't want it to end. I can really identify with Roberta Jewell, and I think you will too.
                  I wish the very best for you getting started.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Feeling Miserable

                    Hi Not T,
                    I too consider myself a functional AL, but never drank at work. Yes, the weight does pound on (pun intended). Just think how much they will come off if you can quit drinking....I've already lost 15 pounds in 6 wks! Struggled for a long time with finally doing this, but as you said the brain fog is gone and I'm hoping to feel fabulous in 3 months, I've never been able to do that before, so you have something I haven't.....keep that in mind and get started with MWO.



                      Feeling Miserable


                      I am so glad you found us! This place is full of great people who are fonts of great ideas, lovely support and good friendship. Stay with us, keep reading and posting, Not Thirsty... The Four Day Thread is a good place to start, is staying AF for a week seems like too big of a stretch. The Weekenders thread is also great. Well, suffice it to say that every place you turn here will offer good support and a willing ear. Welcome!


                        Feeling Miserable

                        Wow! Thank you, everyone!

                        I really appreciate all your warm, positive encouragement. Listening to all of you, it really does seem possible to kick this rotten habit.

                        Yesterday went fine, no issues. Hopefully today will be fairly easy too. I dread Monday a bit, but I'm not going to worry about it right now.

                        I look forward to getting to know each of you.



                          Feeling Miserable

                          Hi NotThirsty.
                          You just HAVE to go through the bad stuff to get to the good. You can make it a little easier on yourself by having a plan that suits you and by coming here when it gets tough. You mentioned that you already had a period of sobriety so you know the benefits are there, it's just getting there.
                          The thing that helped me the most I think, was the realisation that not drinking is not a punishment. I used to feel that I was missing out by foregoing my habitual bottle of vodka. Then one day it just clicked. It was my addiction talking, and it's such a liar and a thief. I am doing myself the biggest favour I can do by kicking the booze and living like I am supposed to.
                          Good luck.


                            Feeling Miserable

                            Hi Not Thirsty,

                            Welcome to MWOF! Everyone has given fantastic advice so far, and as you have probally gathered you have found a fantastic place, This site has helped me a great deal, especially just be being able to reach out to people in a similar situation who are going through a similar experience.

                            There are many starting out, like you, not really knowing where to start, people who are long term abstainers and many in between!

                            It feels like a weight being lifted having the oportunity to be open and honest, try to take advantage!

                            Finally I just wanted to mension I found Campral really helped me with cravings and try to let go of the 'self loathing' once you are able to forgive yourself then you can begin the healing.

                            All the very best, love and best wishes,
                            Manisha xoxo
                            To see a world in a grain of sand
                            And a heaven in a wildflower.
                            Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                            And eternity in an hour.


                              Feeling Miserable

                              Welcome to MWO Not T,
                              we are all here for support and encouragement
                              Stay close and get to know us- we are a great bunch of friends
                              With our support system, you goals and dreams can be met
                              Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                              And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                              • Yesterday is History
                                Today is a Mystery
                                Tomorrow is a GIFT

