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New all over again...

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    New all over again...

    Well, hey there guys!! Remember me from the other board? I'm the one who got mowed down by the golfcart!

    Oh ... NOW you remember!! :H

    I did pretty well for such a long while and then ... ahem, let's just say I'm not doing that well now. I got better physically, and of course when you feel good, you want to celebrate. I guess I'm back to my old habits but sick of it and needing to make a PERMANENT change.

    And so ... I'll be back tonight; am at work now and it's difficult to do this and try to work at the same time.

    "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." ~ Louisa May Alcott

    New all over again...

    Hello BBL,

    I didn't find MWO until the new board was up and running.

    I'm sort of new here but I will take the opportunity to welcome you back:welcome:

    Mowed over by a golf cart? Do tell:H
    :h :h :h :h


      New all over again...

      Oh ... hehe! BBL was "be back later" ... sorry to confuse you.

      Yeah, I had a major accident in March and was bedridden for a little over a month. The kind folks here kept me company during that time! I'll have to tell the story when I have more time; right now I think I'll leave work early.
      "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." ~ Louisa May Alcott


        New all over again...

        :H Sorry Pokey:H
        :h :h :h :h


          New all over again...

          :welcome: back, Pokey! Good to see you! Yeah, I remember the golf cartastrophe! Hope you are back walking again without much trouble. Hope your therapists were nice to you!
          Sorry to hear you are not doing well with the drinking. It can be disheartening to think you are "cured" and are doing so well, then you go... WHOA! I'm still me and still need to constantly monitor this thing. Many of us in the same boat, so don't feel alone.
          You will do great this time! You know the tools and you know lots of us here already...AND you know that you can DO it cuz you DID!
          I love having you and your wonderful sense of humor back! Keep in touch.

