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First Day

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    First Day

    This is my first day... I really want to make it through this. Everyone in my family are alchololics and I do not want to end up like that. I want to break the cycle. I am raising my three year old grandson and I want to be here for him. I have an emotionally abusive husband and that makes getting clean even harder. So I am sure you will hear from me alot. I appreciate any ideas anyone has!!

    First Day

    Hi there ... Welcome, and nice to meet you. You are in the right place. We can all relate to the drinking issue, and there are so many of us who can also relate to similar relationship issues, so you should find lots of thoughts and ideas, etc., in that regard. Read through the threads and forums and jump in and start posting when you feel so inclined! Share as much as you like - you'll always get some great responses.

    Looking forward to seeing more from ya!
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      First Day

      Hi and a warm welcome to you Want2beme.

      Have you read the book "My Way Out" yet?
      It really inspired me to get a plan together to put a stop to this craziness.

      Sending strength to you on your journey.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        First Day

        Right with you

        Hi there,

        It is my first day too, but I'm in Europe so it's almost time for kids to get home. I look forward to hearing how your day goes - do you have a detox plan? I just took my second set of Camprals. I feel a little dizzy, though, maybe the dosage is too strong for me. Hmmm. Just went to the store and bought a bag of lemons - people have posted to me today saying that lemon juice is good for the liver.
        You go girl!
        - Tulipe
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
        AF since May 6, 2010


          First Day

          Hello wantobeme62,
          Let'sdo this together. I have lurked on this website for a long time. I go through bouts of moderate drinking and then I long periods of heavily drinking. I never really stop but today seems like a good place to start. I'm sick of waking up with hangovers. I have two young girls and i feel like they never see me without a glass of wine. Yuck.



            First Day

            Detox plan

            I am taking Topomax and just ordered the Kudzu. I hope this helps. I am going to try the lemon juice. I'll try anything. I have tried antidepressants but all of them seem to zap all of my energy. And with a three year old I need all of the energy I can get!


              First Day

              Okay Ishy...lets try together! Wine is my choice of drink too!! And I get tired of hangovers too!!! I can buy a bottle and before you know it ...I am at the end of it!!! It is an awful feeling....


                First Day


                Boy, you have a really good reason to get and stay sober. I cannot imagine having to take on a 3 year old at my age.

                Here is to hoping you find great success in all endeavors of your life.

                Stick here and read. You will get a lot of support from some very understanding and caring people.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  First Day

                  Welcome want2 and Ishy,

                  You have found a good place. Jump on board, we can get through this together

                  I'm a brand new grandmother myself - he's the whole reason I'm here. I needed some motivation to get off my butt and do something to straighten myself out. What better motivation than a grandson?

                  Please read the MWO book, make your individualized plans and then just DO IT! Don't waste another day staring at the bottom of an empty wine bottle. You never get those days back.
                  You can do this, it's hard work but you will never be sorry.

                  Wishing you both the best
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    First Day

                    My first day,too

                    Have been reading the posts here for a while but this is my first time posting,I have no alcohol in the house and want to try to keep it that way for at least the week-too scary to think beyond that!!! I drink abottle or two of red wine a day starting in the early eve, And drink til it's all gone. I have a 5yr old and this is no life for him. I really want to stop but have failed so many times before. I feel so sad and scared for both of us.I'm broke and bored and alone Let's hope I can do this The posts here are so lovely and supportive.:new:


                      First Day

                      My fifth first day
                      Always wanting to quit permanently but convince myself after awhile that I can handle limited intake again. slowly but surely it builds back up over time to the point where it's interfering with life again. I seem to be able to stop ,and go through that pain, but eventually end up in the same situation in time. I want to find how to take that step to stop permanently. Any suggestions.


                        First Day

                        Hey there, expatriot. For me, it has to do with my thinking .. identifying reasons why I want/need to stop, and keeping them in mind. The thoughts and reasons have to be stronger and more important than the urge to drink.

                        Read though the message boards here .. You'll find a lot of people in different situations at varying levels of sobriety or success .. lots of ideas, etc. Keep on trying until you find something that works for you.
                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                          First Day

                          My first day as well

                          Also been lurking, finally registered. Time to start changing things. Feel good about this first step


                            First Day

                            Hi everyone,

                            Still looking at these wondeful posts but not AF yet! Tell me what has worked best for you guys. Hasit been the drous and supps or the Hyno tapes? I'm thinking the tapes may work well for me along with supps. If I need the drupgs do I have to go to a doctor? Can I order on-line without a script?


                              First Day

                              Hi to expatriot, needtobefree and newbies!

                              I just wanted to mention this in case it might be of any help.

                              My 10 year drinking career really became a huge problem back around the holidays. In January, I started reading & researching, trying to figure out what was going to be Step 1. I decided getting control of my anxiety/depression was crucial.
                              I had been on antidepressants for a number of years but they didn't help. I dumped the AD and started on a good herbal supplement called Amoryn. It worked very well for me. At that point I found & worked on a program called Habit Busting. It helped me to identify some major problems such as negative thinking, poor self esteem, etc. I then found MWO and thought I would start by learning to drink moderately. I found out, very quickly that it's just too easy to screw up!!

                              What has worked for me is going completely AF, using the Hypnotherapy CDs often (still do) and enjoying each & every hangover free day I've had since March 26. I have not used any meds or even the supplements offered here. I feel like a new person, a free person, you can too.

                              I wish you all peace & blessings.

                              We are all different and have to work hard to find out what is right for each of us. It is hard work but definitely worth the effort.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

