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First Day

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    First Day

    Sharky;636434 wrote: Also been lurking, finally registered. Time to start changing things. Feel good about this first step
    Me too. New beginnings.


      First Day

      re: 1st day

      you're certainly in the righ place for support. Ive dropped out for the past few months...but Im back! Tomorrow marks my 4th month AF and the best advice I can give you is conviction. Stick with it. See your doc or any doc and let them know what your doing, and dont sugar coat how much of what that you drank/used. I actually put myself in our local VA hospital for a few days because I was at a point that the cold-turkey approach could have been dangerous for me.
      While there's life, there's hope.


        First Day

        Day 2

        I joined this site over a year ago and have mainly lurked here. I want so bad to get to 30 days. My ex is my recession roomate at the moment and he is my biggest enabler. I have a 14 yo daughter who needs a good role model at home.

        I'm taking the meds and tonight i will listen to the CD's. I'm committing to one week AF and will take it from there.

        I have gained a lot of inspiration from so many of you! thank you.


        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          First Day

          looking for a miracle!

          :new:Hi all, this is my first time here. I've read the book and keep visiting the website but never joined in. Any help on getting out of this nightmare would be hugely appreciated. Reading all the threads make me feel that I'm not the only intelligent (@!?) person out there screwing up on a daily basis!
          I live on a Mediterranean island so doctors/help groups etc are not part of the picture - our GP is an old soak who thinks smoking's not so bad! (Will wait to give that up just now - more paranoid of liver disease than lung cancer).
          My biggest scare is my kids will twig soon that mum is a pathetic lush - or worse, I'll do something that hurts them. I would die for my kids - so how come I regularly put us in situations I then cringe & regret? Maybe I should forget the "intelligent" part!
          Have got to point where I don't remember the end of the evening, promises & plans made and the next day is a battle to achieve just simple stuff. Can anyone tell me how long it takes to turn it all around? What are your ideas on Topa? Worth a try?:thanks:

