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So sick of...

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    So sick of...

    not remembering what I've said, what people said to me. Missing portions of the end of the evening. Tired of my anxiety increasing the next day. Guilt, embarrassment. All of it. Time to do something. So glad I've found everyone here. I knew I wasn't the only drinker but I thought I was alone with all the negative feeling and thinking that comes the next day. Some people bounce back the next day. not me. I am a wreck.


    So sick of...

    Hey there, Blonde. Nice to meet you. I'm still pretty new to being sober, so probably not very qualified to give experienced advice ... except to tell you what worked for me, and that is reading through the boards whenever I could, learning as much as I can, trying new things, finding what fits me best, what works for me, using supplements to help me along, and remembering why I want to change. We all deserve to be happy. I am thinking of the life I want and am trying to make plans to get there .. little by little.

    This is such a great website .. I'm so glad I found it. I can identify with the feelings that you mentioned in your post. I drank a LOT. Stay close and read and post. You'll find your way to a new you. Just don't give up .. You're here and that's a great first step to a better life. You will do this!
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      So sick of...

      I am so with you blonde; this insanity needs to stop.
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        So sick of...

        I cannot express how much 2 posts makes me feel better.


          So sick of...

          That's keep posting and talk to us. We are all here for the same reason! Hang in there!


            So sick of...

            I hear you on being a mess the next day. You will be surprised to find out just how much you have in common with people on here.

            Welcome! And please keep reading and posting. You will find your way, and you have found a great place for support from others who really do understand the battles you face.



              So sick of...

              You are going to be great! I love it here too. No one judges, they encourage.


                So sick of...

                Thanks everyone. Truly.


                  So sick of...

                  Hi blondechick,

                  Welcome, glad you found us

                  Truthfully, I probably destroyed a long, long friendship with someone (my sister-in-law) by doing the same dumb shit. I called her, apparently wasn't nice on the phone - well, she has refuse dto talk to me since March. Yeah, I feel like an idiot..........
                  That was just one of the reasons why I finally decided to quit, do I need to list more?

                  Hang in there with us, we can all do this together.
                  Peace & blessings.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    So sick of...

                    Blonde, its great that you are here. What is your story? We are all here to help you as well as ourselves. :welcome:


                      So sick of...

                      Lavande;636653 wrote: Hi blondechick,

                      Welcome, glad you found us

                      Truthfully, I probably destroyed a long, long friendship with someone (my sister-in-law) by doing the same dumb shit. I called her, apparently wasn't nice on the phone - well, she has refuse dto talk to me since March. Yeah, I feel like an idiot..........
                      That was just one of the reasons why I finally decided to quit, do I need to list more?

                      Hang in there with us, we can all do this together.
                      Peace & blessings.

                      I haven't done the phone thing in a while ( thank God) but I have ruined relationships. It's so embarrassing. I have said and done things I would not normally do. Wonder what it will be like to go out and not drink? I am scared that life will become a lot of nothing.
                      I know that sounds ridiculous .


                        So sick of...


                        That doesn't sound ridiculous at all chic. I am just trying to start out myself and I keep realizing everything I associate with drinking...Eating out, watching a ball game, playing ball, fishing, ( how the hell do you fish without drinking?). It will be an adjustment to be sure. I too have memory loss the day after. I find bruises I have no idea how I got, I am told I did things and said things that I have no clue about, etc. So far, I have only had one AF day in the past year, and it was ruff. I am trying to moderate and slack off right now, but the wheels fall off now and again. Just don't quit. We will have some good and bad days, but there are a lot of people here to help.
                        Rehab is for quitters!


                          So sick of...

                          Thanks Goodboy. I hate the memory loss. I hate when I talk to people the next day and I can't recall what they are talking about. I have to BS my way thru it. Ugh. Embarrassing. Couple drinks in , I get paranoid and start to zone out. wth? Why do I do that to myself? I am working on it.


                            So sick of...

                            I hear ya...

                            I get so tired of " Don't you remember?". I just say oh yeah, or, I was just messing with you. I have lost my keys, my wallet, I've even lost bottles of booze. We can do this. I think the first step is realizing we have a problem. Now, we just have to want to quit more than we want the stuff. Sometimes it takes a while I guess. It's easier to just take the drink than to turn it down. I think I see why we had a prohibition era. I would have made one heck of a moonshine still.
                            Rehab is for quitters!


                              So sick of...

                              I have lost countless things. I lost my set of keys-- car, house ,work. I had to pay $300 for a new set. Couldn't drive my car for a week. Try explaining that...

