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So sick of...

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    So sick of...

    I can't tell you how much all your replies have helped me. I was really starting to lose my mind from all the self bashing I was doing to myself. I would sit around hungover (more like still drunk) thinking I am the only one in the world who feels this way. Absolutely torture myself with the replays of the night before- what I could remember of it. I have been AF since I joined here and ONLY because I found out I wasn't alone. Thanks for the support.


      So sick of...

      LilBit, that story is hilarious! Laughing WITH you of course. Reminds me of the time I was in college at a bonfire party, and the house was too far from the yard, so everyone was peeing in the woods. Except instead of squatting down, I leaned over jackknife style (with my legs straight) and fell headfirst onto the ground, scraping my forehead. So when people asked the next day "how'd you scrape your forehead?" and I replied "peeing in the woods," it sure didn't make any sense! How do you scrape your head going pee? Yeesh!


        So sick of...

        I think the worst thing I did was made a pass or tried to make out with my best friends wife, not sure which since they don't talk to me anymore, and I can't remember ANY of it. From what I heard I was on autopilot for a couple of hours. Erased from my memory completely. He just said "I was ready to punch you but knew you were wasted so we just left". "What did I say??" "Its what you did". Months ago and they have not spoken to me since, they were my closest friends for years. Even drinking buddies too. Horrible. I wish it was funny, but it's not.

        I always took precautions against drunk dialing when drinking alone. I'd shut down cell and unplug hard lines after first couple. I did have to answer a couple "were you mad when you texted me last night" questions though.


          So sick of...

          I hear ya , Gear. Nothin like waking up so hungover , spending an hour trying to find my cell and having a ginormous anxiety attack as I read the outgoing call log. Dear Lord- I could pull my own skin off just remembering it.

