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Scared but Hopeful

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    Scared but Hopeful

    Hi Everyone,
    I guess I've finally come to the conclusion that I'm really scared that I'm not going to be around for my teenage children if I don't get my act together. My husband and my children are everything to me. I love socializing and that always means drinking. I just want to stop at one if that is even possible. So this is where I begin. Making choices that are not destructive. I am so glad I found this forum, because I have been wanting to talk with someone for so long. I'm finally breaking out of my denial of my problem. Not exactly sure where to begin but it has been way too many years.

    Scared but Hopeful

    Hi Heart and welcome aboard :welcome: I am glad that you found this forum. Have you downloaded RJ's book? It is full of so much information and inspiration. You have taken the first step in overcoming denial. Stay close, keep reading, and post a lot. I do look forward to getting to know you.


      Scared but Hopeful

      Me as well. Day 1 here and have the exact same issue as you. Not quite sure what to do but figured this is a good start and posters look to be very helpful. I am hoping to learn as well...


        Scared but Hopeful

        Thank you. I'm so glad I found this forum. I just started searching for help and there it was.


          Scared but Hopeful

          Heart...welcome! It is scarey admitting you have a problem and reaching out for help. It is ver yscarey. But, you have made that first step. Keep reading, posting and coming here for support. Work the program, get a plan and stick to it....sobriety is obtainable. Glad you are here.
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            Scared but Hopeful

            Hi Heart & Sharky,

            A big welcome to both of you

            Glad you found us, we're a pretty good group here.
            If you hang in there with us, you will meet your goals. I am happy & proud to say I have with the tremendous support I've received her eover the months.
            Stay close & check in often, would love to get to know you.

            Peace & blessings.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Scared but Hopeful

              Heart, welcome to the program. you are in a good place here.:welcome:


                Scared but Hopeful

                Thanks everyone. Totally look forward to learning from everyone!


                  Scared but Hopeful

                  Sharky - Are you AF now? today?


                    Scared but Hopeful

                    Heart and Sharky,


                    I hope you have read the MWO book. It is very helpful, too.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Scared but Hopeful

                      Yep. Day 2. I'm generally good during the week. Weekends = binge. That kills me. Haven't read the book yet - will get that today. Terrified of Doctors so reluctant to go that route. Appreciate any advice!


                        Scared but Hopeful

                        Hi Heart and Sharky,

                        Welcome! I am fairly new here as well. For me, reading this site daily has been a blessing. I visit in the morning and sometimes in the late afternoon when my mind starts scheming of ways to get alcohol.
                        hope the best for you.


                          Scared but Hopeful

                          Totally agree - reading this has been exceptionally helpful. Very glad i registered


                            Scared but Hopeful

                            Hi Sharky,

                            I binge as well, usually don't drink much during the week, but the weekends kill me. I start getting the urge Thursday, and strong urges on Friday. The good news is I am starting to see the pattern more clearly now. I am convinced my brain is evil , because it can be very sneaky and subtle in the ways it convinces me to drink. Anway, just wanted to let you know you are not alone. :new:


                              Scared but Hopeful

                              Sharky and Justinc - I am just like you two. My downfall is the weekends where we spend our time at the lake at our cottage. Everyone seems to drink up there! We get together with friends, have laughs, bon fires, yummy food etc. I always feel crappy in the morning and sometimes start drinking early to feel better. In January I had to stay away for 1 month and I managed 30 days AF and I ws so proud and it felt so good! Bad news is that the cottage may very well be our retirment destination at some point!

