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Hit a real low......

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    Hit a real low......

    God I've hit a low tonight, I was on such a high yesterday thinking yay another start of the week without wine. But today I had one bad comment from my boss and I was about to sob my heart out!

    It was my mums 75th birhday today and I popped out a lunchtime for a cake and bits and pieces I was only gone an hour and because she had to deal with some stuff I'd normally deal with when I got back she said where have you been, you've been ages, all critical! I never take a lunch break, I work way over my contracted 37 hours per week and never ask for anything in return, where's the bloody give and take I asked????????? Anyway I've now got heartburn and acid indigestion which feels like a heart attack is about to happen and feel so low

    Is this withdrawl or just a bad day???????

    Izzy xx

    Day 2 AF! Would have been too obvious to drink a glass of wine, sorry make that a bottle!

    Hit a real low......

    It is probably a little bit of both.
    Did you tell your boss how you were feeling?
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow


      Hit a real low......

      Was told by her deputy not to as she was having a bad day.... ha welcome to my world!


        Hit a real low......

        Sorry that was really negative!


          Hit a real low......

          Izzy, go easy on yourself love. You are making huge changes at the mo, your emotions are bound to be all over the place. Dont worry, they will begin to settle very soon.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Hit a real low......

            What's LMFCTO?????


              Hit a real low......

              Ahhh, I am going to have to change that I think.....:H
              It means.....Laughing my fecking camel toe off.......sorry
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Hit a real low......

                Now that I would never have guessed


                  Hit a real low......

                  Izzy don't sweat the boss stuff. Boss's have bad days too. I was annoyed this morning because one person was sick, three people were late, and I had a paying customer on the phone and out of 8 people who are on salaried payroll with scheduled hours, none was available.

                  Just compartmentalize the work stuff, and leave it behind at the end of the day. In this economy, it's not a happy thing to be a boss trying to meet payroll, taxes and comply with all the laws.

                  You are always free to change hats and become the boss. Just quit and start your own. You'll find the risk/reward changes your personality quite a bit. A bit funny when one becomes the yeller rather than the yellee. Until then, just let it wash over and don't take it personal.


                    Hit a real low......

                    Hang in there Izzy! Just take a breath, re-group, and remember why you are doing this. Water off a duck's back. Get pissed off about it, as you are, then leave it behind as best you can. You have bigger, far more important fish to fry.
                    Best wishes, you're doing it!...........G.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Hit a real low......

                      Sadly I am a boss too so have to be a yeller and a yellee, think am just having an off day, I can normally see both sides to an issue but today it just wasn't in me to be diplomatic!

                      Thanks everyone!


                        Hit a real low......

                        Sorry Iz, I just saw this today - hope you are feeling better and that you made it through and are back on Day 3!

                        I wish I had been there for you yesterday as you were there for me the day before. I'm sure there will be other days we will need each others support! Pm me at anytime - hope you are having a better day!

                        Love and hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          Hit a real low......

                          Izzy, in all of what you never once mentioned that you were going to take a drink. you should be commended. give yourself a break and treat yourself to an ice cream or something else sweet.


                            Hit a real low......

                            Sorry you're having a yucky day. Try to concentrate on your own personal struggles .. Office "moods" don't have to matter if you don't let them ... Think of these people as just a means to a pay cheque. At the end of the day, you're outta there. In fact, if you like, it's always fun to take some time and look at the local job listings online, just to see what's out there ... kinda helps to know there is an "out" if you decide to take it.

                            ((hugs)) .... and I had to LOL @ LMFCTO .. aahahahahhaa .. never heard that one before!
                            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

