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New member, Seeking help and support

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    New member, Seeking help and support

    Hello friends. My name is Mike and I am wanting to stop drinking .
    I am what my doctor calls a working alcoholic. I don't get stumbling drunk, but always drink everyday when I get off work. My parents and sister know I drink a lot but are of no help. They just don't know what to do, and we live far apart.
    I started drinking beer in the Air Force in 1991. I was a weapons loader on the F-15 Eagle. Wasn't that bad then, had fun with my friends and never got in trouble. The problem started when I got out of the Air Force and got a regular ( civilian ) job.The responsibility is now my own. I have a great job but am constantly battling my drinking problem. My doctor gave me a 3 week sample of Campral and I quit for 5 days while taking it. But it is to easy for me to drink everyday and I caved in. I haven't been back to the doctor. I'm embarassed that my military discipline is so weak .
    I live alone , no girlfriend, parents and sister live a long way away. I do have a few friends that don't drink but we don't visit every day.
    I've read a lot of your posts and gained inspiration from all of your achievements and failures. It does help to talk to people and have friends that support you.
    If there are any of you near Kansas City, Missouri , I would be glad to meet you.

    New member, Seeking help and support

    Pit, you sound like alot of us. I was able to manage the drinking and have it not affect my work. then i got some flexibility at work and started working from home and the S... hit the fan. I was drunk almost all the time. i have 2 small kids and am recently separated from my husband. Ive done better but still struggle.

    What you are going to find on this site is that there are people all over the board on this with different opinions different problems and different levels of drinking issues. We are all here because we recognize it is a problem. So great job joining.

    We are all good people and hopefully you can find that out about yourself as well. Keep talking and listening.:welcome:


      New member, Seeking help and support

      As Cacky says Pit, we are all good people with one common goal. To take control of our lives. Read the posts, and when you feel like you need to , go to the chat room. You took the first step by coming to MWO.
      Stay close and join the journey!
      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

      • Yesterday is History
        Today is a Mystery
        Tomorrow is a GIFT


        New member, Seeking help and support

        Glad you are here. I think a lot here are functional alcoholics. I have always kinda wonder how that works to be honest because I was never one of them. I didnt function to well. I think you will find a lot of suuport here. I am glad you found us. I am no where near Missouri....but we do have members there I think. Keep often and come in to chat if you like.
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          New member, Seeking help and support

          Welcome, Mike!

          I am so glad you joined us! This is a great place for people like us. I strongly recommend that you order RJ's book. It is such a great help, and has a wonderful plan of attack presented in it. I also use the hypno cds that RJ recommends, and have found out that they help with other things, not just drinking. And, you will read here lots about l-glutamine and kudzu, and I have found that they help too. But what really has helped me the most is all the lovely people here who are so willing to offer a shoulder to cry on, a pat on the back, or any thing else that I might need to get me through the day AF. I know you will find the same is true for you, too.

          I want to thank you for your service to this country. Any time someone gives of themselves to this country, to the degree you have, it makes my heart proud. You have my most profound thanks.


            New member, Seeking help and support

            Welcome Mike. I am new here too. You will get a lot of support here. Pm me anytime.


              New member, Seeking help and support

              Welcome! Hope you find a lot that is useful here to help you. There is lots of good information on various links on the home page as well as in the threads.


                New member, Seeking help and support

                Welcome Mike, nice to have you onboard. Lots of support and information and a lot of great people going through the same journey. Good luck and stick around.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  New member, Seeking help and support

                  Hello Mike, and very welcome. I used to be a functional alcoholic but I'm slipping - I have been at home for 3 days now with a "migraine" In reality I've have been on a binge and still drinking even yesterday. I cringe about the lie I told my boss. My head feels like it is going to explode. I hate myself and what I do to myself.
                  I also live alone and is working in a foreign country - that definitely complicates my trying to stop as I am very lonely.
                  PM me if you want to share - we must beat this demon.
                  make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                    New member, Seeking help and support

                    HI Mike - Welcome!

                    You've come to the right place, and made a big step on your journey to beat the monkey on your back. I like you had never been more than 5 days AF, have tried many times to qit, stop for a while or just drink at the weekends all failed. Stumbled on this site and connected every day several times a day to begin with, the support, advice and inspiration has taken me to 18 days AF. I was in the teeth of something I didnt believe I could escape, now I feel increasingly in control and a sense of calm. Check out the 4 day thread or the tool box on monthly abstinence stay hooked up make connections you'll be amazed what you can achieve. On the other side of the pond to you so no meet up! Keep posting Taz x


                      New member, Seeking help and support

                      Start again


                      I am starting day 3 with campral, and feeling better each day. Try again, go back to your MD, there is no shame. THere are lots of us here struggling every day. Read, post, and just keep trying.

                      Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                      AF since May 6, 2010


                        New member, Seeking help and support

                        Hi Pit
                        Ditto all that's been said. This is a vibrant, happening, supportive community that has helped, and is helping, me no end. A great big welcome!! Hang in with us, drinking or not, because there really is a way through this x

                        Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


                          New member, Seeking help and support

                          Hi Mike,
                          Wanting to stop and being about to state it publicly is an important first step. I got there only a few days ago because after a bad weekend I became terrified that something catastrophic would happen that would ruin my life and potentially the lives of others. I can't imagine how I could ever get over hurting someone because of AL.

                          I'm on day 3 of campral - I have a campral thread going in the meds section if you want to compare notes on how it's going. My view is that the meds are cheaper than all the wine so on balance the economics work. Why not try again? Can you get some benzies for the evening if your md thinks you needs them?

                          Hope to hear more,
                          Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                          AF since May 6, 2010


                            New member, Seeking help and support

                            Many well wishes. We are all travelling to similar destinations, our paths to get there may be a little different. I find it helps a lot checking in here as often as I can. I too am a functioning alcoholic. I'm an engineer and drink all throughout the day. I know some of my closest friends know a little, but most people do not. Being able to "function" while having a high level of alcohol is not that uncommon. I was told by a counselor that it is mostly genetics. I have "Functioning" alcoholics on both sides of my family. I also hardly ever get hangovers. ( I sound lucky huh?) The problem is that all this makes it that much harder to quit. Hang in there. We can kick this.
                            Rehab is for quitters!


                              New member, Seeking help and support

                              Welcome aboard Mike
                              I also recommend reading the book and formulating a plan for yourself. You will get immeasurable support here on the boards and in Live Chat. I wish you well as you begin your journey. You can do this!!!!
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

