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New Beginning In Cornwall UK

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    New Beginning In Cornwall UK

    HI everyone,

    Well I did it after almost a year of searching for loopholes in my own rules and guidelines I admit finally I need help. Moreover I have asked for it! Only snag being I will have to wait patiently for a referral. Two weeks I'm told. This is hard for me as I am increasingly aware of physical symptoms manifesting themselves now and it bothers me. I want to stop immediately but realise this could be potentially dangerous for me until my level of dependency is established.
    I am still deciding whether to confide in my hubbie or whether to wait until I am well on the way before I put myself under more pressure. Secretly I believe he know's I know I have a problem and is waiting simply for me to make the first move.
    Advice welcomed!
    I am comforted by oining this community and am ready to succeed. I know it's going to be difficult but this somehow makes it easier.:new:

    New Beginning In Cornwall UK

    Welcome Chaos

    Hi Chaos :welcome:

    Congratulations on making the first move, :new: to and this site has been really valuble to me, in times of sadness, happiness ... and a bit of both mixed Keep here, keep talking it will help.

    What kind of referal are you getting? Will this be into a rehab centre? I have tried on occasions talking to my hubby about it but he doesn't think that its as big a problem as I do (He drinks heavily to). I am going to try A/F for 30 days whereas he is doing similar but willhave the odd drink here and there. I don't feel that I can do that without slipping down the sliding slope again!!

    I send you lots of strength :l


      New Beginning In Cornwall UK

      Chaos, that is great that you are going to get help. more power to you. i would tell hubby. everyone seems to "know" before we do. Good luck.


        New Beginning In Cornwall UK

        Congrats to you on making this decision. I can imagine the two week wait may seem long, but it'll be here before you know it. Maybe you can try cutting down a little during that time in preparation. Re. talking to your hubby about things .. If you think he'll be supportive, go for it .. we can use all the support we can get, that's for sure. Me, I didn't tell anyone (except here on the boards) .. because I didn't feel that it would do any good and, actually, would probably put a "damper" on my feelings. But we're all different.

        Good luck to you .. Here's to a wonderful life, waiting for you just around the corner!
        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


          New Beginning In Cornwall UK

          Welcome Chaos, that's wonderful that you are reaching out for help. I agree with 42Cat; if you think he'll be supportive then tell him. I'm also one to keep it to myself, though. Good luck on everything!


            New Beginning In Cornwall UK

            Just wanted to say welcome Chaos. Glad to see your reaching out for help. We will all be here to help you. I agree on the slowing down a little at a time. It's much easier that way I have found. Good luck to you and stay near.
            Starting over again

