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I'm new here today but not to the recovery

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    I'm new here today but not to the recovery

    :new:Hi everyone.....I just found this site by someone that recommended to me. I'm happy to be here and share my journey with you. This time around I have about 41/2 months of sobriety and close to three months not smoking. I know you are not suppose to do them together but I had to because I was constantly sick with allergies and sinus infections. I currently go to AA but I need more to supplement my recovery. My journey began many years ago but I just couldn't get it. I couldn't understand why I couldn't drink and I fought it for way to long. Most of my family is alcoholics do I need to say more. I'm a grandmother and 54 years old (well 55 tomorrow) but who's counting right. I know in my heart I cannot live the old life anymore but struggling a bit with the emotional part of recovery....hardest part for me. I have enjoyed reading all the posts and learned alot from them. I was up until almost midnight just reading them all. Looking forward to getting to know all of you...


    I'm new here today but not to the recovery

    Welcome Sunny and congrats on your sober time. You will find this is a great place. Loads of support anytime of the day or night (people all over the world participate) Keep talking and reading.


      I'm new here today but not to the recovery

      Happy Birthday

      WIshing you a happy b'day. This board is great. It's getting really hard for me to give up the booze now that I'm in middle-age. Really, really hard. But many people here have done it! and we can't give up. look forward to getting to know you
      Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


        I'm new here today but not to the recovery

        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          I'm new here today but not to the recovery

          Hi Sunny, Welcome to you and wonderful to hear you already have some AF AND NF time under your belt.
          Its good to see you here !
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            I'm new here today but not to the recovery

            Just wanted to add my :welcome: to everyone else's.

            I hope we can help you and I am quite sure you can help many here.

            Glad you are here,
            AF April 9, 2016


              I'm new here today but not to the recovery

              thanks so much everyone for the warm welcome. I'll check in later, I'm on to the health food store. I had already sent off for the book. Haven't learned yet how to do the profile but I will keep researching...not to good with computers anyway.
              sober since Feb. 9, 2009
              smober 85 daz


                I'm new here today but not to the recovery

                You have found a friend !!!

                What a wonderful birthday gift you have given yourself !!!:colorwelcome:You have found a great place for support.I look forward to getting to know you.
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  I'm new here today but not to the recovery

                  :welcome: Sunny!

                  Glad you found us, we're a happy, helpful supportive group.
                  You'll love it here just as I promised.

                  :goodjob: on your AF and smoke free time, you're awesome!

                  Wishing you all the best.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    I'm new here today but not to the recovery

                    Welcome Sunny. There is a lot of good advice here. I am new here and and haven't been AF as long as you. ( Still trying to get to the second day without giving in ). Best wishes and Happy early B-Day !!
                    Rehab is for quitters!


                      I'm new here today but not to the recovery

                      Welcome, Sunny! ... Congrats on how far you've come .... And Happy Almost B-day to you!
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        I'm new here today but not to the recovery

                        I'm a sleepy head tonight....check in in the morning
                        Thanks everyone again...I'm so glad I found this place and getting to know all of you too.
                        Sweet Dreams.....Sunnydaz


                          I'm new here today but not to the recovery

                          Hi Sunnydaz, welcome and happy birthday, 4.5 months is really great going. Treat yourself by staying AF today, you deserve it.
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            I'm new here today but not to the recovery

                            Welcome Sunny,
                            Contratulations on making it so far, and look forward to seeing your posts.
                            - Tulipe
                            Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                            AF since May 6, 2010


                              I'm new here today but not to the recovery

                              hi sunny,welcom to MWO alcoholism is a struggle,the mental part being the most difficult,always remember your sobriety is for you,even having children or gran children will not make you stop,i to am in your age bracket , and have struggled with alchoholism and depression for the last ten years,since coming here the people are incredible,open up,have a sense of humor and you'll have a great time,always remember we have an illness of sort,i do wish you well gyco

