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I'm new here today but not to the recovery

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    I'm new here today but not to the recovery

    Happy Birthday and welcome to this site. :welcome:
    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


      I'm new here today but not to the recovery

      hi sunny and alison, i'm new to this site as well and its lovely to meet you. I'm trying to abstain completely and am doing ok but have had the odd blip - the last one being last weekend. I've found this week really hard and I'm sure its because i had a slip last saturday.
      Anyway we're all in this together and you'll find lots of friendship and support here.
      looking forward to talking to you again


        I'm new here today but not to the recovery

        I'm new here too

        I blew17years of Sobriety to celebrate the arrival of the new millenium.Despite years in A-A I was arrogant enough to believe I had it licked and could now drink like a gentleman.It took a bout two weeks of a few beers every night before I got back to the really destructive drinking - drinking to obliterate reality. I have done four rehab entries this century but am now about 27 months AF and 13months without a fag habit that I'd had for fifty years. I attend unofficial A-A meetings at my rehab centre but I need more and think I will find it here,with you guys.
        I'm in South Africa and haven't heard of the drugs you have to help you fight the cravings and only by chance did I stumble on MWO site. I'm retired and lonely and live with a family of very regular drinkers which makes my recovery difficult as I cant get this thought out of my head- "I want to be normal,like them" Everytime I've tried to be "normal" I have ended up in deeper pooh and now my liver and red blood cells have problems.
        I think that being with you guys will help me steady my rocking boat as I can read you all day rather than have a one hour meeting once a week.
        Thanks for welcoming me and here's to contented sobriety for one and all - lets hope we can all find it,including me.


          I'm new here today but not to the recovery

          Hi, Francois

          I only joined MWO yesterday, but wanted to say :welcome: from a fellow South African. I'm in the Cape Town area (Stellenbosch).

          I have ordered Baclofen from an Internet site. I'll let you know if the medication gets to me safely - maybe you could follow the same route. I suggest you do some reading on other meds as well. I do know that Antabuse is available in SA.

          Good luck (to all of us)!
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            I'm new here today but not to the recovery

            Welcome Sunny, Francois, and Tip!!!

            Sunny and Francois, you are MODELS of good work on your sobriety already done! With the MWO program and the support on these boards, you are sure to just have more and more success. All the best to you on your continued journey. :welcome:

