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Day 1

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    Day 1

    I have been drinking for years, first just socially, but was in denial about how the last few years have become out of control. I was always the one who drank just a little too much or had too much fun. I couldn't see life with out alcohol. I used to be able to stop for weeks at a time and not miss it, but it the last two years that has changed. I was drinking by myself, even worknights, and when I drink I binge. I went to my doctor yesterday and told her what I was going through, and that I wanted to quit but seemed unable to do so alone, that my recent attempts were actually backfiring and I'd end up drinking more. I had wanted to do that for years, but could never get the nerve up to tell her the truth. She has put me on Antibuse and I started it today, along with some anti-depressant therapy and set me up to see a counseler/psychologist. She told me that my first step was recognizing my problem and asking for help.

    So, I wanted to know if anyone else out there has tried Antibuse, and what they thought of it. I know if i try to drink I will have a nasty reaction, but does it help with the cravings? I'm ordering some kudzu tonite from the site, as no health store in my area seems to carry it.

    Wish me luck, I am a wife, mother, work full time at a busy medical clinic and volunteer for the high school. I need this to work.
    AF again since 3/13/2014

    Day 1

    Good luck

    Hi Buddysmom,

    Your background sounds remarkably similiar to mine. I am starting today as well, but not with Antibuse, I am going to do the topamax programme. Good luck, I will be thinking of you. x

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Day 1

      Welcome to both of you.:welcome::welcome:

      It really can get better!



        Day 1

        Hey thanks Tawny,
        Are you doing the topamax programme or other?

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Day 1


          I agree with the others, Anti-buse is not what you should be on yet. It will make you violently ill if you drink at all.

          You should try Topomax or something else first, something that cuts the urge, but won't make you sick if you drink.

          I would go back to the doctor, or try a different one, before I took the Anti-buse. Anti-buse, IMHO, is the LAST step, when you are totally non-dependent, and can no longer drink through free-will, but want to make sure you don't backslide.

          Best wishes, and Good Luck.



            Day 1

            worried wife

            My husband has a alcohol problem, he bings drinks and everytime his pancrease (produces inceilin)becomes inflamed. He needs to quit and he says he wants to. I live in a very small town and the doctors around here will not prescribe anything. We have begged. Can someone tell me the total cost of all of this to get started. Thank you in advance.


              Day 1

              Good Morning JC,

              I just wanted to say:welcome:

              I did a little research for you this morning.

              Combo Pack CDs and Book are $106.00
              Starter Kit of Suppliments are $129.95
              60 25mg tabs are about $68.00

              So a little expensive to start but when your husband is drinking himself into his grave it's obvioulsy priceless.
              You can order all these descretely online.

              Can you encourage your husband to post here and join in our community? We will welcome him and you with open arms!
              :h :h :h :h


                Day 1

                Hi JC,
                I found a web site that has good prices on vitimins, they have the kudzu at good price bubbysmom, also have you got the book "my way out" it is free to down load on RJ's blog on the web site there is a link to it in one of the forum all my suppliments cost me 65.00 not bad
                Patti :happyheart:


                  Day 1

                  Day 4, and still sober

                  Well, I've made it to Day 4. I have been moody and antsy, but otherwise OK. I am trying to keep busy and find alternate ways of dealing with my anxiety than drinking. Some of the comments here from everyone seem to help.
                  AF again since 3/13/2014


                    Day 1

                    Hi all.
                    I am going to order the topamax this week. I relate to you all and need your support.
                    I won't end the day without the wine. I want to, but, that "thing" directs my actions.
                    I do stay at home when I know I am going to "have" to, as this is how it feels.

                    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                      Day 1

                      Hey Buddysmom and JC,

                      First - Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Then - Let's get serious (cuz this is a serious problem)...

                      Antibuse - Not now! Sounds like your doc wants to be helpful, but doesn't have sufficient up-to-date education. Recommendation: search through this site or the web and find alternatives that will fit your unique situation (Topa? Kudzu? glutamine? combo?) Hint: you have to know what you want right now...tomorrow will take care of it's self. Do you want to be "threatened" by antibuse into not drinking, or would you prefer to take a bit of control? Perhaps you can talk to your doc of find another in a neighboring town? Supplements will help to get you thinking and feeling straight again. After a week or two on them, might be a good time to reconsider which direction you want to go...

                      JC - sign up! your hubby knows his problem and wants help, but he's scared. We can do that without judgement. First thing he needs sounds like body healing. Abstinance or moderation (his choice) will come in time...once health and mood improve.

                      Keep coming back!


                        Day 1

                        Hi Buddysmom: You original post really touched me. I can relate to how you are feeling and how your drinking progressed. Your sincerity to beat this really came across in your post as well. I want you to know you can beat this. Hang on for the ride with the anxiety and agitation. In time those symptoms will go away. Your body is not only adjusting, but you are mentally. Your concentrating on a new way of living and a big life change. Keep on posting. It will be nice to hear how you are coming along. -Reenie
                        September 23, 2011


                          Day 1

                          I am so drunk

                          not even noon, andso drunk. oh, God, how did i get here. funny, my father died of being drunk and i guess i will too, help me if you can? thans, Matt


                            Day 1

                            oh wow, love you all

                            so i am drinking lors of wine, just about noon here on the east coast. so very drunk and hoping that life will be better. thanks for caring.


                              Day 1

                              Congrats. B. Great Job. Keeping your mind occuppied is a huge help. For me for the passed few days I have spent more time here then anywhere. That being said it's just me and my husband and he is away a fair bit.

                              I'm totally awe-struck at how my mind has grasped other things then the all consuming AL.

                              God Bless and be in your corner. . . .

