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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning all!

    Don't know why I sound so bloody chirpy - I didn't stick to my zero yesterday. Hmmm. Not going to beat myself up about it but I am going to gird my loins (!) and stiffen my resolve to make today - this one day at a time day - an alcohol free one.

    It's the evenings that trouble me the most. Tonight I am taking my lovely young lurcher to obedience classes so that gets me out of the house and home late and tired so no drinking desire or time.

    Croft! Hi girl. Another familiar name but what happened to the avatar of the man with the dog??:H:H

    Love to you all. Have a great ODAT day.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi Bessie and all to come

    Keep plugging along Bessie, once you get on a roll, it gets easier. Keeping busy helps, also getting rid of Al out of the house. That one's not so easy for me as hubby enjoys a glass of red. I'm now inclined to buy a bottle at a time and not have a stock at home. We used to have a drinks tray in the dining room but I got rid of it. Used the excuse of the really hot weather. Storing some of the spirits out in the garage that have not been opened.

    Much more overcast here today but off to get a quick walk in. Catch you all later.



      ODAT - Thursday

      Hey Bessie,

      Every day is a new one!
      Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
      AF since May 6, 2010


        ODAT - Thursday

        hi bessie,your here , thats all that counts,and you recognize what you can accomplish,you no gyco wishes you a great day me hahaha


          ODAT - Thursday


          I was like a dog off a leash yesterday at the little farmer's market. Why do I always do that? At least it's healthy stuff. Well, except for the toffee that the woman should win some sort of culinary award for. I think I'll have the neighbors over for a couple of dinners.

          Does anyone recall the discussion on a thread about no longer viewing a drink as a reward? It was also about no longer viewing not drinking as deprivation. Like Bessie's lurchers, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.... so try to give those some thought!

          Have a successful day. Eat your veggies!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Thursday

            Hi guys!

            Day 7 for me today - can you believe it! 7!!

            I had a great sleep last night - I am still feeling a bit tired even with the sleep - I think it's the new anti-depressants my doctor put me on. We shall see - I have to see my doc again next week so we'll see how I feel then.

            Thursday - thank god - I need to get through this day and make it to the weekend. I am having such a hard time at work lately - I'm on holidays in a week though, can't wait!

            I will not drink today.

            Take care guys!
            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Thursday

              Bessie - HA! I remember when everyone thought I was a guy. that was funny. I decided to post one my paintings instead to inspire me to paint instead of drink in the evenings. It almost worked. I did not stick to my zero either, but I did drink way less than I have been, so at least there was progress.

              Smiley Toes - Those farmer's markets always kick my arse too! And I remember several posts about drinking as a reward and not drinking as deprivation. I struggle with this very thing. I am so jealous of the folks out there that can have one glass of wine with dinner in the evening and stop with not even a notice. Or one beer in the garden after work and be done without thinking about beer for the rest of the night.

              Ok - well today is a another oppurtunity to not drink - GET ER DONE!!!

