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What does it take to hit the bottom?

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    What does it take to hit the bottom?

    Like many I am sure who make their first post I have been drinking for several hours, okay about 8 hours. I am trying to figure out what it's going to take to realize that alcohol and I just can't get along any more. It use to be fun to go out drinking. I quit my job 6 months ago right as I was about to become a partner and haven't been able to find a new job (maybe going to an interview smelling like alcohol hasn't helped), my wife has left me, I have drank all my friends away, I have just about gone through all my savings and 401(k), got a second DWI back in February (spent 2 weeks in jail and have lost my license for a year), and I am about to loose my house. I have been holed up in my house for several months now drinking, sometimes from the time I get up in the morning until I fall asleep, which usually only lasts for an hour or two at a time. I have really bad anxiety and alcohol withdrawls when I am not drinking. I don't want to drink any more, but feel like I have to just to feel normal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    What does it take to hit the bottom?

    You have come to the right place!


    Have you downloaded the book as it is a good place to start and will give you an idea of what you need by the way of meds & suppliments.

    If you have been drinking alot of alcohol can I suggest to get medical help as it can be dangerous to detox by yourself.

    I am on baclofen and have found is great for my anxiety and withdrawals.

    It is your choice how you want to do this, be it with or without meds or supps but you will get lots of support and advice to help you choose which way is best for you.

    Good Luck
    Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


      What does it take to hit the bottom?

      Hi Golfpro,
      Shas is right, get a plan together with the help of this site and the book.
      Would you consider seeing your doctor to help you through the initial withdrawal?
      There are lots of meds to help and it sounds possibly like you will need extra support.
      Have you considered AA?
      The people on this site are amazing and will help you every step of the way whichever path you choose.
      Stay close and let us help you.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        What does it take to hit the bottom?

        Hi golfpro,
        Oh how many golfpros have I known who have fallen for AL...
        My advice is see a doctor and get some meds, and start on them that day before you have time to change your mind. I am on day 4 AF. Saw the MD on Monday morning, am through the WD, and feeling more determined than ever. Seriously, sounds like you should detox with medical care for your own safety.
        - Tulipe.
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
        AF since May 6, 2010


          What does it take to hit the bottom?

          hi golfpro,there all rt ,sometimes you have to take meds to come down,do you have a good doctor,one who knows of alcoholism, admit yourself to the emergency ward,thats what my doctor told me to do,its called being desperate,do you have an old picture of yourself,grab it,and lookin the mirror , and see why,some call it the doctor jekyll Mr Hyde look,if a specialist recommends treatment,take it,if you can spend that much on Alcohol,you deserve the help,if i was blunt,it is my nature to apologize,i do wish you well gyco


            What does it take to hit the bottom?

            Golfpro, i agree with everyone here...go get some medical help. once you get it you will be able to see more clearly. there are alot of us who are still struggling to come off AL (including me). I spend more days now AF then with AL. Nothing is too bad that you cant get through it. but you cant get through it still drinking like you are.

            Good luck. You made a 1st good step by reaching out. Keep on-line and posting and listening.



              What does it take to hit the bottom?

              :welcome: golfpro. You have already been given great advice. I just wanted to say welcome aboard. Let us know how you are doing. We are all here for advice and support.


                What does it take to hit the bottom?

                Welcome golfpro, I can't add anything more than what has already been said. I just wanted let you know that we are here for you.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  What does it take to hit the bottom?

                  Golf, nice to meet you. Welcome to the site. I don't have anything to add to the good advice above .. I totally agree with getting medical help right away. Sounds like you need to sober up as soon as possible with regard to both your health and your finances. Both of those situations need good, solid planning.. so that you can get started on a happy life. You can do it. You deserve it. AL has controlled you for too long - take your life back.

                  Please read around the messages boards and the site as much as you can ... and post and let us know how you're doing, ask questions, etc. We'll help get you through this.
                  AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                    What does it take to hit the bottom?

                    Hi golfpro. Welome aboard! I agree with the above advice and just wanted to say hello. It's a tough journey, but worth it. Stick close.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      What does it take to hit the bottom?

                      Hi I"m glad your here. I'm on day 3. I'm taking antibuse. I send you hugs, I also lost my husband, house, car....not just because of my drinking, but that didn't help me dig myself out of the hole I got into. You came to the right place! you can do this.

                      P.s. drink alot of water and try to eat somthing!


                        What does it take to hit the bottom?

                        OK. that might help scare me straight?

                        I'm in the same boat, golfpro. I've been PM'ing with another lost soul, which is helping. Just to have some connectedness. I've decided to go forward with risking to post on this site. Most people are incredibly supportive. Only a few come off as sanctimonious. (the reverse proportions seem true in AA)

                        My plan is to try Baclofen, perhaps Naltrexone Sinclair method (expensive) and reading / posting / corresponding here.

                        Stay here. so sorry for your pain, and for mine the same
                        Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.

