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help scare me/us straight

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    help scare me/us straight

    Oh Peaches, I'm sorry.
    What a way to go.


      help scare me/us straight

      peaches hon. just put your story out there so everyone can respond. im afraid dear that you are lost in this thread.

      i know someone from AA who's brother in law did the same thing as your friend. lost his asophogus (sp) and had tube and poured liquor in the tube until he finally died.

      i also know folks in AA who were given 6 months to live and stopped drinking and have lived years and years after.


        help scare me/us straight

        Puddy ... thinkin' about ya today.
        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


          help scare me/us straight

          Wow! This is one of the best posts I've read. Thanks so much to everyone who has shared.


            help scare me/us straight

            Puddy, i just came back from the hospital. A woman who i was best friends with in jr high and highschool's son was in a car accident. he had been drinking and driving. he is just 17. he is brain damaged and blind. his grandmother told me that "we were lucky to have him for the last 17 years".

            Drinking and driving is devastating to everyone involved. lets all make a pact not to do it again.


              help scare me/us straight

              God I am not sure I could even read it. It sounds absolutely heartbreaking. I live in Madison, it is a BIGTIME drinking town. I have stumbled home completely wasted a number of times in the bitterly cold winter months. After reading your post Sheri I am thanking god that escaped Terry's fate. I am making a promise right now not to do anything like that ever again. I am sure that the McGovern family shared their story to "scare us straight" so its very appropriate for this thread.

              Peachs- I am so sorry for your loss.

              Cacky- My best friend died in a car accident because she was driving drunk on the 4th of July years ago. We were both 17 at the time. I was one of the last people to see her alive and would have been in the car with her but was too tired to get out of bed when she came to get me just 3 hours before her death. I was not the same after this loss.

              I have had quite a few brushes with death due to AL when I think about it. Once my friends and I (let me just say we were dumb highschool kids at the time) decided to play with throwing knives. One of the knives ricochetted off the wall and came straight for my head!!! (my friend had thrown it) I didn't really even see the knife, it was a blur, but somehow caught it by the handle an inch from my forehead. I had been drinking A LOT of captain morgans and I swear it was a guardian angel or someone that saved me since my reflexes should have been way off. OK, thats all the awful AL related incidents I can relive for one day. Take care all.


                help scare me/us straight

                Liath, this beautiful and full of life. so many times his mom and i drove after being totally wasted (she is trying to live sober as well). to have this beautiful little boy so devestatd by this is heart breaking


                  help scare me/us straight

                  holy sh*t!!

                  Cacky, this post brings me out of lurker mode. (just now logged on)

                  What happened to this young boy is so, so HORRIBLE. Blind ... and who knows how the brain injury will play out... what kind of abilities or cognition he'll have... My twin sister is a nurse, rehabilitation specialty. She is always torn up by the brain-injury cases... especially the teens. I am soooo sorry about this accident, for him, and for your friend, his mother... and for you, Cacky. This has to hurt.

                  Imagine -- 17 yrs. old? no chance to even know or understand or grow. it's so cruel .. and should've been me, or someone like me, if life was truly just. But it isn't.

                  Cacky, Yes, have already made this pact: never get behind the wheel intoxicated.

                  Baclofen arrived yesterday (will pick up at Post Office today -- required signature.)

                  Two weeks at my Gram's starts July 23. (Grandma is 92 y.o. Really good egg ... she's seen it all. She knows ...)
                  Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                    help scare me/us straight

                    Terri McGovern

                    Liath & Sheri: I lived in Madison, Wisconsin USA in 1994 -- just 2 blocks away from the park where she died. literally 5 minutes away on foot. Vividly remember the story in the news.

                    Recently learned that my brother's friend, Jason, was in Detox (i.e. drunk-tank) with her, just a week before she died. (Jason & my Bro are now in their mid-30s, well-established family-men... they're doing well)

                    Terri was 45 y.o., you said, when she died? Same age as me now. Back then, I was merely 30 y.o. ... had the world by the tail ... never thought I'd be at this stage of alcoholism. Haven't read the book, but would like to.

                    Please post in "What we're reading"?

                    Sending best strength and wishes to you both. Your stories of your struggles mean so much. Hang tight. In 1994 I also worked for the University... good gig, Liath. Wish I was there now!
                    Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                      help scare me/us straight

                      Puddy tat-
                      Yeah Madison is great. Full of boozers but otherwise great. I take it you live in Milwaukee now? I am affiliated with the university and I love my job (most of the time). I kind of felt weird about posting about my near death experiences, but at least I am alive to tell the tale.


                        help scare me/us straight

                        how about drinking and driving witr your kid in the car,and when you sober up you realise you could have killed him,and many others,is that scary enough,because that is what i did last friday,im still sick at the taught of it,i would not be able to live with myself if i took someones life away,even saying this now frightens me,emagin how scared my kid was,i was responcable for that/////it wsa a drunken choice a made that day,and with gods help and the help of you lot that will never happen again i grew up in a bar and i have seen the devestation drink has caused familys we do untold damage to somany people,we cause so much unneded sorrow and harte ake to all around us,///sorry if i sound like im preaching but these taughts help me stay away from the dreaded bottle another day again with the help of god,take care ,darkie

