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Argument with co-worker, wanted to drink Yikes!
Argument with co-worker, wanted to drink Yikes!
I really had a tough time yesterday. I snapped at one of my co-workers and we exchanged a few words. I felt as though I was the aggressor in the situation so I apologized to him later. I think our personalities conflict, so we butt heads on occasion. What shocked me was how much I wanted to hit the bottle last night. I mention this because I find that even though Campral helps with the physical cravings, I'm having a difficult time coping with the psychological aspects of giving up alcohol. There were so many times in the past that I would drink to unwind after having a bad day. Heck, I used to be a bill collector so I had a lot of bad days! I got through it last night though. I listened to some music and tried to get my mind off the situation. I didn't drink and I feel like a million bucks today because of it. Just wanted to share.Tags: None
Argument with co-worker, wanted to drink Yikes!
:rockon::greatjob2::yourespecial::jumpwow::yes2:roud: Congrats on making it another day of not drinking!
I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.
Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.
Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.
Argument with co-worker, wanted to drink Yikes!
Anger and resentment are our deadliest enemies as problem drinkers and we can ill-afford the luxury of entertaining such emotions. I have held on to anger and bottled it up until it drove me crazy, gave me that tightenning in the gut and the woodiness in the head. Then I'd move from resentment to feeling sorry for myself and arrogant at what I perceived to be justifiable anger. By now I had the ingredients that I needed to bake my cake,well almost. I needed to add a little alcohol to the mixture to ease that tension and calm me down. And so I slipped again - back into my alcoholism. Easy isnt it?
Argument with co-worker, wanted to drink Yikes!
I can SO relate! Great job keeping away from the bottle after a bad day. You were really strong in doing that. It's all a matter of changing our outlets, no? Working out, cooking, gardening, anything to take the mind off good ole AL. I am trying to do the same. My mom just got here from the US, and I am craving like I have not for the last 4 days. I so want to escape when I am with my parents. I haven't dealt with her while sober for years. She, being the enabler for my father, never notices or pretends not to because she has a fear of abandonment. So the circle continues.
But I will not partake, by gum!Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
AF since May 6, 2010
Argument with co-worker, wanted to drink Yikes!
Great work, you guys!
Hey, 81 congratulations on staying away from the bottle after a hard day. That is one of my triggers, too, the frustrations and stresses just make me CRAVE. I have found that the clearing cd really helps with that, for me, anyway.
Welcome, Francois. Hope you stay with us!