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    Hi everyone.I am. new here and am badly in need of help.I am sitting on the couch with a very sore leg (fell over drunk) and just feel so tired. I dont drink everyday as I drink until I pass out - most men say I can drink them under the table - something I used to be proud of- then I am sick for a few days.
    The minute I feel well again I repeat the cycle.I am a single working mum who has not been able to maintain a relationship for years.
    I have ordered the book but it will take some time to get to Australia:upset:


    Carolyn, Welcome from the East Coast of the US. Gosh that must be a recurring theme of us women "drinking men under the table". you are in the right place. the book is great but you can immediately take advantage of the website. lots of great people here to talk to.




      :welcome: Glad u found us. There are some real supportive people here, you can do this.




        Welcome!! Yes, I call them drunk bumps. I have had plenty.

        I used to drink the fellas under the table, too. Unfortunately, I passed that mark and am on to getting really drunk easy. It is a later stage of alcoholism indicative of damage to liver, etc. Hopefully you can avoid getting to my stage.

        I have been reading where those of us who have a high tolerance for alcohol tend to become alcoholics. I won't go into all the details but it has to do with the differences in brain chemistries and receptors, etc.

        So, recognize you are definitely at risk, you realize you have a problem and you are actually embarking on doing something about it.

        Also recognize that it is not your fault, you didn't ask for this BUT you must deal with it.

        So, again, welcome. Read the book. There is great advice in there whether you plan to abstain completely or try to moderate. And use us for questions. We will try to help you in anyway we can. We have all been there done that and truly understand.

        AF April 9, 2016



          Welcome, Carolyn! You are in the right place. Read as much as you can. Learn as much as you can. Try as much as you can. And don't give up! Here's to the beginning of a wonderful new phase in your life!
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.



            welcome Carolyn...single working Mom here too. I guess I could drink most grown men under a table myself at one time, but odd thing is I always ended up on the floor myself....not a pretty sight. I am glad you found us.
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



              Hi Carolyn,
              Welcome! Monday I came here feeling completely desolate, and these strangers on this site opened their hearts and minds to me. People here will make you feel good about yourself when you are in the midst of self loathing. I check in here every day and ask a question. I'm only 4 days AF free now, but I'm hoping for more under my belt. I feel better and want to try. One thing someone told me is if you're on this site...your're hoping for change. It meant a lot to me, and I hope it helps you too!!! There's lots of wonderful info and stories to read here from folks who have made some postive changes in their lives. Welcome, and keep posting!
              p.s. I hope to change my name from "crybaby" someday soon!



                thank you for the support. Is it strange to say but I know that though I hate what I have become I am scared of not drinking as I have drank for 30 years now - always binge drinking to oblivion - and I dont know what else to do. It was a wake up call to me when I was adding hobbies to my profile and really dont have any except for drinking. I have also always looked on non drinkers as boring and wowsers but maybe that was my way of justifying my behaviour. ALL my friends drink so I dont know what to do.




                  Your fears are quite normal. Just tackle this thing in bits and pieces at first. You will find you are stronger than you realize.

                  You can turn your life around and be so much happier.

                  Glad you are here.

                  AF April 9, 2016



                    Carolyn and Cindi

                    We call those "stoner bruises." My sister learned the term from a friend while still in high school -- how nice.

                    Welcome, Carolyn!



                      Hey, Caroline and Cinders,

                      Welcome to the best site in the world! I love the people here, the advice they give and the warm virtual hugs, just whenever I seem to need one. I am very happy that you joined us!

                      Until your book comes, keep reading and posting. There are lots of good ideas on many different threads, and everyone here knows just what you are going through. Keep your chin up, know we are sending you strong thoughts. You CAN do this. As I have said before, we just have to get out of our own way. Good luck!:welcome:



                        Hello Carolyn

                        Hi Carolyn,

                        There quite a few of us from Australia here. Look for the next day thread in general discussion as alot of us post there.

                        Drinking too much is very accepted in our culture and I will be honest when I first found this site I thought I would never be happy or have a social life if I gave up drinking.

                        You might have to avoid drinking situations until you feel strong enough and you will find that you will attract more friends where drinking is not the main agenda.

                        Carolyn it is possible to be happy and not fact are you happy now drinking?

                        I remember thinking I wanted to be normal and just be able to drink like other people but in fact normal people only have 1 or 2 drinks so really all I am missing out on is 1 or 2 drinks.

                        And you know what? Now at this time in my life I can go without those 1 or 2 drinks.

                        Keep posting Carolyn and reading posts, some are so inspiring!

                        Take Care
                        Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!

