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The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 19th - 21st June

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    The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 19th - 21st June

    Morning everyone
    Its really good to hear you all sound so POSITIVE it looks like our A/F party is going well :dancin:
    Of course I still have my two little buddies with me glass, they come everywhere with me I love them!

    Well I am still trying to warm up after spending 2 hours in the rain and wind watching my boys play soccer (Oh I love this weather)

    Well my movie night went well, we did'nt actually watch a film but we watched a family video of when we went to Florida 9 years ago, my boys loved it, god how different I looked then but I am pleased to say that I have lost weight since then as well :H

    Well I hope you all have a lovely Sunday and that it is nice and relaxing for you all.
    Keep up the good work gang, we are nearly there!!!! :hug:
    Love ronnie xx:catroll:
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 19th - 21st June

      Hello all

      It's Sunday afternoon here and this morning I had the first AF Sunday brunch I've had in more years than I can remember!

      There's always just been something about the words 'Sunday brunch' that automatically require the word 'champagne' to be inserted in there somewhere as well. Except sometimes if (God forbid!) the champagne has run out (because I drank it all the day before), then a chardonnay spritzer or two or maybe a little drop of vodka in the OJ would do almost as well. But guess what? I didn't do that today and the sky didn't fall in after all! Who would have thought it!

      I hope everyone else is having a good weekend too!

      Keep posting
      There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
      You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

      I didn't come this far to only come this far.


        The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 19th - 21st June

        I screwed up, guys. I'm sorry. 35 days of hard work down the toilet....


          The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 19th - 21st June

          hey come on JS, don't be hard on yourself. I stuffed up on Friday but I'm still here and feeling good - so take my hand and climb back up on the wagon.
          Talk later I hope
          Sooty :l


            The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 19th - 21st June

            JS81;641649 wrote: I screwed up, guys. I'm sorry. 35 days of hard work down the toilet....
            Hello fellow w/enders. JS you had a slip, many people do, it is part of the journey. I know you are feeling down about drinking but you havent thrown 35 days away. Jump back up on the wagon, I am here and so are many others so come on aboard. You have already proven to yourself that you can do it.
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 19th - 21st June

              Hi Grim well done on the rugby. Its great that you can recognise the triggers and do something different. It is so easy to just say ah sure I will have the one.
              Ronnie that sounds like a nice family night in. When I think of all the qualiy time I have wasted, getting wasted.
              Glass nice one on the lunch I know exactly what you mean, I have done a few things recently sober that would have normally ended in copious amounts of booze. Feels darn good doesnt it?
              Hello to the rest of you guys, my w/end is nearly over and another small victory is won.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                The Weekend Thread For Binge Drinkers 19th - 21st June

                Well all my w/end party friends, a warm thank you for letting me join in on the fun!
                I couldn't have had my first AF weekend (score 1 for Grim!!!) without all your support and reading your informative and fun posts. MWO rocks! Ronnie, thanks a stack for organising this one!
                To those who slipped this weekend, hey, no worries, we are ALL on slippery ground here. Just reach up, grab a hand and get back on the huge Wagon, space for all and we can all shift up and find a comfortable spot for you!
                Good night party animals wherever you are, I thank you one and all for helping me win this first little battle in my "war on error"!
                Until tomorrow, Best regards Graeme.
                'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope

