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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    I have realised that I haven't really got a lot of spare time to wander round MWO like I used to - though I will try to set aside a bit of time to catch up/get inspiration - but that this little daily ODAT thread is my way of checking in, stating my intention for the day and focussing my intentions before heading off to fill in the drink tracker.

    So forgive me my indulgence (and hijacking!). I won't grovel too much as it is helping me lots and coming back later in the day and seeing those who have joined the thread also helps keep me focussed.

    A zero put in my drink tracker yesterday was matched :goodjob: and I'm off to put another one in to live up to today. I've got tomorrow's AF planned already - yay! - but I today is the day to focus on. ODAT!

    What did Croft say yesterday? Something like 'Get 'er done!' Sounds good to me.

    Wishing you all a focussed day, the one you have planned..... or better! :l

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Friday

    Hi Bessie, glad you started this thread. I like starting the day with it too.
    Last night, I am proud to say that DH and my mom had red wine with dinner, and DH had cognac after dinner, and it was not too hard to be ok with that. My mom is asking me why I am drinking so much water with lemon juice, though. Tonight we have a business dinner for DH's work, and although everyone will be having champagne and lots of red wine, I will stick to water with lemon juice. On Wednesday I had lunch with my dear alcoholic friend - she had 2 glasses of champagne. I asked for a large bottle of sparkling water and a pitcher of fresh squeezed lemon juice. So while she juiced herself up, I mixed my own little delicious cocktail.

    Funny how some people are oblivious - I told my alkie friend over lunch that I had quit drinking. She said, oh yeah, me too for the summer. Then she went on talking about herself and other things. Goes to show that if we don't make a big deal about not drinking, no one else notices or cares. Takes the spotlight off, huh?

    - Tulipe
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010


      ODAT - Friday

      Hi Bessie, Tulipe and all to come

      You are right Tulipe, nobody really cares whether we drink or not. Its those of us who have a problem with it who obsess. Well done on getting through those meals with just water.

      Have a busy few days ahead as we are going on vacation on Tuesday. We are going to a family wedding. I plan to use the antibiotic excuse. I never have before but I am too new in my AF lifestyle to chance it.

      Have a great Friday and week-end everyone.



        ODAT - Friday

        yeah Bessie!!
        I saw you poking around here again.
        i am on day 10 after a major f***ing wake up call totalling my car noone hurt thank god.still I have to deal with court, insurance, getting rides to work etc....but that is all minor. I am glad to be alive and am glad to be sober.
        I will check in here when i can but when it rains my dial up doesn't work.
        i mean do i live in the 21st century or what....
        lots of love rudemama:h:h

        hello rustop and tulipe


          ODAT - Friday

          Morning ODATers! A happy Friday to everyone. A weekend coming up, which used to be more a trigger for me than I'm finding it to be this time around. I guess they say it takes 21 days to change a habit, i'm at day 27 AF today so this is the first solid weekend after those first 3 weeks.

          Onward and upward, hope everyone had a good day.


            ODAT - Friday


            Quick fly by to say hello! GF and I are going to a little nearby town to meet up with some others to attend a "Taste of..." The resto vendors have booths set up on main street (well that's pretty much where the resto's are) and serve tapas samplings of one or 2 items from their menu. The last time we went to one it was large, during the afternoon, and hot. The line to the beer tent (draft for a couple bucks) was ridiculous. I was amused and pleased that I wasn't on that page.

            This IS a chapter in your life, each day a page. Mabe even a paragraph. And how cool is it that you get to be the author?
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Friday

              hey guys - day 8 for me here!!!! I made it a full week! Been a while since I've done that.

              I am still exhausted though - sleeping well but just dead to the world by 2pm every day. I have already decided that I am going home early - I don't care what anyone says, I need to take care of myself first.

              I will not drink today!

              Love and hugs everyone - onward and upward, lets make this a good weekend!
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT - Friday

                Bessie is bringing the thread back to life It has been raining for two weeks straight here, like it does every year on Motorcycle week. Go figure.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ODAT - Friday

                  Thanks so much Bessie for this thread!!

                  Way to go Universal!!!!

                  Smiley Toes - I have loved watching your journey

                  Ok, so I have been back to MWO for now 3 days and I am doing better, but still have a long way to go. I so need this thread. ODAT.


                    ODAT - Friday

                    Hey guys, not drinking today either. I think i should do the drink tracker too.


                      ODAT - Friday

                      Well, I've learned I'm better off posting towards the end of the day when I KNOW I'm AF!! Today has been & is.

                      I'm even staying off the site in the morning. I've discovered that if I get on here first thing, I start obsessing about drinking! Even though there's so much encouragement.. Weird, huh?

                      But I haven't strung together more than 3 days in the last month. Not good. Gotta get my stuff together!
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

