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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Here we are again, another day. Hopefully a happy, relaxing day off for you. For me, it's my only real 'work' day of the week (not that I swan about the rest of the week you understand!) but it's changeover day at the holiday cottages so I am set for cleaning and baking and gardening and stuff, ready for the next guests.

    I don't mind it as it is the only day I have to do certain things by certain times. I can see it in isolation from the rest of the week. That's how I have to look at drinking. Each day in isolation. Each day as it comes.

    I drank yesterday, despite the big fat zero, and it occurs to me that it did NOTHING positive to enhance my life. It did NOTHING for the enjoyment of the evening, it did NOTHING for my health, it did NOTHING for my self esteem, NOTHING for my energy levels, NOTHING for my weight, finances, spriritual well being...... NOTHING at all that was good for any area of my life.

    So, there is absolutely no point in doing it.

    So I won't. Today!

    I want to be in the same club as my friend Greeny.

    Happy ODAT Saturday all.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning Bessie,
    How much did you have? Just keep going, you can do it! Maybe we can start the Greenie Fan Club.
    Last night I went to a dinner with DH - everyone drank champagne, wine, cordials, and the food was so rich. I had bottles and bottles of sparking water. I asked for a pitcher of fresh squeezed lemon juice and just made my own cocktail all night long. It was ok, actually.
    Day 6 and grateful for Campral.
    - Tulipe
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010


      ODAT - Saturday

      Hi Bessie, I remember you from the first time I found MWO. I am also still struggling but determined to beat this demon. Look after yourself.
      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


        ODAT - Saturday

        Good Morning, ODATers,

        Bessie, it is so good to see you here. You were missed when you dropped off. You can start piling up those 0s, I know it.

        Tulipe, 6 days is wonderful and sitting around with those drinking so early in recovery without giving in shows great determination. Good on you!! (Remember to think of not drinking as a treat to yourself, which it is.)

        Jessie, Just keep trying. I do.

        All other ODATers to come, have a wonderful Saturday and I hope we all achieve our goals, whatever they are.


        ps I am a Greenie fan, too.
        AF April 9, 2016


          ODAT - Saturday

          Hi guys,

          Day 9 for me here today. I really did feel like a beer yesterday but I did not give in! Had a great sleep last night and am feeling a lot better this morning!

          Onwards and upwards - baby steps. My goal was one week - now my goal has changed to 14 days. I know I can make it - as long as I take it ODAT.

          I will not drink today.

          Love and hugs to all to come,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Saturday

            You are doing fantastic Universal!!!! Its a true joy to see your happy, AF posts lately!!! Keep up the great work, and I know you can make it to day 14 if thats what you really want.


            As for me? I have a good 3 days AF. I found a new strategy that I have experimented with this week, so far is working out well! Its all about whatever works!


              ODAT - Saturday

              hi everyone, it has been long for me since i posted again on this forum but, am glad i have been sober going almost three years now though frequently i get frastrated and really need a drink. this forum gave me back my life my happiness and the good family that i have now. but i cant avoid saying thanks to all of you everyone in this forum you have been good friends for me. i found happiness, love and personal responsibility which i really needed.
              AM RESPONSIBLE OF MY OWN DRINKING, NO MATTER WHAT EVERYONE ELSE SAY'S I DETERMINE MY DESTINY. this is the greatest lesson that i have learned since i joined this forum
              thanks and love to you all


                ODAT - Saturday

                Morning ODATers! I too confess to being a greenie fan!!

                Overit, what is the strategy?? From the sound of it I bet it wasn't just the bee pollen and the holy basil. :-)

                I am on Day 28 AF today and it occurred to me just now that is the number of days for many inpatient rehab programs so it feels a bit of a milestone! Happy Saturday to all.


                  ODAT - Saturday


                  A greenie fan club.... too funny! :H:H

                  I had to fly out of here this AM to take the kitty for his annual vet visit. Then he went with me to the nursing home. Needless to say, he is happy to be home sulking in the garage. :H

                  Love, loving the sound of commitment in the air! It all starts there, right maasai? Geat to hear from you!

                  I drove across the dam on the way to the vet. They have built a walking area across it. It's 1.7 miles one way. I used to do 3 1/2 in the neighborhood. And besides, I could turn around at any point - I don't have to start off with that distance. I need to start somewhere. I wonder if I could get up in time to be there at sunrise. That would be cool as well as a cooler time of day, possibly bearable. Me and little doggie. OK. Tomorrow I shoot for that.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Hey Scrubby!

                    Well, my "new strategy" works as long as I work it!

                    I have a big beautiful wall calender that my father gives me every year. So...I have been keeping track of every drink I drink on it. (number wise, if I drink 5 drinks, 6 drinks, I keep track of everything)

                    On a day where I really want some added motivivation, I put a BIG smiley face NO DRINKS today! I do this in the morning, so if I did mess up, I have to back and change my happy smiley to I drank today which is a bother!

                    I guess its about whatever works. I care for you all.


