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    Well it turns out I am pulling an all nighter pushing to make some editing deadlines. Even though I haven't made it through my first weekend (in a very very long time) I am feeling optimistic. Have had access to AL all the time and have beaten the bastard thus far. 2 am here, so officially start of day 5 AF..

    Now for the reason for my post! When I was drinking on weekends or public holidays or whenever, there was simply NO way my work throughput would be a fraction of what I have been able to achieve with a clear head. Without that grey mist in front of my eyes. The more working I am getting through, the more I can take in. Stating the obvious I know, but I see as a huge positive.
    Hope everyone is doing well today!
    'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope


    Well done Grim - that really is a huge positive!

    I know what you mean. I've always been one of those 'functional' drinkers who holds down a good job, but when I'm not drinking it feels like a fog I didn't know was there at the time has suddenly lifted. Then I realise how much clearer my thinking is and how much more work I'm producing.
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.



      Hi Grim, I love your attitude friend.
      It sounds like you are doing great!!
      I know that being sober for me has enhanced my concentration. My memory still struggles but even that I think is improving.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



        Way to go, Grim. Enjoy the clarity.
        - Tulipe
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
        AF since May 6, 2010



          Glass, Startingover, tulipe....thanks for the positive comments and support!
          Admittedly I only made it through to 4:30 as by then I was seeing double....this time, again for the first in a long time, from plain, blissful exhaustion as opposed to effects of copious amounts of red wine!
          Had an excellent sleep and now back in front of the computer for a bit then hope to take the hounds for a gallop on the beach. Let me tell you, getting a jack russel, a ridgeback and myself to the beach and back is one heck of a challenge but always well worth it! Oh lest I forget, half way through day 5 AF but need to start formulating a plan for kicking the smoking thing. Oh well I will leave that for another day.
          I hope everyone is having a good day/night wherever you are..
          Will check back in later. Ciaio for now.
          'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope



            Grim, Your a star and doing very, very well ......keep up the GREAT WORK !!!

            PS. had a dog I ever owned .or should I say that ever owned me !!!....LOL
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

