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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Hi there,
    How's your Sunday morning? Hope you are waking up to starting another AF day, regardless of yesterday, the day before, or whatever. Even grey skies, drizzly rain, and the quiet of a breezeless day can be a comfort.
    - Tulipe
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning Tulipe and others to come. Bit of a gentle start to the day which is nice. Had an ENORMOUS and delicious Indian meal last night and went to the cinema. It's good to do that on a Saturday as we have always worked hard on the changeover.

    I had two glasses of wine. It is so easy to drink 'normally' when I go out. It's a home that my habit is at its worst. That's the bit I need to crack.

    Here's to cracking it ODAT!

    Bessie xx

    PS My morning didn't start quite so slowly. Let the big lurcher out for a wee, he came in with a small rabbit (think the cat must have caught it) We didn't want him eating it on the sofa so hubby tried to take it off him. End result - tug of war with dead rabbit......not how most people start their day I guess!! :H


      ODAT - Sunday

      What a lovely post Tulipe,

      Unfortunately my Sunday morning is not good. Im dealing with it the best I can, and I have to head out to work soon.

      Yesterday was my day off, SUPER hot as Hell here in Florida. Decided I "deserved" to have a few glasses of chardonnay with my lunch, well that turned into at trip to the wine store, decided might as well stay in due to the hottness.

      Finished off the bottle of wine, and even walked to the gas station for beer. I cant seem to make it though the weekend with a day off.

      Tired of the cycle. Im not going to beat myself up though. I have a long day ahead of me, and am just picking up the pieces best I can.

      Oh, NOT drinking today though! Day 1.

      Love that definition of Success One2Many...

      Thanks, Im going to write that down!


        ODAT - Sunday


        Morning Tulipe, bessie, oney and overit and all to come.

        I did it!! It wasn't at sunrise (I did set the alarm but...) but I walked across the dam and back with little doggie! It was very nice looking out across the water, little bit of breeze, hearing a bit of the lapping waves. And people do interest me. I'm happy to see people out for a walk even if they look miserable. :H Maybe it's how they sort things out in their head. Most look happy though.

        It's a great feeling to set a goal and do it. Even just a little one.

        Unfortunately, there was a sign that said no pets after 6/22/209. Tomorrow. Little doggie's one and only walk. I immediately noticed an absence of poop bag dispensers and receptacles. I wonder if poop is the issue. No matter; I did it and I shall bask in proudness all day.

        Good luck with your goals!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Sunday

          Hi guys,

          Still on track - day 10 now. Was at my families yesterday and everyone was drinking - I stayed AF with my diet coke and iced tea. Felt really good and wasn't even really that tempted which makes me feel good. I enjoy waking up with a clear head, look better, have clearer skin - all these things are making me not want to have that first drink. Although my goal is moderation, I am really enjoying this af time right now and think I'll stick with it for a while. Only 4 more days to reach my second goal and then I'll decide from there where I go. But right now I'm feeling pretty good about my choices.

          Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

          Love and hugs,

          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Sunday

            Oh Bessie; thanks for the reminder! We have a timed feeder for the very old cat. She got up at 4:30 and started meowing, and I rolled over knowing the feeder would open at 5:30. It did, but she had worked herself into a state so at 5:45 sharp she barfed up the whole thing. I could hear her hacking, and had to jump up so I could see where the mess was. Hate stepping in it, you know. Ended up getting up and cleaning it up. Poor thing she's very old and just does that. My fault for not brushing her out last night as she gets furballs.

            I went to a party last night. I brought some sparkling pear and everyone loved it so much it was finished in 15 minutes and I had nothing more for the rest of the evening. A couple people dominated the conversation and I didn't find them very interesting. Mostly read a book on growing lettuce that was on the side table. More properly, it was a book about picking the slugs off your lettuce as it is growing, and trying to ignore the slug trails and holes in the lettuce when you eat it. That's why my garden doesn't include lettuce! I read that stupid book for three hours. Learned that Violas are called Heartsease in UK and trailing Lobelia is edible if you pick the slugs off and ignore the holes in the leaves. I came home and wanted a drink so badly I went right to bed. It worked. I hate feeling I was that close to a swerve.

            Happy Sunday. I have good projects and the sun is coming out. Life is good. I'm focusing on that today.


              ODAT - Sunday

              Hello Tulipe, Bes, One, Over, Boss, Uni and Greeneyes, i thought of drinking today even though i have my kids (thats not good because they would not want to be here if i drink even one). i have to keep that in mind and make sure i take my bac and my sups. im going to my dad's for father's day and his wife will be drinking beer (hiding it from me but drinking it). i shouldnt have any trouble getting through that.

              Wish me luck


                ODAT - Sunday

                Afternoon ODATers.

                Bessie, your Indian feed sounded lovely. Then I got to the bunny story and my appetite waned considerably. ugh!

                Bossman, you are nice to share your AF drinks. I think for me when I start venturing out again to social things, and I bring my own, I will either bring two of something and tell people that one is just mine, or I will bring my own and have it just for me. If people think I'm snarky so be it. I'd rather be snarky than spend the evening reading of lettuce slugs AND not have anything nice to drink because everyone slugged down my good stuff and is now slurping Cabernet in front of my nose. HEE HEE! :H

                Uni, Good job at your family event staying AF and on the double digit days. I too started out thinking I would moderate, but several things changed for me since I joined MWO in late April, and I am leaning more and more towards thinking that I may be a non-drinker for life.

                Greenie, I'm sorry that your first walk along the dam may have been the last for doggie, that seems a shame! I know YOUR doggie wouldn't have been an offender! :dog: :no:

                Day 29 AF for me today...woo hoo!!

                Hope everyone is having a nice Father's Day.

