Thanks. I will find the book a.s.a.p.. I need some inspiration. Very depressed and disapointed with myself today.
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Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
I here you. In the same boat. I too am sick of staying home and making excuses. Lost 2 of my 5 working days this week. Used a vacation day and made up a lame excuse yesterday. Left for work with that nasty dizzy possibly still buzzed feeling. I am sick of not being the dad I should be. Rambling onto my kids buzzed then busting into tears about divorce. I am not helping them nor myself heal. Mostly I just feel like a disappointment to the kids.
Liath;672008 wrote: Thanks. I will find the book a.s.a.p.. I need some inspiration. Very depressed and disapointed with myself today.
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
This is not where we want to be. I need to give the program in the book a serious try. I jumped to moderating a little too fast I think. Better to be AF. Time to stop this destructive behavior. Why do I want to 'escape' with alcohol in the first place. It is not that great, pretty ugly really..Liath
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
Blimey looks like a load of us all fell off the wagon!uch: Right, I am back on it now and good to see so many back on it too.
My tipping point was that on Friday my boss announced that major changes would be happening at work, we would all be split up and seconded elsewhere. My god as if I haven't got enough stress going on at the moment!
I really haven't been coping with the break-up with my bf - it's 2 months on and I'm still crying all the time. And I have to move out of the flat as I can't afford to keep it on my own, but that is the last thing I want to do. And now this :upset: God I am so stressed and sad all the time.
So Friday I thought al was the answer (I didn't really, but thought WTF my life is already screwed) but after a few days of bingeing and some early morning trips to the offy, I realised it wasn't the answer. Feeling quite sheepish, but tbh honest if all this had happened to me a few years back, I would've been drinking constantly.
Any advice about how to feel better about my depressing circumstances very much appreciated. Otherwise I'll just say I am so grateful to be back here and back on track.Recovery Coaching website
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bardwl:
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Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
Kim- I am sorry to hear that you have to deal with all that. It is very difficult to handle moving and job changes and stay sober, but then again, it will be easier than drunk/hungover. We can hang on to that Kim. Life is easier without it. I have revisited the effects of too much alcohol on my body and it's too much to take. Today I am seriously moody and depressed. I want to be proud of myself again. So here goes, day 2.Liath
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
Thanks for that Liath - I agree it is much easier to deal with without being hungover, but I have to really remind myself of that when I'm going through the immediate pain. I wish I could have a load of reminders tattooed under my eyelids as 95% of times I've had a drink since I first started trying to be sober, I have regretted it.
You should be proud of yourself for making the decision to get back on the wagon again Liath. Hope your mood lifts soon. XRecovery Coaching website
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bardwl:
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Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
I was intending to start over again too today...but I went to get the newspaper and happened to buy some wine too :-( It is SO unhelpful now that all the off licences are shut. All newsagents sell alcohol so every time you buy a paper or anything there you see it staring at you.
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
I live in a state where you can buy alcohol only in liquer stores. I used to think it was a drag, but now I am happy I am not tempted when going to grocery store! Groceries can only sell beer, which is not my choice"If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
I am in a similar circumstance with job (reduction in sales) and I am commission based, possibly losing of a home, mounting bills and providing for my kids although they are older 18 and 22, there are still needs. Anyway, try to think of the good things in your life and there has to be some, even if it is waking up each day (sober) and seeing the sunshine and having gratitude for your health. I am very stressed, but I have to force myself to remain positive. Hope it helps a little.
Everything I need is within me!
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
Come on girlfriends
Liath - you've had so many highs and lows these past few weeks. Hang onto the great stuff (getting published, etc). Get rid of the crap (AL). You've been such a positive influence for me since I showed up here June 22nd shaking and in withdrawal. I know you can you do it - maybe you're setting your goal to low trying to moderate. Maybe you should aim for 30-days completely AF. Glad your back Kim - blimey is right. Lets shake it off and keep right on going. We all know alcohol isn't going to help anything in our life but just make it worse, or at the very least cloud and muck it up. Kim you've got a chance for a brand new start - new place, new guy, new AL free life. I know that sounds like BS when you're feeling so down maybe you can change the record that's playing in your mind. As for the stores - maybe its child abuse, but I've taken to dragging my kids with me everywhere I might be tempted to buy a bottle. (Teenage boys really love the grocerystore). Hang in there gang I'm rooting for all of us.
It's the chance of a lifetime, in a lifetime of chance - and it's hightime to join in the dance.... "Run for the Roses"
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
Hi all, I had a "planned" lapse as I've just had a big birthday and had several celebrations which were all wonderful - but as is always the way with me I can't just have one or two glasses of wine it always has to be 6 or 7!
So all my parties are over, and today is day 1 again. No excuses now - I'm feeling quite positive, its been an interesting experiment and I'm glad its finished.
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
Hi all, Happy Saturday! I have felt awful the past week, quite apart from the bingeing over the weekend, I have had flu and been stuck in the house me and my ex shared crying.
Today I finally feel I have got over the flu and the sun is shining and I'm about to go and get myself a load of healthy food from the supermarket. I am deciding to eat nothing processed at all - everything natural - for a week and see if that can help lift my mood (looking a bit slimmer would sure put a smile on my face as well!).
The ex is abroad on holiday for a week, so this means we can't constantly call and text each other. I was soooo jealous when I found out, but I see it as a positive thing now. And I have finally decided I am going to give my notice on this house and start up my own houseshare in a different area - it will be so freeing to get away from all the shopkeepers I bought alcohol from in the mornings! And with my own houseshare I can choose the people I want to live with and can make sure they're not big drinkers as that would be difficult.
I agree with you 8Belles and Britelite, I must try to force myself to be positive. It is difficult, but the key to being happy in life is to look on the positive side as much as you can. Glad you are all doing whatever it takes to remain in sober-land and to deal with your difficulties. I KNOW we can do this together.
I always hope the last slip will be my last, and I think it can be even harder to achieve this when you're not at rock bottom because it is easy to get complacent. But NO MORE! I have got a chance at a new life and I am going to take it. I can't successfully deal with the transition if I'm lying in bed!
Bring it ooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!Lets kick this addiction in the ass!!!
Recovery Coaching website
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bardwl:
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Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
I do not do well last night, not well at all. I ended up having 7 drinks and am very irritated with myself. I finally got MWO book and will read that today. I'm not taking any meds and am hit and miss with the L-gluatamine and Kudzu. I'm not sure if I should get anything stronger. I really don't want to go to my Dr about my addiction and would rather figure it out myself and with you fine people.
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
Hey everyone-
Well its Saturday morning. I am feeling decent. The plan is to start those darn CDs and the whole program this weekend. I have been putting it off, but how can I expect success if I dont use all of the tools I have in front of me? Is anyone else thinking of starting. It would be nice to have a buddy for motivation.
Oh well. Today a friend is getting married. I am driving so I will not be indulging. Normally I would be looking for a way out of driving so I could take advantage of all the free drinks. Instead I feel relief that I will not be so tempted. I am going to focus on the food and chatting with friends, enjoying the moment if possible.
Kim, 8belles- Thank you for your positive words. Lets have a weekend without regrets!Liath
Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?
Take heart. You are in the right place. You should definitely read the book and if you want to start the 60 day deal, let me know. The CDs are not cheap but they may be the tipping point. Perhaps they will turn off that voice in our heads that tells us its just fine to have another drink, and another. I did have a couple last night with my boyfriend. We had fun, and stayed in control. That voice in my head wanted another drink as we were heading off to bed but I didn't listen.
ODAT. Today I am not going to indulge at all. And just think, earlier this year I would get smashed every weekend without fail. One step at a time..Liath