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Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

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    Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

    Hi everyone
    I have'nt posted here lately, I am posting on all different threads I cant keep up with them all....
    It sounds like you are all doing really well, keep up the good work
    Laith im sorry you are feeling a bit down today, you were sooo happy, AL makes people depressed even more, just be strong and you can do it girl. I hope you feel better soon
    And I hope everyone has a great Friday
    For anyone who want to be A/F this weekend, there is a weekend thread/party so I hope to see you there....
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

      Thanks Ronnie. I will hang in there. Its easy to get depressed after a major high like the one I have been on the past couple of days. High on my good news, that is! I am so in on the weekend thread but did you start it yet? Maybe I just missed it.. I hope we don't have to promise to pole dance again to attract the crowd.:H


        Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

        Laith I have just posted it
        I have you know I have been practising my pole dancing, may I suggest you do the same, so we can look good together
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

          I've been drinking a bottle to two bottles of wine a day. I'm new here. I have prehypertension and I do NOT want to tell my doctor about my issue. I am tapering. I cannot do it with beer, although I love the idea of that, so I'm doing it with wine. I'm sitting here with wine in my glass and being MINDFUL of how much I am drinking, where before I was not. I'm committed to tapering because i want off of this stuff and a life too, but seriously, when I stopped cold turkey, the first two days were miserable, but this time around when I tried it, I watched my blood pressure spike to unbelievable levels. I have anxiety anyway, but going cold turkey was going to kill me. Doing it this way, doesn't feel NEARLY as bad as cold turkey. I'm going to monitor myself very closely over the next few days, limiting myself to only HALF the bottle of wine I bought today. So far so good............I'm learning it depends upon motivation and MINDFULNESS! because Al is MINDLESSNESS!
          If anyone here has anymore suggestions as to what would help get me through this, I would be eternally grateful.


            Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

            Welcome wanting. I was just wondering if you have read the book yet? I feel like the combination of exercise, hypnotherapy, suppliments really eases the pain. I recommend that you get at least the b vitamins and L-glutimate for cravings. Also I just wanted to say that you have come to the right place for help. Keep posting and we will be here for you!


              Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

              I am exactly where you are... So tired of the self-loathing and failed attempts... I want to stay AF - be a "non-drinker"... I would be very proud of that... Just completed Day 1...I'm in!
              God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

                Liath;656125 wrote: OK, I cannot figure out how to post a picture. Darn, what a let down! How about a little Dylan instead? In honor of this thread lasting 2 weeks!!

                They say ev'ry man needs protection,
                They say ev'ry man must fall.
                Yet i swear i see my reflection.
                Some place so high above this wall.
                I see my light come shining
                From the west unto the east.
                Any day now, any day now,
                I shall be released.

                Bob Dylan

                Liath this make me boo!!! Spot on xxx:new:
                Don't get your knickers in a knot; it solves nothing and makes you walk funny
                AF from Thursday 9 July


                  Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

                  Hello all my weebly friends!

                  Good to see you back in here Ronnie. Wanting and Spirit welcome - I hope you will be joining us and progressing along with us. Post all you want. Good luck with the tapering Wanting- let us know how it goes. My thoughts will be with you.

                  Liath my poor little lion, I'm sorry you're feeling a bit blue, but very glad that you're focusing on the positives. I am on a bit of a downer myself tonight. I met up with my ex and some mates and we had a few drinks at the House Of Commons (ooh lah-di-dah don't you know) -the UK government building for anyone unfamiliar - as my ex used to work there and knew someone who could get us in.

                  That was cool, I had a couple of cokes and saw a good frined and one I hadn't seen in a while (who also doesn't drink- yay!), but my ex was really starting to irritate me with all the thoughtless things as usual. He left me standing all on my own twice (once for 20 minutes!) due to lack of planning and I kind of don't like the way he is sometimes when we're around friends.

                  So we caught the tube to go on this Ghost Walk (been in a few before and they are really fun and cool), but during the short tube journey he managed to piss me off so much that I didn't want to go anymore.

                  So I told our friends I was sorry but I was tired and then I came home. It's partly my fault as I let all these little things irritate me, but partly his for being bloody irritating.

                  So, anyway I missed out on what would have been an enjoyable evening and with one person I hadn't seen in a long while, so I'm a bit pissed off. I thought when we broke up and decided to be friends, I would get all the good side of him without the crap. Guess i was wrong.

                  Aah, anyway rant over. Things could be worse.

                  Good god someone give us a positive story - cheer Liath and I up before we go and buy massive tubs of ice cream and eat them all in one go!
                  Recovery Coaching website

                  "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                  Recovery Videos


                    Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

                    Oh sorry Looby Loo - only just saw your 'New person' post. A very warm welcome - I know you will find support here.
                    Recovery Coaching website

                    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                    Recovery Videos


                      Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

                      Hey Kimberley thank you very much. I feel very safe on MWO, it is certainly helping me to keep me out of trouble so far, 3 days in! Sorry to hear you had a bad night, how awful to be left on your own on a night out like that, very frustrating. Because I can't drink now, sometimes it makes me a little edgy so if someone did that to me I would be WELL annoyed!!! You sound like a very caring person, what goes around comes around sweetie, your ex will get something bite him on the bum! PS House of Commons, v posh! I am moving back to Oz soon (my folks live in the same place as Ronnie) I want to cram as many things in before I go as I can, have you any details on the ghost tour? Thank you xxxxx
                      Don't get your knickers in a knot; it solves nothing and makes you walk funny
                      AF from Thursday 9 July


                        Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

                        Thanks Kimberley. I am one of those leo types, we are pretty easy to cheer up if we get a little attention! I am feeling better today but very tired as I went out last night with 2 of my sisters (one of them was visiting from L.A.). I drank some, not too much but the mod thing is only going to work for me if I have most of my days AF. (otherwise I am going to slip back into old patterns I am sure) Also my b-day is coming up. As I will be 33 years old (sigh), I want to feel good about myself around this time of year. So the plan is to go AF for the next 4 or 5 days here. Who wants to join me and string some AF days together starting today? Gosh, its a hard thing to do in the summertime with so many weddings, birthdays (I am surrounded by people with summer birthdays), and other events. I am so happy to have you all to lean on!

                        Welcome Loobyloo and spirit girl. So happy to have you join us! Even if you mess up, don't be afraid to stick around our "starting over" thread. God knows, we have all had to start over again and again. That is one of the many hellish things about drinking. We know its bad for us, we suffer the hang overs and numerous other consequences and yet, yet we do it all over again!! It takes a lot to break the vicious cycle, but we must keep trying!!

                        By the way Kim, you are doing great. I am really proud of you. I get really strong cravings for AL when I am angry. Sounds like your ex is a piss ant (I am actually not sure what this term means, but something bad, right?) Well hang in there my girl!:goodjob:


                          Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

                          Hi All,
                          Glad you are easily cheered Liath. When I am angry, god that is it I am angry all day! And Looby yes it is very easy to drink on anger. On the way home on the tube I was seriously thinking about al, but luckily I got home at about 9pm, so I convinced myself it wasn't worth it as I'd be in bed soon anyway. Very nearly though!

                          Looby, well done for your 3 days in. The London Walks are absolutely fab. Really interesting an good fun.

                          Here is the link London Walks "first and best of the walking tour firms" Fodors
                          You just choose a walk, don't have to book or anything. They have a a few ghost walks, but all sorts of other interesting ones as well. Just turn up at the time stated and meet the guide at the tube station and bob's yer uncle. Very good value as well.

                          Happy Sunday all!
                          Recovery Coaching website

                          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                          Recovery Videos


                            Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

                            Hey everyone-

                            I have just been thinking today how there are sooo many reasons NOT to drink. For me, reason #1. I am trying to get into a PhD program in California. This has been my dream for many years. SOMEHOW, I managed to get a Masters degree with a 3.9 GPA, a publication, etc.. while still struggling with the AL. (I did spend a lot of time studying which probably saved me from many a potentially drunken episode) But I do realize that I am not as young as I once was and life is not a game anymore. Problems which desperately need to be fixed (such as addictions) should not be put off any longer or perhaps I will never get around to dealing with them. Basically my health, my future, my relationships, career, its all on the line here. I really could use some inspiration today so I am trying to think of sunny Cali and all the great things I can do while earning my degree. I will NOT give up my dreams for AL!!!

                            If anyone else has an inspirational reason to keep fighting the beast, please do share it with us..


                              Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?


                              For me it would be just a general sense of well being. I was completly unaware how much my poor body has suffered from alcohol until I stopped drinking. I suffer from absolutely horrible hangovers, nausea, heart burn, anxiety, nervousenss, you name it. This was even after a small amount of alcohol, which is maybe why I could not put two and two together and thought I was developing some strange uncurable illlness. I even went to whole bunch of doctors, had brain scan, CAT scan, MRI, gastorscopy, colonoscopy, the whole nine yards. They found nothing wrong with me. My blood results were OK too, becasue I was not drinking haevily then.
                              I realize now that I am very sensitive to alcohol, which DOES NOT mean that I cannot drink a lot. I can. I just suffer more, even after small amounts. I feel lucky, becasue even moderation will make me sick.
                              Which explain why I feel so good now, AF day seven.
                              "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                              Ralph Waldo Emerson


                                Today I start over again.. anyone want to join me?

                                AL is a demon in disguise!! And the mental acrobats we do to try and justify our drinking or kid ourselves into thinking we can handle it is unbelievable. I am amazed at how much denial I have been in and how in 5 days I have tried on 4 of the days at one point or another to convince myself I could have 1. I mean really?! There is more to life than this battle, it is just realizing that and letting it go. AL robs us of our power and dulls us. I want to shine!! I know you will Liath, especially when you get in the program in California. Don't let AL take that away from you!!
                                Real Me, I also seem to be sensitve to AL. The anxiety, depression and hangovers that I dealt with were not normal and like you sometimes it wouldn't even be that much AL that could do it. A group of us could go out and I could drink half of what they did and yet I was the only one that could not get out of bed the next day. Yet, I would do it again and again.

