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just joining / my story

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    just joining / my story

    hi all-

    i first want to thank you all for your bravery in sharing your stories and offering such a support network. i have been reading the post over the past few days and feel like i have found the right "support" for me. i am a very private person but know that i have to tell my story and become part of the community. binge no more thank you for your voice and no you are not alone! i am 36 and although our story may not be the same our demons seem to be well in sycnc. so here goes:

    no surprise i have a vast history of alcoholism and an assorment of other pleasant disorders which are experienced on both sides of my family - from this denial was one of my first life lessons and allowed me to continue to abuse myself and those around me for many, too many, years.

    i started drinking when i was 12 or 13 and have engaged in very serious drinking and drug activity since then. my longest time sober was the 9 months that i carried my one and only son (who is now 4 and by far my greatest inspiration for stopping this disease in its tracks!) in my teens and early twenties i spent a great deal of my free time getting wasted under the pretense of "partying" easy to do if you now how to make the right friends.... birds of a feather.... since having my son i have been binge drinking anywhere from 2-3 times per month and gaining momentum over the past 6-months. binging for me means, starting off with the best intentions and then proceeding to drink myself into a coma, miss whatever responsibility i have the next day, start all the stories about the prior night with supposedly I _________, beg for everyone's forgiveness, promise everyone around me and myself never again and then wait a few weeks for my next opportunity to blow it. i have never been one to drink alone or even have a drink at home (assuming i do not go home already black out drunk - then all bets are off). i have been able to keep this life style up by once again finding a group of others like myself who have the wonderful abiltiy to deny, deflect and make counter accusations. this is my joke and has gotten me out of a lot of trouble - well until lately.

    why i am here. i am scared to death of my self and my complete lack of control over alcohol. it plain and simple has caught up with me and i am done. i am becoming more and more dependent on these "parties" and am now on the radar of my company. i had two client dinners last week in which i complelety and unabashedly made a complete ass of myself and god only knows how much i must have embarrased everyone around me. not that this was the first or second time but it has happened so many times that despite my tenure and executive position within the firm it can not happen again. of course there is also my family who is at their wits end and as i mentioned my son who will need all the help i can give to make sure he does not fall into the mind set it is just a party, no big deal....

    i finally told my shrink last Friday after 6-months that i am an alcoholic - he seemed surprised and said you know that is my specialty - i said yes i know that is why i chose you i was just hoping it was something else in my life that created this problem with my drinikng and i wanted to to explore alternative options before i finally admitted to myself and certainly anyone else that i can't drink and no moderation is not an option for me.

    he gave me campral which seems to be working and i now have 4 1/2 days AF. i plan to hang in here and for anyone who has read this far, thank you.

    just joining / my story

    i am like you. I have that group of friends that actively binge and justify it all. If I go out on a Sunday I will just keep going until drunks. Then I have trouble dealing with work the next day. Best of intentions but it never works out. Also told my shrink but not taking anything accept supps and getting acupuncture.

    I know I have to avoid these people because I fall into the same old patterns. Thats why this site is so great. Keeps us out of trouble. Welcome!


      just joining / my story

      thank you. this will be certainly be a challenge so many of drinking mates are also co-workers. i have to do this for myself and my family. i do have friends who do not live this way and for that i am grateful - now to acutally spend time with them:} i am blaming no one but myself here, it is simply a fact of my addiction that will make it slightly more challenging to avoid triggers.


        just joining / my story

        I wish you the best of luck. We just have to find a way to stop. I dont want to feel like this again. Tired of the excuses. I will feel better tomorrow I am sure. Day 1 is hard.


          just joining / my story

          Loopy, I am like you. Im a little older but i too got put on the radar for my company because of my drunkeness in front of very large vendors ( i am the client which put them in a very awkward position). im still trying to get a handle on it but find myself more in control than out of control which is good news. You will love this site and all the support you get here. We all care. Keep reading and posting.:welcome:


            just joining / my story

            I'm on day two Liath and it does get easier. My head already feels much clearer and my mood seems more stable. I too am sick and tired of feeling hungover, depressed, lost and confused. Tired of all my excuses and letting my loved ones down. It helps to know that I'm not alone. I'm also surrounded by alcoholic bingers like myself. I'm in the military and drinking is all these guys want to do it seems. I know I can make it this time. This site really helps a lot too! Thank you all and best of luck.


              just joining / my story

              you guys are great and i am happy to have you all to lean on - i will certainly stay in close touch with the site. for those of you who are having a hard time at this very moment - hang in there the alternative as we all know is likely much more painful. i am exhausted from the lies, shame, guilt... all of it! if it physically hurts to restrain the campral really does seem to help. i was at the early stage of really feeling like i had to have a drink - it rises up through my stomach into my brain and then come hell or highwater i was on the path to destruction, with the campral it is just a complete mental obsession right now i am still early in my "pattern" so i know my true test lies in the weeks ahead. also, anyone try the hynosis (SP) tapes? :thanks:


                just joining / my story

                Hiya Loopy,
                I am a musician, and my workplace is a bar! I had to avoid my drinking friends and parties, pubs, and couldn't face any social events really, until i was strong again. This can take awhile, of course, but if you have to spend the initial evenings/weeks/couple of months, just with your son and a cup of tea, well, that's not too bad really in the whole scheme of things, is it?
                Look into your son's eyes. What an inspiration indeed, but do this for you, first and foremost, then magic follow's, and surrounds. Good job on 4.5 days!. Go for it!............................G.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  just joining / my story

                  p.s. I haven't tried the hypnosis tapes myself, but a couple of other's here say they help. Anyway, use whatever works. Do whatever it takes, or the next binge could be your last.
                  Best wishes.......

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    just joining / my story

                    Welcome Loopy, I hope that you find the support and inspiration you need here. You sound sincere and we all know how we start the day with good intentions and end the day hating ourselves.
                    Well done on your decision.


                      just joining / my story

                      Hi Loopy,
                      You showed a lot of courage admitting your problems with AL to the shrink, and in getting help. I am on Day 9 of Campral - have you had any withdrawals? There is a Campral thread in the meds section if you'd like to join in - I mixed it up with some of my story but still I am keeping track of the effects.
                      A 4 year old boy is a lot of work, and I know how stressful it can be. I have a 6 year old boy and a 9 year old girl and they require a lot but kids really need their mommy, more than their daddy (sorry dads here - no insult meant just generalizing!), even if both are working.
                      Stay with us,
                      Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                      AF since May 6, 2010


                        just joining / my story


                        Hi Loopy,

                        I am a binge drinker like you and like you the only time I stayed sober for a sustained period was during pregnancy . Will stay in touch and pm me if you like


                          just joining / my story


                          I have the CDs but it takes kind of a lot of time so I have been waiting for the right time to start. I listened to them once though. It seems to be about breaking destructive patterns and dispelling negative thoughts. cant go wrong there! They did cost a bit though. 130 or so U.S. dollars.


                            just joining / my story

                            hi all

                            thanks so much for all the replies and support - i have been very busy reading other threads and making sure to check in every few hours to see how everyone is doing and of course keep me focused on my goal!

                            you are all right i do have a blessed hand full with my son and he is so perfect! i can't believe that i would give up two to five days a month with him getting drunk or recovering . i have a really blessed life. it occured to me on the car ride home yesterday that i would not drink when i was pregnant with him (or even trying) why in the world is having him here any different? emotional damage is just as significant as physical and that is exactly what i am doing.

                            liath -

                            how are you doing today? i hope you are starting to feel better and we all fall -believe me. i have known for a long time that i have a problem and made every attempt to do the right thing - suppose that is why it is called addiction. it totally sucks and a lot of times i feel cursed because as many have said our society is so pro drinking that you lgiguratively have to go into hiding! god (whatever that means for you) be with us all as we find our way.

                            i will keep posting but am going to hit some other threads and see if i can offer any help!

                            my lunch hour is almost up!


                              just joining / my story


                              Feeling drained today and sick of this addiction. But sober. I know what you mean about having to go into hiding. I have been doing this for years so of course all of my friends are pro drinking to the point that every social function revolves around it. I am the only one trying to change so when I try to go AF I have to seclude myself. Not exactly comforting. Thanks for asking about me! We can do this.

