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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning all!

    Beeeeuuuuutiful sunny morning here in the UK. Gotta get some sheep moved this morning before it gets too hot so a quick whizz in here to say hi.

    Tactic adopted as of last night to keep away from al in the evenings (my danger time) was to take the dogs for a walk after dinner. Win, win, win situation.

    And, (get this!) hubby opened a bottle of wine and had a glass with dinner and I sat at the table with him and said no and meant no. Must have extra strong willpower atm!

    Horsey has a sore spot on his back and I've been stressing about his saddle not fitting properly (uh oh - more money to spend) but I think he has sunburn! So on with the sunblock for him.

    Have a good day all from Bessie and her sunburnt horse, hot sheep and happy dogs.


    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Bessie,
    Well you are busy with the sheep, horses, and everything else. Great job declining the wine last night - did DH give you a hard time or was he supportive?
    It is sunny today and I am going for a long walk.
    Have a great day!
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Hi ODATers

      Bessie it is great to have you back and :goodjob::goodjob: for last night!

      Didn't have a good evening myself (although did not drink which is good) 13.5yearold daughter is getting herself into shed loads of trouble all round, not working at school, getting put out of lessons, lying constantly, and now getting yukky explicit text messages from friend who is a boy, but of course not boy friend...... yeah whatever!

      Any one with details of chastity belts or whatever it was they put in tea years ago to take your mind off the rumpy pumpy please let me know web address so I can put in an order:H

      Luv to all


        ODAT - Tuesday


        Zan san!! (cantonese) *

        Sunny here too; The early sunlight comes in the top windows and gives the rooms a golden glow. Love it! However the humidity will be along shortly.

        Bessie, good on ya! I think that would be so hard to have a drinker in the house. Being around others doesn't bother me but I think it would be hard in the house. I'd probably have stared a hole in the bottle and then dreamed about it. He had one glass and that was it? Amazing.

        Tulipe I would like to go for a long walk too, but my shins are sore from Sunday.

        I have the healthiest food in the universe in my fridge (at the moment). I think that eating well is a big part of curbing the AL craving.

        Ah madmummy, snuck in n me there. All I can say is "RUMPY PUMPY"!!! LMAO!!!!

        Have a grand day and eat well!
        * A while back I started every ODAT post with "good morning" in another language
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi guys,

          Well, I'm almost at my goal of 2 weeks as I am on day 12 today! Last night my BF took me out to a nice restaurant for a steak dinner for my B'day and that would normally be where I would order wine with my dinner - instead I ordered a diet coke. I was quite pleased with myself and I found that I really didn't even want or miss the wine. That was a pleasant surprise!

          Tonight I know some friends want to take me out for a beer after playing baseball to celebrate my birthday - how surprised will they be when I order an iced tea? LOL

          Onward and upward. I am enjoying the sleep, the clearer skin. Although I am finding that even though I am getting solid sleep I am completely exhausted - my body is crashing by 3pm and I physically have no energy at all. Is this normal or is it possible that I have just overextended myself? Greeny - did you suffer from this extrememe exhaustion when you went AF?

          Hope everyone meets their goals on this beautiful sunny Tuesday!

          Love you!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Tuesday

            No uni, not that I remember. It took a while for sleep patterns to sort out. But remember I had all that other stuff going on with estranged one so there was a lot of anxious energy that I ran on. You're doing great! I'm so happy for you when you sound like this!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Tulipe - he didn't give me a hard tme. He wouldn't. He knows we have to cut down on our drinking - it's his idea to make sure we have 2 al free days a week but I am going for more than that.

              MadMummy. Have you tried Chastity-Belts-R-Us??! Or the Bromide Store?! LOL! Or send her to a nunnery?!

              I'm sure the energy levels will return Uni when your body gets a chance to catch up with itself. Keep going. You're doing so well!

              B xx

