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Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

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    Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

    Hello Everyone,

    Thank you so much for being here. I know I will learn so much from all of you and this board.

    I am not a hardcore drinker (don't have to drink every day, don't crave it excessively, mostly do it out of ritual and habit), however, I do drink (red wine), almost every evening. I am here because I don't like this compulsion and don't want this drive to rule my life. Oh, and my alcohol consumption (along with some other life changes) has caused me to gain a considerable amount of weight, which also concerns me.

    My question to you is, is Topamax vital to success with this program? I am a bit nervous about the side effects, too, since I can't be loopy and do what I do for a living. Also, it seems really expensive. I don't have health insurance (I'm self-employed and only have catastrophic) so I would have to buy it online. I did the math, based on the chart in the book, and are we really supposed to take (over the 12 weeks) 238 twenty-five milligrams, and 105 hundred milligrams? Please correct me if I am wrong on my calculations.

    Thank you so much in advance for you help and advice.


    Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

    Welcome workitgirl!

    I think some people follow the programme to the letter, some do bits and pieces and some don't do any of it (apart from forum support). Different things work or don't work for different people, and might change over time.

    What's your plan? Are you trying to stop all together or cut down?
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

      Hi workitgirl

      The most important thing you need is the right mental attitude!

      I was drinking at least 75ml of wine most nights of the week. I did 30 days alcohol free before easter with no meds or suppliments. I started modding after that and it crept back up so I then did 19 days this month. This time I added some suppliments (kudzu, L glutimate, magnesium, evening primrose and milk thistle).

      It's important to drink lots of water, add a slice of fresh lemon if you have some. Read and post on this site - it's very supportive. Try and do some exercise too. It's important to change your evening routine so you don't drink out of habit - that's my main problem now.

      Good luck
      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


        Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

        Hi Workit,

        I thought Topamax was going to be the "magic pill" with all the answers. It wasn't. I took it for about 2 months about a year ago but stopped for several reasons: 1) the tingly side effects bugged me, 2) it was too expensive ($60 a month with insurance) and 3) perhaps most important, I still drank on the Topa. Not as much, but for the kind of money I was spending, I wasn't getting the results I had hoped. Granted, I did not go up in dose as high as many people here do, or as much as RJ's book recommends -- I think I only went up to 100 mg.

        Many here have a good deal of success with it, but don't let it be the deal-breaker for you. Many here also go AF cold turkey. There are many "ways out" and many, including myself, are still searching for the best answer.


          Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

          Hi Workit,

          I'm not doing the Topa either. Drugs just scare me too much. I did get the Kudzu, and I do the milk thistle. But, honestly, I have't noticed much help w/ either. It could be that I need to add the L-Glut? I started on this site on June 1; I'm happy to say that I've been sober more days then not since then. It doesn't mean I've completely stopped drinking all together. I'm still struggling; and know I've got quite a ways to go. This site has definately helped me in that there are so many caring people willing to offer any support they can; and they are NEVER condescending!!!! You're in the right place!!


            Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

            I'm on Campral, and take a very small does of benzo at night, like 1.5 mg just to relax. There are alternatives - I started a Campral thread in the meds section if you want to check it out.
            Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
            AF since May 6, 2010


              Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

              I do not take Topa - have tried it but found that it was too much of a pain in the butt to remember to take it and I also didn't like the "topa dopa".

              I have done fine with L-Glut, Milk Thistle and vitamin B and C. And a little bit of willpower!

              Good luck!
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

                Wow, thank you all so much for the supportive kind words. I am planning to be moderate, and, I don't even feel the need for a period of abstinence, although, I am not opposed to it either.

                I know that I have really abused alcohol in the past, but my life is very happy now, and over-drinking just doesn't suit me anymore. With that said, boy, oh, boy, do I love a good glass of red wine with anything garlicky and with cheese! I love having a cocktail at sundown with my sweetie and then drinking some wine with dinner. I just want to do it in a healthy way and not feel the need to do it every freakin' night just because I can, you know?

                I work from home every single day of the month, very rarely take time off, and so there is no weekend structure for me. I think I do it to treat myself, since so much falls on my shoulders (I am the sole income earner). I know that there are other healthy ways to treat myself without over-indulging on alcohol most nights of the week. I very, very rarely drink 'til I pass out or act ridiculous. I just know that it's not good for me and I want to lose some weight and focus on other things in my life besides drinking.

                There is so much to be grateful for and so many other fun things to do. I am so happy that I found MWO and all of you. What a blessing! I have my CDs and my supplements are coming in from all over, since I purchased them from Amazon.

                And you know what? Now that I am writing this, I plan to do perhaps at least a week or so of abstinence, maybe more if it feels right. And judging from my past, once I get a week or so under my belt, I find I really like the way sober feels. So I may just keep it going until we have something to go to, like a party or have company over or something. I am just giddy to have all of you and this board as a resource for controlling my drinking. I am just sooooo not an AA'er. I mean, if it works for folks, that's great! But I know that wouldn't be for me. There are other modalities out there for addressing this, and, I think this is going to be a great one for me!

                Hugs and love and light to all of you!



                  Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

                  Hi workit,

                  Welcome, glad you found us!
                  There's lots of useful info here and supportive people to help you reach your goal. Hope you find what you need.
                  I joined back in February hoping to be able to moderate someday. But, I have changed my mind since then. Since going AF I've realized that it would be just too difficult for me to try to drink like a normal person. Turns out it's just easier for me being AF. See how you feel after you get some AF time under your belt, you never know

                  Wishing you the best!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

                    hi workit girl,
                    I'm so glad you are here welcome. I have been 2 weeks AF. Just like you I love to drink in the evening. "Now is the time for Belle Cerra Wine" and all that. Im not taking anything but I do plan to read the books and maybe some supps. The CDs sound like they might be helpful too. I work at home most of the time too and 7 days, but Im going to make some changes. It's too much. Everyone thinks working at home is so great but it just means you never get to leave it behind.
                    keep the faith


                      Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

                      Wow, I continue to be blown away by the love here. I am such a newbie, and I feel so much solidarity with all of you. Thank you so much and I pray I can be a help to you, too!

                      Much love and hugs,


                        Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

                        Many here do not take Topamax; I am among them (although I'm not knocking it for people who have benefited from it). I think the best choice you've made is to recognize the need to curb your drinking before it [I]becomes[I] hardcore. A great many of us did not start off as hardcore drinkers; it creeps up on you. As a fellow wine drinker, I found that my ritual glasses each evening gradually became 2 bottles per evening, followed by graduating to 10-12 shots of whiskey per evening. Since you're in the frame of mind that alcohol may be becoming problematic but are not yet 'hardcore', as you put it, my advice is to just quit. You'll save yourself untold misery.


                          Preparing to Start, Anyone not taking Topamax?

                          I am not taking any drugs at the moment. I never was a heavy drinker. I just want to quit for faith reasons.
                          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

