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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning all.

    Last night was a breeze; nice dinner, walk with the dogs and a long bath. All keeping me away from al. Today is one of our designated Alcohol Free days so I won't have hubby drinking wine at dinner to add an extra burden to my willpower!! And the same tomorrow. But that is tomorrow and this is ONLY about today. Just one set of 24 hours to deal with. I'll be asleep for 8 of those, busy for 13 and that only really leaves 3 as a potential problem. And they won't be!!

    Toddling off now to put a BFZ in my drink tracker.

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Wednesday

    hello boys & girls, just checking in, hope everyone has had sucessfull AF day.
    stay strong
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


      ODAT - Wednesday

      hi all hope everyone meets their goals :h:hrudemama


        ODAT - Wednesday


        Mingalarba!! (Burmese)

        Suns out, going to be hot. Do not enjoy the the heat so much. Have errands to run and one stop involves a massage and the wife always makes lunch. I did manage to weasle my way into that. Compliments will get you everywhere!

        Bessie I love the way you whittled it down to 3 hours! Perhaps you could mend a fence or something. :H

        Hi rudie! How are things in the legal arena?

        Witchy! Nice to see you again!

        Everyone have a good day and be grateful for it!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Good morning all! Mingalarba! Hot here too, but this will be the first hot day in weeks here in the rainy Pacific Northwest so I'm very excited about that. Bessie thanks so much for starting the ODAT thread.

          ODAT is important to me as a "check in". Even though I don't post most days, I always check it in the morning, and again in afternoon to see what people are saying. I'm less concerned about the AF aspects as just getting affirmation that people are on the road. I guess it's the online version of having a group of people walking together for a shared goal.

          Happy "hump day" to all. IOIO so off to work I go.


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Hi guys!

            Day 13 - one more day till my goal of 2 weeks which won't be a problem. I am finding that my attitude towards AL is starting to change. I agree that it is sometimes easier to just abstain instead of trying to control it. We went out after baseball last night (after playing in 30+ degrees) and everyone ordered a beer - I just ordered a diet coke. Interestingly no one even cared or even mentioned that I wasn't having a beer and I was more refreshed with the diet coke than I would have been with the beer.

            I am still finding that I am incredibly exhausted though and I am going through so much water it's ridiculous (like 3 litres a day). I have a doctors appt tomorrow so I will ask for some bloodwork and see if I can figure out why I am feeling so crappy. Hopefully it is nothing serious and just a side effect of the antidepressants that I am on.

            Hope everyone has a great day and meets their goals, I know I will.

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Hi everyone,
              Well, as I said on some thread yesterday, I blew my streak of AF Mondays this week, so I started over yesterday (Tuesday). As I also mentioned, we are flat broke, so no money for AL. The interesting thing about this tactic, is that I am going to use the lack of funds as impetus for a few AF days. Hubby, however, is going to get really squirmy. There is some liquor in the cabinet which I rarely touch, so I am not worried about myself in that regard. But hubby is not even attempting to go AF, except for the rare occasions when I have asked him to support me in my endeavors, and he has hated that too. (Lots of discussion of those issues on the 'Spouses Who Drink' thread.)

              Anyway, slept like crap last night, but still don't feel nearly as tired as I would with a hangover! Work went well this morning; much better than Monday when I was hungover. It is hot here today, too; almost 90. But I gotta get outside and pick the cherries; should have done it the end of last week - now they are almost overripe and I also don't want the birds to get them.

              Universal, when I first started taking ADs last summer, I felt exhausted all the time too. I don't feel that way now. It may be that you need a different medication, or your body may just need more time to adjust. It sucks to be so tired, but you might need more time.

              Sounds like everyone else is having a good day. Keep on truckin'!

