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Hour by hour

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    Hour by hour

    :new: Don't know where to begin. To make a long history of alcohol short I began drinking Friday around noon since my husband was out of town. Around midnight I got in an argument with relatives out west (time difference). By 2 a.m. I was so depressed and devestated I was ready to kill myself. My son called 911. My kids went to spend the night at a neighbors and I went with the sheriff. Then to a hospital for bloodwork and an IV. At 8 a.m. to a drug crisis center where I was interviewed, deemed not to be a danger to myself or others and sent home with the sheriff. I spent all day in bed of course. Sunday I spent all day online shaking, crying and trying to find help that wasn't based on 12-steps or required thousands of dollars and 30-days. I found the Sinclair Method and through them you. Reading all the posts occupied my mind as I fought off the urge to get a bottle. Crazy huh? Monday morning I called the crisis center to seek help as I was about to lose the battle in mind. They scheduled an appointment for Aug. 13th. I just broke down sobbing. AUG 13TH! I got back online for hours and finally found at a local hospital one of only three psychiatrists in the area that treat depression and addiction. And was able to get an appointment for Thursday. So that's my goal - to make it until Thursday. I am hopeful maybe I could get a prescription for one of the meds that might help with the obsessive craving and depression. I am so thankful to you already - I didn't even know there was medication available. Counting the hours now until Thursday and that in itself is a big goal - these five days have been a living hell. :upset: Husband will be home Saturday.

    Hour by hour

    Hang in there .... I know how hard this feels. I don't post here often, but I do check in and get a lot of support from reading other peoples stories. I'm 98 days AF, and it's an hour by hour journey some days. Get Campral or something. Definitely get the L Glutamine, the Kudzu and the L Tryptophan ....... throw as much at this as you can. I have to say the Tryptophan is key for me ..... keeps me off the edge. Hang in there ...... Drink water, keep posting.


      Hour by hour

      Hi Robyn,
      Sounds like you're in a bad place right now and everything seems just a crushing weight that you just want lifted. I do know how you feel.
      Please believe me when I say that there is
      a light at the end of the tunnel and that you can get there. You can beat this thing.
      You are not alone.
      There is something to look forward to. You may not see it now but you're giving yourself a chance of a better life.
      Hang in there.


        Hour by hour

        Hi Robyn,
        Stay close, keep posting and reading -- we'll help you get through the next couple of days till your appointment.
        Feel free to jump into CHAT if you want to talk, okay.
        Strength to you!!
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Hour by hour

          Hi Robyn I am glad you found us. I only take some of suppliments that were mentioned so cant help you with advise on medication. You can be sure somebody will however. Hang in there you will get some help and it will get better. You can beat this demon.
          Keep safe
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Hour by hour

            hi robyn i just like to say welcome :welcome: and good on you for taking the first step to helping yourself

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Hour by hour

              Robyn, while you are waiting for your husband to come home and you are still waiting for your appt..lean on us. there is always someone online 24 hours a day. we have all been there. my husband and i were in the process of separating and i was actually 90 days sober when he went to india for 3 weeks. i started drinking again as soon as he left. i tried to kill myself (feable attempt) the week he was supposed to come home. i too was evaluated at the hospital (i called my psychiatrist and told her) and released as not a danger to myself. i will never do that again but my point is that someone, somewhere here has experienced what you are going through so use us. often. please please please. :welcome: im not convinced about the supps but they cant hurt unless you are already on anti depressants than you need to check with your doctor before you start any herbal supp.


                Hour by hour

                Robyn .. ((hugs)) .. Glad you found us. As the others have said, stick close by .. there are definitely people here who are strugging with similar issues. Before I found this place, I had no idea about the meds and supplements either. I've tried various supplements and they seem to make a difference for me. And although I haven't tried any presc. type meds, just knowing they're available has really taken the edge off of "needing" a drink. I mean, drinking has so many other side effects .. health, depression, etc. ... so knowing I could replace it with meds if I needed to is calming in itself.

                Be strong .. You'll get through this .. and please keep on posting, let us know how things are going, your apointment, etc.

                Nice to meet you!
                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  Hour by hour

                  Thanks so much

                  Well, I've made it another day thanks to all your positive help, support and sharing. It donned on me earlier today that after the dr's appointment tomorrow my husband will be home Saturday and that will be a mixed blessing. (I won't be alone - but I hate the thought of facing him about my behavior while he was gone ). This message board is a true lifesaver, seriously. I can see myself becoming addicted to it - I'm that kinda gal. hehe


                    Hour by hour

                    Hi robyn-

                    Welcome! I know just how you feel about this site. I too discovered it at a dark time. Please hang in there and keep posting. You had a big wake up call and are on your way to getting help. That is a HUGE deal and a good start. Many of us are struggling here but gaining strength.


                      Hour by hour

                      So Far So Good

                      :thanks: Went to the psychiatrist/addiction specialist this morning and that of course is an unpleasant thing to do, but I did get a prescription for Naltroxen. That was a little odd - suggested it was something the FDA had recently approved, then looked it up in a book. Then he mumbled to himself it can't mess my liver up anymore than I already had, but then requested a lab on my way out. Hope Naltroxen works - I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see if it will help at all. One more day down gang - I'm up to six as pathetic as that sounds. Thanks for your insights and advice and support.


                        Hour by hour

                        Robyn, six days is hardly pathetic be proud of it. as for your doctor...par for the course. they dont know anything really about how to deal with us so they just brush us off. i know that alot of people had alot of success with nal. check out the thread for that. there are also supps you can take we also chat live too. let the group know if you want to chat


                          Hour by hour


                          Yes, there is a thread called the Sinclair Method done right. I'll bump it up for you.

                          There is also a website for Naltrexone users, several members here also correspond over there.

                          So glad you got some help from your psychiatrist. It is so much better than the "go to 90 in 90 at AA," and a pat on the back.

                          Now, don't get me wrong. I go to AA. I get a lot of benefit from AA. But I need more than that and am having great success with a medication I am trying.

                          MWO is my "home group" though.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Hour by hour

                            Technical Question

                            It just dawned on me that I will probably want my husband to experience this website, read all the information on medications, etc... But I also want to be able to vent privately. Could I just abandon this thread, change my username to something he wouldn't recognize and send you guys a PM with the new one?


                              Hour by hour


                              Yes. That would be fine!!

                              You go to User CP and request a name change in there.

                              Then pm anyone you have touched base with and let them know.

                              I totally understand wanting to be able to post anonymously.

                              I just wish my hubby would take an interest in MWO and what I am doing. He won't join or read here at all.

                              AF April 9, 2016

