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    Hour by hour

    Someone Who Cares

    Hello. I put a thread on here a few days ago in "Doctors, Money, Insurance", I do believe that the industry is a little bit tired of us. They don't get it. We're not necessaryly pysciotic, dangerous, or too self destructive. We just need some understanding. And it would be great if they took the time to re-evaluate addiction treatments and treat people accordingly...(like people) hang in there. From the valuable strenghth I've gathered from this site, is that we have to a certain extent save ourselves. Our families are frustrated, and the medical profession are clueless. Maybe we need to rely on each other...


      Hour by hour

      Hey, card

      It's not a question of maybe - we definitely have to rely on each other. The people on MWO have given me fantastic support since I joined.

      Hopefully, I'll be able to do the same for others over time.

      Take care

      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Hour by hour

        I have the same issue about privacy. DH asked me what website I was going to and I said I didn't want to tell him. Hope he doesn't find me. Not that I don't love and trust him, it's just I'd be afraid to be honest if I knew he was reading it. That being said, I don't think he'll ever understand what this is like. He may try, but he'll never really understand. I appreciate the attempts though.
        Good luck,
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
        AF since May 6, 2010


          Hour by hour

          Robyn, Just be careful about getting him to this site. Ive read of people leaving the site because family members being on. The most important person in this process is you. Please remember that. You could always give him the information that you want him to have. anyway good luck.


            Hour by hour

            My 2c worth: agree with Tulipe and Cacky. I love DW very much, and would like to demonstrate to her that I'm really putting in a lot of effort. But the degree of openness I've been able to achieve here at MWO would make it very difficult to ask her to also join.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Hour by hour

              My hubby knows about this website but respects the fact that this is MY PLACE and has never (to my knowledge) ventured here.
              I don't keep it hidden from him, he's welcome to use my 'puter and he does -- I am permantly logged in so he could peruse my posts but doesn't because he respects just how helpful MWO is to my sobriety and it would be a bit like him reading my diary.

              Have you considered printing out the info that you want hubby to read -- that way he doesn't need access to the site?
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Hour by hour

                Hi Robyn I would agree with Deebee, and I love the analogy of diary reading. That is the situation in my house also and DW respects my privacy as do I hers. I discuss things with her from time to time but she understands there are some things that only someone with this illness can relate to. She is happy that I am finding such great help here. Printing out the relevant info is a good way around your dilema.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Hour by hour

                  You guys raise a good point about pointing this website out to him, so I probably won't do that afterall. I think I am going to change anyways because he's bound to come across it on our computer history, or something like that not that I think he would snoop on purpose. I wonder how people accomplish this dilemna with the spouses/family member section of the board - I could see it being tricky.


                    Hour by hour

                    You can always logout from this website when you leave. That way anyone who wants to log in under your name would have to have your password.

                    However, when you log in, if you don't click the "Remember me" box, you will lose long posts, etc, from the way the website is set up.

                    AF April 9, 2016

