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Trying to find something to believe in

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    Trying to find something to believe in

    Sounds like we are in a similar stage with our love of Wine. Someone said "Pajamas...what are they for"???? I don't have many extended periods of AF, but I can't give up the fight. I will also need to put the rules back into place and be strict about it. I'm climbing back on the wagon and am going to try to get through the weekend. Good luck!

    Everything I need is within me!


      Trying to find something to believe in

      Inspired . . .

      Welcome WT . . .

      Same story here regarding the snub (so to speak) then a couple of very supportive ppl. PM'd me and reversed my decision to leave. As the others have said we are all here for the same reason, perhaps not all at the same levels of problematic drinking but none the less . . . we realize or (or as with me) will come to realize we have a problem.

      If it were not for the ppl. within this amazing forum and their true to life dialogs, I can only imagine where I would be now (and it would not be a good place).

      I can only attest to how much I have Improved over the last few months ~ Thanx to a number of Wonderful people here . . . at MWO.

      Please keep coming back Wasted, so many people want to Support, Inspire and Walk with You through this journey.


        Trying to find something to believe in

        Hi and welcome back.

        It's a hard road ahead, but just learn to forgive yourself FIRST and it will soon seem to get easier.

        I have been AF for almost 9 months. This past weekend we went camping where I was usually the drunk fool, but this time, I stuck to drinking my iced tea. I had someone come up to me (a former drinking bud) and tell me how inspired she is by me and in admiration of. Kind of hit me like a lead ball. ME? An inspiration? I have done so many STUPID things and hurt so many people in my drunken stoopers.....Those few words from her made all my efforts so worth it. Instead of guilt I felt proud and that is sure a self esteem booster.

        Good luck to you and never ever think your alone in this struggle. We have all been there and still go there from time to time, but at least we strive to make a change.

        Hugs to you,
        :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
        AF since 10/11/2008


          Trying to find something to believe in

          Hey WT,
          I know exactly what you mean about the blackouts. So many mornings I woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen and found that I'd wolfed down a 1/2 gallon of ice cream or some other unhealthy meal that I had prepared that I have zero recollection of. Once I woke up to my girlfriend asking if "I was mad last night" in response to a text that I had sent in my trance. Blackouts are BAD. If we keep having them its only a matter of time before something really horrible happens IMHO. Like going for a drive or swim. Hang in there. Try melatonin if you have trouble falling asleep without your wine. It really helped me I slept like a hibernating beer last night.

