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Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!

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    Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!

    Greetings, friends - I'm back with a new name ... didn't feel too successful with my last foray into MWO, though I did cut back on the wine a LOT. My grad school-induced austerity, especially in a holistic-oriented discipline has been helpful in skipping the wine section at the supermarket and 2 buck chuck at Trader Joes seemed to be burning a hole in my stomach.
    But I drove drunk last Monday after dinner with my visiting sister - NO EXCUSE to do so - she even had a 2nd bed in her hotel room. Four glasses of wine, over a 6 hour period ... felt okay. Didn't hurt myself, my car, run anyone over, didn't get pulled over or arrested (in my RED car with out-of-state plates!) ... and of course this makes me see that ... I have a PROBLEM! And God was good to me that time, but I have to be good to me after this. I WAS LUCKY, as I have been with the other times I've driven drunk, tipsy, or buzzed.
    I'm happy to be back - I've missed the camaraderie and a place to give/receive support!


    Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!


    :welcome: back. Hope you can be successful this time.

    We will do whatever we can to help.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!

      welcome back and everytime you slip you learn in some small way .. and get stronger ..
      keep it up we are here for you
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!

        Good to have you back, TG



          Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!


          Oh my, do I hear you and back again.

          I had started the MWO program in late April, was doing what I thought was a splendid job of moderating for about a month, and did almost EXACTLY what you are describing, had several glasses of wine throughout an afternoon, but I was not as lucky, and got my first/last/only DUI.

          I am learning VERY VERY hard lessons, please learn vicariously from my mistakes, I wish so badly that I could take back what I did that silly day in May. I am thankful each day that I didn't hurt anyone, but also wish that I could have learned my lessons some other way than by having to face the legal issues and shameful process that I am currently in.

          Kudos to you for coming back to MWO and avoiding further problems. Welcome back!!


            Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!

            Thank you all so MUCH -- I've felt so creeeped out and ashamed. Only my big sis knows and she feels awful too. What were we thinking? we asked ourselves when we talked the following day. "Oh, you seem fine," she said at the time (we're petite women and 3-4 is a lot for us). It took me 30 minutes to locate my car in the parking structure! I've been reminding myself that I could have killed or maimed someone and how much worse my shame would be if highway patrol had picked me up. Well, I'm not AF yet, but I did manage to have only ONE glass of wine at my in-laws the other night and nothing at a little party with friends. Anyway ... thanks again!



              Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!

              Hi TG,
              Welcome back.
              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
              AF since May 6, 2010


                Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!

                Good job..coming back


                  Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!

                  :goodjob: on coming back and starting again.

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    Returning member ... was damned lucky last week!

                    welcome tomgirl
                    Im new to the site and am on day 16 AF. Please dont drink and drive, you are to important to the world. We all make mistakes just be kind to yourself today is a new day!
                    God Bless

