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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning all

    Hope you wake bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. Tea was delivered to my bed at about 5.15 am ( OH has a bad back atm and I don't think he sleeps so well) so by 6am I was in the field mending the electric fence that had been broken by something running through it probably. One of three strands of wire, so nothing escaped!!

    Have walked the dogs and am now making a batch of nanafudgechoc muffins to take as my donation to a the hunt Puppy Show tea. It is quite a formal affair where we all dress up,the new hounds are brought out, paraded and judged by men in formal coats and bowler hats! Tea is taken afterwards. So very English!!

    Whatever you are doing today - hope you can keep it AF. I will be trying and do you know, I feel I will succeed. :goodjob:

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning Bessie and all to come!

    I am so happy! Apparently they installed wiresless up at the park this summer so I can check in daily!

    And I have made it to day 17. The first day at the cottage went without a hitch. I have AF beer with me so when we wen to the pool I took one of them - no one knew the difference or said a word (the people here drink quite a bit - they would comment - luckily they don't have to!)

    It is supposed to be rainy and miserable all week (which sucks) so I'm not sure what we are going to do. I told my daughter we may go shopping, there is a new outlet mall not far from here (and apparently COACH is having a 50% off sale and I've always wanted a coach purse - who knows, I just may treat myself! LOL)

    Hopefully it will clear up a bit so our whole vacation isn't stuck with rain.

    Anyway - hope everyone has a nice, relaxing, hangover free Sunday!

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT - Sunday

      Goood morning Bessie, Great job Uni, and happy Sunday for all to come! Today is sunny and warm in the Pacific northwest. My houseguests have gone the way of the Mohecans. And I'm inspired to spend the day writing, and practicing my Japanese. 日本語を読んで、書いて、練習ちていいでしょお。  Wow! I never knew the forum software could handle it. I have a skype tutor now for an hour a week. I tends to fry my brain, but I learn a lot. I need to finish making reservations for my planned trip to Japan in September. The doggios need a bath. Time for coffee for me. A short work week coming up. What could get better?


        ODAT - Sunday

        Greetings. Turning peaceful here (both in my environment and in my heart) which is a welcome change after the awful past ten days or so. Simply not drinking helps more than anything I can actively do at this point. I have a gathering tonight which traditionally involves lots of alcohol (cocktails with canap?s; wines with dinner; brandy or port?you know the drill). The last few times we have been together I have not joined in for drinks and aside from a curious eyebrow or two, it was uneventful. I just paid attention to the interesting people, enjoyed the food, and remembered to keep breathing.

        Boss, when I was a very little girl, I lived with seven Japanese people. Every once in a while a small phrase will come back to me like a cricket chirp. Very peculiar.

        Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          ODAT - Sunday

          Guten morgen ODATers.....Bossman you reminded me that I should be exercising my German-speak for my trip to Germany, also coming up in September. It is good for the brain to think in other languages, no? I remember in my Spanish class days, one professor told me that she knew she was fluent the first time she had a dream 100% in Spanish. Hasn't happened to me yet, PERO YO ESPERO!!!

          Uni, 17 days is great!!! Hope you are enjoying your rest too.

          Bessie, your tea and doggie event sounds lovely, hope it goes well.

          Ladybird, let them raise their eyebrows all the way to the hairline if necessary. You are a lady of dignity who needs to justify herself to NOBODY. I will be pulling for you here close by (also in the Mountain Time Zone)....remember that little trick we learned a while back of pressing your fingers together if the urge strikes in a social setting too?


            ODAT - Sunday

            Am watching Rain in My Heart on U tube. Inspirational (non) but certainly eye opening and hopefully leading to a bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning. It is danger time (5pm - the pub opens here) and I am struggling. Need to just get past these next two hours or so and all will be ok.
            :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


              ODAT - Sunday


              I say DEFINATELY treat yourself to a coach purse. You deserve that and more. And just think, the booze money you have saved, will more than cover the purse cost.


                ODAT - Sunday

                (Hi all -- I posted this on the Shout Out Sunday thread, but maybe it belongs here.)

                "I plan to get back to my AF Monday routine tomorrow (3 of the last 4) and had a few more AF days last week. It felt good! So I am jumping back on tomorrow. Maybe this doesn't belong on the Shout Out Sunday thread, but if I state my intentions, I am more likely to stick to them. Every little bit helps, I guess."

                Uni, I have a Coach purse that I am thinking of selling. I love it but I need the $$$. It's big. Let me know if you are interested. It's not even 2 years old and in excellent shape.

                Scrubbly, it is excellent brain food to think in other languages. (I am a language teacher.) And your Spanish teacher was somewhat right about dreaming in another "tongue" -- it doesn't necessarily mean you are fluent (which is a nebulous term, anyway) but it means you have turned a corner in your language acquisition, because it has become unconscious. I majored in Russian in college, and I remember the first time I dreamt in Russian. I remember the dream like it was yesterday, and it was over 20 years ago.

                Bossman, good on you for learning Japanese -- very difficult. I tried to learn Chinese a few years ago, before I taught in China for a summer, by listening to tapes in my car -- uh, didn't cut it. BTW, I can type in Russian on here too. Tedious but fun.

                OK I'll quit being the language geek now. Happy Sunday everyone.

