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30 Days AF - Anyone

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    30 Days AF - Anyone

    Ok today is June 28th and i am planning to do 30 days AF. I will start of today with my AA breakfast meeting (which i like) its very social and they feed you and then i will get my kids until wednesday. Wednesday night and Thursday night will be a challenge. Friday through wednesday i get my kids back so i will not have a problem with those days again but then again i will sturggle when i am left on my own. i know this but i have made this resolution to myself to stop. I would love it if anybody wants to join me.

    30 Days AF - Anyone

    Hi Cacky - I am currently working day by day and have managed to string together 17 days! Can't even believe it - I for sure would love to get to 30 and would love some company as well. I'm in for sure - you have my support!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      30 Days AF - Anyone

      Thanks Cacky for starting the 30 days. I am going to try and do this with you. Today is day 2 for me.


        30 Days AF - Anyone

        I am desperate to get in 30 days AF. I feel like finally I'm ready to give it my all instead of all my many many feeble attempts in the past.

        I'm with you, I'm ready to give it the good fight.
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          30 Days AF - Anyone

          always here if your need someone to lean on cacky .. you can do this .. stay strong and keep thinking positive
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            30 Days AF - Anyone

            I am on day 3 now.


              30 Days AF - Anyone

              I'm on day 3, too.

              Right there with you guys!!

              AF April 9, 2016


                30 Days AF - Anyone

                Day 13 for me! Count me in!
                'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope


                  30 Days AF - Anyone

                  Day 4!


                    30 Days AF - Anyone

                    On day 4 today and feeling positively wonderful.

                    How is everyone else doing today?

                    Log in and ask for help if you need it. That's why we are all here. To support each other through the rough times.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      30 Days AF - Anyone

                      Thanks for the invite Cindi. I am on Day 4 also. When I first started using the MYO tools I put together 20 alcohol free days which was astonishing as I had been a daily drinker for many, many years. I have since only had three or four at a time. I would like to join in on this. I have never ?signed on? with a thirty-day thread until this past Saturday at which point the thread promptly died. If I kill this one I am really going to feel lousy. Thank you and I look forward to all of us finding our ways out. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        30 Days AF - Anyone

                        Many hours later, I guess I killed the thread, deeply sorry. LBH
                        may we be well


                          30 Days AF - Anyone

                          You are no thread killer Ladybird!!! I will do 30 with you!! Onward and upward we go!


                            30 Days AF - Anyone

                            I am there Cacky. I have made it my goal to make it through July despite bbq's and family visits next week (we are all drinkers). I am not going to make any announcements to them just quietly do my own thing-- not drink. Think I need to stock some fake beers in my fridge.


                              30 Days AF - Anyone

                              Can I join in please I am back on day 1 A/F after completing 30 days then I tried to mod. but I found myself going back to my old self again so I have decided to give up the grog for good
                              So day 1 A/F it is for me
                              :dancin: enguin:
                              starting over

