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vacation Help!

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    vacation Help!

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm brand new and Im going on vacation next week to hubbys fam reunion. only about half of them are actually drinkers. My husband drinks (not much though just a glass of wine here or there) but in the past I usually would drink with certain family members. Im thinking of telling them Im taking medication and cant drink because I dont want them to feel bad or try to pressure me into drinking.
    Im trying to make my 30 days. this would be a really BIG accomplishment for me. I hope I will be able to get intenet access but Im not sure. I know I am not a moderator Im afraid if I start up I will be back to square one.
    Any helpful advice?


    vacation Help!

    The "medication" excuse is a good one since nobody will judge it at all and they will expect you to abstain after you say it out loud, so it really does double duty, it gets them off your backs and it keeps you more honest than if you don't say anything or just say you're cutting back or something. Good luck and do some good relaxing stuff for YOU while you are away!!!


      vacation Help!

      Hi sparrow,

      Tell people anything you are comfortable telling's really none of their business anyway, is it? Stay true to yourself, don't use a vacation or reunion as an excuse to mess up your quit. I just went away for 5 days myself and was around people drinking, no one noticed or seemed to care that I only drank iced tea.
      It's your quit, stick with it, you won't be sorry
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        vacation Help!

        dont drink be yourself and enjoy what you will be doing and by not drinking you will really remember everything you have done rather then just looking at picture and asking yourself wtf and why did i do that ..
        have a great time and we will be right here for you when you get back ..
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          vacation Help!

          Sparrow, i think the medication excuse is good. even anti deppressant meds you arent supposed to drink.

          does your hubby know that you are trying to quit? can he be your support system? Lemon water is what ive been reading helps.

          Try to get online if you can. We would like to hear how you're doing. Maybe find a library that you can log into. We will be here for you. I just started my 30 days myself and am looking forward to it. hopefully you can tell me how it feels at 30 days when you make 30.


            vacation Help!

            Hi Sparrow,
            Good for you for planning ahead for this event. I agree with everything everyone else has said. It's true that if you say it out loud, it has to be a fact. Also, no one notices - most people are mostly interested in themselves.
            I've been saying that my stomach is upset and I'm taking it easy for now, so that's why I'm not drinking. Last 2 dinners out with friends, the only person who noticed was my Egyptian friend who doesn't drink.
            Hope it goes well,
            Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
            AF since May 6, 2010


              vacation Help!

              Hi sparrow.
              The meds excuse is a good one. I used to say I was driving.
              If anybody asks me now though I tell them I'm trying to get healthy and that I've stopped drinking as part my new lifestyle. All true and perfectly reasonable. I get the odd funny look but that's only because most people know me as a heavy drinker who wouldn't (and couldn't) ever say no. Well now I can, so I do.
              Enjoy your vacation


                vacation Help!

                thanks so much for all of your encouragement. This is making all the difference for me!!



                  vacation Help!

                  Nice to meet you, Sparrow. Use whatever excuse works for your situation. Taking meds is a good one. (Be sure to be able to answer well-meaning questions like, "what are you taking medication for?", etc.)

                  Popeye, I'm also using the "health" thing (which really is the truth!)... I didn't want anyone to know how bad I'd really gotten.

                  Sparrow, best wishes for your 30 days .. Go for it!
                  AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

